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Bahnarli's Guide to Parkour on Minr


Active Player
May 18, 2020
The target audience of the first half of this post is players who are newer to parkour, generally Blues or new Greenies who haven't learned much about strategies or anything yet, but also some greenies who may have never looked too much at how parkour mechanics work, or want better understanding.

This may get lost in the ether, but I've wanted to try my hand at explaining parkour to newer players for a long time. I think /training does a very good job, but I tend to think minecraft itself is not the best medium for text based resources or for explaining things.

I apologize beforehand to all of the parkourists who understand minecraft physics at a deeper level than me, I'm sure I've butchered some concepts, but I hope I have the gist of everything here correct, and I'm happy to edit anything if I explained anything incorrectly.

A Sprint Key:
It is highly recommended that players eventually transition over from double tapping forwards to sprint to using a sprint key. There are 3 main reasons for this. First, based on minecraft physics, you will generally go farther the longer you run on a block, and taking 2 taps forward to start sprinting will mean that you start that run later. Second, many jumps have you wanting to go to the edge of blocks and already be sprinting, which gets weird with double tap. Third, most good parkourists use a sprint key, so most strategies expect you to use a sprint key and won't work for you if you don't.

The building blocks:


Minecraft runs on an unusual updating system, namely, minecraft looks like its 60fps, but it actually only really updates movement based things at 20 fps, or 20 game "ticks" per second. 20 ticks per second means that minecraft updates your movement every 0.05 seconds, every 50 milliseconds. When someone says run for 2 "ticks", they're referring to this, and mean to run for as near to .1 seconds as possible, so that minecraft updates your movement twice in that time. Minecraft will round your inputs, so that .08 or .12 seconds of input will usually, but not always, be rounded to .1 seconds (sometimes it gets rounded to .05 or .15 seconds, depending on how close your original input was to .1 seconds, it does this probabilistically)

Jamming means pressing jump and forward at the same time (rounded to the nearest game tick). You could also call this "0 tick", since you press run and jump 0 ticks apart.
Full sprint jam is a modification of this, meaning to jump and go forwards at the same time, but making sure you're in sprinting mode the whole time.

Inventory Jam / Escape Jam
Since about 1.16, as it turns out, there's an interesting kind of "glitch" in minecraft. It turns out if you're playing minecraft not on a mac, and you open your escape menu or inventory menu, you can hold down keys, and when you close the menu with those keys held, those keys will start pressing at the exact same time (same game tick), every single time. This means that any jump that just requires you to do a jam timing can be performed every time, and means that players will often attempt to find strategies for jumps that only require a jam timing, so that it will work every single time.

HH/Headhitter Timing
This is also referred to as 1 tick, for exactly the reasons you'd expect, it means running for 1 gametick before you jump. This timing happens to be important for a lot of jumps.

FMM/Force Momentum
This is a strategy to easily get a lot of momentum when you only have a single block of momentum to do a jump (and no blocks above you). To describe it verbally, you want to start on the very back edge of the block of momentum you have. You then jam forwards (run and jump at the same time) WITHOUT sprinting. Then, as soon as you get midair, you want to start sprinting, while still holding forwards and jump the whole time. You will hit the ground again on the very edge of the block, then do a long jump off the block and go pretty far (you're still holding sprint, forward, and jump throughout the start of this second jump).

The earlier you start sprinting after you're midair the farther you will go (with this strategy at least, there is a more advanced strategy called c4.5 that has you sprint later), but you need to make sure you don't start sprinting so early that minecraft registers you as sprinting at the same time you jumped and ran. Usually this strategy is lenient enough that you have a wide range here, something like sprinting anywhere between 1-2 gameticks after you jumped and you'll be fine to hit a 4 block jump.

Note here, that all this jump requires is a jam timing, and then pressing sprint a lenient amount of time after that. This can be combined with inventory jam to effectively guarantee you can hit a 4 block jump every time you do it.

For someone to whom the previous terms were unfamiliar, I would stop here and try to digest what is said above. In particular, try to see if you can get down how to hit a 4 block jump with 1 block of momentum with high consistency before proceeding (using force momentum and maybe inventory/escape jam).

