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Minr Mafia XXXIV: Homesick

  • Thread starter Deleted member 4181
  • Start date
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Deleted member 4181

You are sitting in a theatre showing room, surrounded by others who are as excited as you are to see the upcoming film. Your ears are filled with their whispers but despite this, all you can think about is the film the Theatre Club worked so hard on. As if timed to your growing impatience, the lights dim to darkness and the projector cuts on behind you with a loud mechanical breath. White light pours from it as it illuminates the large cloth screen before you all. The attention shifts, and chattering fades to quiet. Everyone is engaged, and as the title fades into view, clapping erupts in the room before fading into quiet again.

The Theatre Club

Minr Mafia XXXIV: Homesick

Silver_Shock and I are very excited to be hosting this new round of mafia! Players will be taking on the roles of actors in a student horror film. (The premise is loosely based on an arc from the TV series Hyouka, but you do not have to have seen or read it to understand the story.) Read on below to find out more about the game setup and how to sign up!

Note: This game will contain some mild horror elements, but it won't be much darker than a typical mafia game. It'll be more on the side of spooky atmosphere than shocking or graphic scenes.


  1. Please plan to be somewhat active! As it's a longer game, we don't expect players to be participating 24/7, but we request that players at least try to keep up with the most important points of what's happening, and perform role actions. Failure to send any messages for more than 3 (real) days may result in removal from the game.
  2. Players may talk in game DMs, but should make a group DM with both co-hosts. DMs may only be used during day phases, not at night.
  3. Dead people may not talk to living players in the server or in DMs, unless otherwise stated.
  4. Players should refrain from discussing details of the game outside of the game server or DMs.
  5. You may not reveal the exact text used in any of the role info.
  6. No metagaming.
  7. Please follow all Minr Discord rules in this server and related DMs, in and out of game.

Gameplay Information:

  • All players will have 2 HP by default. Certain actions will instantly kill a player, such as a general attack by the mafia, or being voted out in a lynch vote. However, other actions may only take 1 HP.
  • Players can be temporarily affected with "Fear" which makes them unable to be healed.
  • The game will be split into day and night phases. During the day, players may talk in the server or in DMs. Phase length is not certain yet, but will likely be 24 hours (48 for a whole cycle).
  • Most players will only have night actions. Night actions target a certain player and room, rather than targetting the player. (For example, one might act by saying "I target Player X in their room.") Players may specify another room if they think they have an idea of who their target is visiting that night, but the action will fail if the player is not present in the room they choose for at least part of the night! Players whose roles don't visit their target are considered to be in the lobby when acting.
  • Players may act once per night, and for the rest of the night are considered to be in their own room. However, once per game, each player may choose to act twice, leaving their room for the entire phase. This causes them to stay up all night, dropping their HP by 1 and inflicting the Fear effect for the next cycle.
  • During the day phase, players will vote for one person to lynch. If there is no majority, a lynch will not happen for the day.
  • Certain events will happen over the course of the game, which may temporarily change aspects of gameplay or cause effects on players.
  • The two main factions will be Good and Evil, but there may be other alignments.

Signing Up:

If you want to participate, you can sign up by replying to the thread below, or by posting in the #sign-up channel in the Discord server. Signups will be open until Wednesday of next week at midnight in my timezone, give or take a few hours for last minute interest. There won't be a cap on participants unless it looks like the game is going to be much bigger than expected, in which case I'll try to post a few days ahead of time about the cap and open a waiting list.

The game will take place on the Discord server, so please join that if you want to participate! You are welcome to join and spectate even if you don't want to play. Spectators will have their own channel to discuss the game. Feel free to ask either one of the hosts if you have any questions or concerns, or want clarification on anything!

Server Link: https://discord.gg/cN7muJfF3J
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