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7 Days of Dreaming

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May 13, 2015
Several issues with this map:

This could be exclusive the the test server, but at the end of every single dream, you're supposed to be teleported to -1454 70 1898, but because that exact destination means teleporting inside a carpet, you just end up clipping through the floor and landing on floor 1, skipping the text scripts in there and not having your effects cleared. The places that warp to this spot are at -1625 56 1534 (N1), -1647 221 1880 (N2), -1296 114 1655 (N3), -2298 129 1400 (N4), -4330 120 831 (N5), and -1631 64 1503 (N6), and all of their destinations need to be 0.5 blocks higher.

At -1454 74 1940, you can jump out of a 1.5-block-tall gap to skip all of the parkour in the room.

Going through the iron trapdoor at -1209 74 2081 from below is now nearly impossible because trapdoors now force players into a crawling position if they clip into them. A wooden button needs to be used there instead.

For some reason, the room at -2314 83 1372 is now extremely dark. This could just be me, or it might be because stairs now completely block light, but right now this is what the room looks like, even with max brightness:

So it's gonna need some more light added to it, because I can barely even see the parkour.

There's one warp that outright ejects you from the map. The sign at -1514 30 1466 is supposed to teleport you to -2385 114 1346, but instead you clip through the floor, because of the carpet. This also needs to be raised by about a half block.
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Active Player
Nov 18, 2018
For the light issue, I think it concerns more maps, as brightness in general seems lower in 1.14


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Lighting was recalculated globally, so any maps that had phantom lights (when world edit didn't update lighting) should now be gone.


Actually not that lucky
Sep 28, 2014
I have added a lava spiral/fountain/whatever as seen below. This adds direct lighting to the room.
Gameplay wise, this spiral adds the possibility to fall in the lava in this building (unlikely to happen, however). Furthermore, the parkour near the end has been made slightly easier due to the blockade the spiral would form. Redstone torches have been removed from the room since they deem unnecessary.

To my knowledge it is impossible to use the structure to skip to any other jumps and thus the map is now fully prepared for 1.14.

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