Intermediate Info


In minecraft, moving forwards for the same amount of gameticks will always move you forwards the same amount. Parkourists take advantage of this to help explain jumps/strategies to each other. In particular, if you just tap your keyboard for the minimum amount of time for minecraft to register your movement, you will always go one "tap" forwards. So one shifted tap (abbreviated 1 st) means that while shifting, you just tap forwards for the smallest time possible, while an unshifted tap (abbreviated 1 ut or ust depending on who you talk to) means doing a tap while not shifted, pretty simple.

Note that it is really easy to accidentally move too far when first learning this, and not do a proper "tap". Make sure to watch yourself, these mistakes will look noticeably different if you're paying attention to yourself while doing the tap.

As an example of how understanding this might be useful, the best strategy to go as far as possible while you only have 1 block of momentum and no sprint, is to go to the back of the block, do 1ut, 1st, then jam and hold, aka do a single unshifted tap followed by a single shifted tap, and then jam and hold. Doing this you can hit a dreaded no sprint 3-1 with no issues.

You can also do a "2 tick tap", which just means moving forwards for 2 gameticks, this will also always be the same distance, and there may be edge cases where you want to get a weird amount of distance, and so will run for a different amount of time than a normal tap to set up a jump.

Common Parkour Shorthand:
There's a lot of important factors that play into how to describe a jump, so parkourists have developed a lot of shorthand to explain these things quickly to each other.
If I said to someone "I'm trying to do a backwalled 2bmm 3+1x2 with 2.5bc the whole way", each of these terms is telling the other person something important that changes how to approach the jump. (This is the least silly example I could come up with to include all of these things, it's not great though)

Backwalled - this is self explanatory, it means that there is a wall at your back, so you have less than a full block of run up room on the farthest back block
2bmm - this means 2 blocks of momentum, so we have 2 blocks to run on, although the back one has a wall behind you so you can't run that whole block
3 - this is describing how far away the jump is from you, a 3 block jump here means that there are 3 blocks of air between the block you jump from and the block you're going to
+1 - this means that you go up one block on this jump
x2 - this counts how many blocks to the side you have to go. note that the standard here is that if the block was only 1 over, it would count as x0, since you could stand on the edge of the block you started from and treat it like it wasn't over any at all. So x2 means it would be like a 2 block jump from if it had no sideways movement. So a 3x3 jump is one that is completely diagonal.
2.5bc the whole way - this means there's a 2.5 block ceiling above you. A shorter ceiling means you don't jump as far per jump if you hit it, although you get some momentum from hitting your head, especially with a 2bc

Double Neos/Ne-ups
If you've made it this far, you probably know what a double neo/ne-up is, if not how to do it. If not, idk ask somebody, I don't feel like linking a picture of it. Now that you know all this terminology, it turns out a double neo or neup (they can be done with the same strategy) actually isn't that hard.

You start by going to the front corner of the block (whichever side of the block you want to go around). Then you do 3 shifted taps backwards while facing forwards, aim about 2-5 degrees outwards from the wall (a small amount essentially, you don't actually have to open your coordinate menu, you will get a feel for it with practice), and then simply do a hh timing with full sprint, and turn inwards towards where you want to land once you're midair.

Pessi is used to mean two different things, the first is a timing, the second is the most common application of that timing.
The first meaning is pessi as a "negative" tick timing. We call hh timing 1tick, and we mean pressing jump 1 tick after running. Pessi is the opposite, so -1t pessi means pressing run 1 tick AFTER jumping. Pessi is used as a blanket term for all "negative" tick timings, so usually we specifiy how many negative ticks as well.

You may be asking, when would I want to jump before I start running?

The second usage of pessi refers to the most common usage of pessi timing. It turns out that if you have a 2 block ceiling above your head, minecraft puts a cooldown on how often you can jump, and this cooldown is always the same amount of time. Parkourists take advantage of this to make sure you jump at the exact time you want.

If you have exactly 1 block of momentum to do a jump (or line up your coordinates like its 1 block), but you have a 2 block ceiling above your head, you can do pessi. The way it works is that you start from the back edge of the block, make sure you're sprinting, and then jump and HOLD jump throughout, and then 1-3 gameticks later, you start running. This is a very lenient timing, and because of some minecraft physics magic, you will always pop out of the gap and not hit your head when you do this, which is much more lenient than having to exactly hit a hh timing out of a gap. It means many jumps that you normally might try to do with a headhitter timing, or running it just to feel it out, can be made much more lenient and consistent, once you get used to pessi timing.

No sprint pessi
A special offshoot if you have a normal pessi setup (1bmm, 2bc), but you need to do less than a 3 block jump. It turns out if you just go to the back edge (or do 1 st forward for the longest no sprint jumps), you can just jam and hold forwards and jump with NO sprint, and you will always pop out of the gap and hit the jump, not hit your head. Note that this is another case where the entire strategy just requires a jam timing, so you can combine this with inventory jam (if you're not a mac user) and guarantee it.

That's it!
If you've made it this far through this guide, thanks for reading! That's all the knowledge I'm here to impart today. If you want to learn more advanced strategies, consider going to /training and testing those things. You don't need anything more complicated than what I put here to beat every map on minr, but if you want to learn more advanced strategies, I would suggest looking at things like c4.5 (carpet 4.5), sidestep, or bwmm (backwards momentum). I am not the right resource for that, ask somebody better than me lol.

Some random best practices for common momentum setups
I will edit this if anyone has others to suggest or if people have superior strategies

3 blocks of momentum
- Run for 2 ticks, then jump and hold jump, or run for 1 tick, jump, then run for 1 tick on landing
2 blocks of momentum - go to one of the corners, jam, but aim diagonally so that you land in the middle of the block for your second jump, then turn straight
3x3 - go to back corner, 3 ut, fmm
Running 1bmm - sometimes you need to run 1bmm, headroom is wacky or something, in this case, i do 2 ut, then run it (I think it's 7 ticks of running)
There's a ladder on the front or back of 1bmm - 1ut is a little more but works fine, 3st is a little more precise to be like a full block

1bmm 2bc the whole way (aka a head bonk) - you can shift to the front and either do a full sprint jam or a sprint hh, this is a very easy jump
1bmm 2.5bc - hh time double jump starting from the back
1bmm 3bc - 1ut, 1st, fmm

1bmm backwalled - the best strategy is to do 3st and then run 5t, but 1st 5t run is faster to setup and nearly as good

No Sprint
- back edge, 1st 1ut jam and hold
2x2/diagonal jump - back corner, 4 ut jam and hold
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Active Player
May 18, 2020
Can we put a strat spread sheet here?
Feel free to, I don't want to get too crazy, I know pkc people have a spreadsheet for every possible jump, and I just wanted to hit the common ones on minr, but yeah go for it.


Oct 19, 2021
Feel free to, I don't want to get too crazy, I know pkc people have a spreadsheet for every possible jump, and I just wanted to hit the common ones on minr, but yeah go for it.
Me and dzdx were thinking having a public spread sheet where it has all the black and red maps and if you find an interring strat then you can add it on there


Active Player
May 18, 2020
Me and dzdx were thinking having a public spread sheet where it has all the black and red maps and if you find an interring strat then you can add it on there
That sounds awesome, if you guys end up doing that I'd love to link it in the post, especially if my guide ends up being a resource anyone ends up using


Dec 21, 2020
Oh I never knew pessi wasn't just the normal 2 block ceiling thing, that explanation makes a lot of sense

Good post


Redstone Resolve.
Nov 22, 2021
Also note that since the number of situations in which sprint is possible but a no-sprint jam is wanted are relatively low (fmm, c4.5, maybe a few other things), generally if somebody says 'jam' they will usually mean sprint jam unless they say 'no-sprint jam', or if sprint is not possible then just 'jam' should be unambiguous.


Oh good lawd he boggled
May 12, 2022
You can do 2st 2t on 3bmm, and I would maybe also add 3st 5t for a backwalled 1bmm, as that seems to be an incredibly common timing.

Very nice guide though, hoping this can help newer players to parkour learn not just the lingo but also the funny strats :)