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A Toilet Tour of Minr 2022 (With Rankings and Awards!)


Nightmare Connoisseur
Jul 20, 2020
Seasons greetings, Minrs! I welcome you all to the first inaugural Toilet Tour event, a joyous occasion to celebrate the year's innovations in toilet technology within Minr maps.

Why toilets?

For one, I love to celebrate the little things, the attention to small, everyday details that we tend to take for granted, be it the careful consideration of drainage in city planning or the utilities one might expect to find in a restroom. Elevated immersion makes my heart happy, no matter how seemingly irrelevant to the core experience.

For two, public accessibility of toilets is something I happen to be unironically passionate about, for concern of the unhoused and their dignity—and because my bowels are most uncooperative and my bladder exceptionally small (Happy Oversharing Day to those who celebrate!), so I have a heightened awareness and familiarity with restroom accommodations.

For both of these reasons, I want to promote awareness of the maps whose creators—for whatever reason—also had toilets on the brain and opted to add them to their maps. May all of you be inspired to follow in their mindful footsteps going into 2023!

In alphabetical order, I'll be rating all of the toilets found in maps from 2022 by the following criteria:
  • Interactivity: Can you interact with the toilet? Its immediate surroundings? Are there moving pieces?
  • Graphics: How evident is it that the toilet is indeed a toilet? Has it been detailed sensibly?
  • Integration: Does it make sense for the toilet to be placed where it is, and is it somehow integrated sensibly into the experience?
  • Surroundings: Is the toilet surrounded by the supplementary accoutrement one would expect, typically of a bathroom setting?
And here we go (to the bathrooms)!

The Axiom toilet contains one of the best secrets on all of Minr. It's surrounded by blood (an A+ evocative detail that suits the tormented environment [Spoilers]), and it trolls the player in the absolute best way possible. This is truly one of the most iconic toilets on all of Minr, and you must experience it for yourself to truly appreciate it.
  • Interactivity: 8/10
    • Among the very most interactive toilets on Minr of all time, with the ability to manipulate the lever and lid (plus a wonderful secret)
  • Graphics: 3/10
  • Integration: 9/10
    • Without spoiling, this follows a particularly devilish trend in Minr maze maps that makes its placement and function a major standout
  • Surroundings: 5/10
AWARD: The Most Thrilling Toilet of 2022

In a map absolutely flush with obsessively detailed bedrooms, plant life, and architecture, both of its bathrooms are also astoundingly satisfying in their actualization. These are bathrooms I would be satisfied to spend an afternoon in—bonus points for being on opposite ends of the spectrum among realistic and absurd.
  • Interactivity: 2/10
    • Unfortunately, the lever is not able to be toggled, nor is there a door or barrier for privacy
  • Graphics: 5/10
  • Integration: 3/10
  • Surroundings: 10/10
    • With wall art, dimensionality, toilet paper, and a very convincing shower unit, this is resoundingly a restroom
AWARD: The Most Realistic Bathroom Accommodations of 2022

Avantgarde's second toilet is nothing short of fantastic in both senses of the word; imagine if The Little Mermaid were able to design her own bathroom, and you might find yourself showering among the fishes in a decidedly un-hygienic water closet. It's as brilliant as it is ridiculous, with A+ signage framing the unique experience.
  • Interactivity: 3/10
  • Graphics: 8/10
    • While there's not a literal "toilet" per se, the reimagining of the toilet space is nevertheless a wonderful sight to behold and celebrate
  • Integration: 5/10
    • This one is located more along the path and is quite well-suited among the other absurd elements you encounter in this housing section
  • Surroundings: 7/10
AWARD: The Most Absurd Bathroom of 2022

Black Blizzard
Fun toilet fact: Black Blizzard features the most toilets by volume of any map of 2022, with one for each of several (8-ish?) prison cells! While featuring a familiar, simpler design with the cauldron and trap door look, we do see a departure from the typical iron trap door with a spruce top and a thematically fitting blue lamp illuminating the very cursed spaces. Bonus points for (ostensibly) integrating into the gameplay!
  • Interactivity: 5/10
    • Though the elements are technically "no-interact," the lid nevertheless provides a satisfying quick flapping motion as it snaps back to place
  • Graphics: 4/10
  • Integration: 7/10
    • Do you use the toilets for this parkour maze? Who knows! That's half the fun.
  • Surroundings: 4/10

AWARD: The Most Forgotten Toilet(s) of 2022


Bowser’s Airship
Oh my, these are my toilets! It would be wrong to rate my own children, so I've called in a fellow toilet connoisseur to help rate these two for me. Introducing: Pipanplum! I've provided for them the context that these toilets advance the gameplay in a unique way, using some clever scripting logic (all credit to the AK!) also found in another map on the 2022 toilet list. SPOILERS!
  • Interactivity: 7/10 (5 for lever + trap, 2 for sounds)
  • Graphics: 3/10 (cauldron)
  • Integration: 8/10
  • Surroundings: 8/10

AWARD: The Most Flushable Toilet of 2022

The second toilet of the map functions the same as the first, but is has the added bonus of being EXTRA degrading. This is truly one of the toilets of all time on Minr.
  • Interactivity: 10/10 (the whole shebang!)
  • Graphics: 3/10 (cauldron)
  • Integration: 10/10 (THE NEXT AREA!??)
  • Surroundings: 5/10

AWARD: The Most Degrading Toilet of 2022

The Beep Factory
A more classic "hole in the floor" design, what makes this toilet exceptional is the surveillance camera and sign indicating you’re being watched. This makes it very thoughtfully integrated into the theme of the map (and the competition that spawned it), a suitably unsettling addition to the exceptionally satisfying bonus experience of an already excellent map.
  • Interactivity: 3/10
    • While there's no button or lever, credit is due for the bathroom door being closeable
  • Graphics: 3/10
  • Integration: 7/10
    • This is a pleasant surprise among the route to the moderators, and very much suits the implication that the moderators would be under heavier scrutiny from their orange superiors
  • Surroundings: 4/10
AWARD: The Creepiest Toilet of 2022

On first sweep, I'd missed this toilet until it was pointed out to me by a fellow toilet hunter and researcher (thank you, NoSi!). The build style of gemuse is such that elements of the real world are seamlessly integrated into abstract elements that utilize blocks and assets that are never-before-seen and mashed up in a beautiful dance of art and function. In other words: this toilet and its surroundings are art and fart.
  • Interactivity: 2/10
  • Graphics: 4/10
    • The classic cauldron and iron trap door design gets a bonus point for the use of a more modern button in place of the traditional lever
  • Integration: 9/10
  • Surroundings: 5/10
    • While not traditionally evocative of a bathroom, the "dividing wall" of ice and the shelf plus the vine pathways in and out and the luxurious flooring all feel ultra modern and eccentric
AWARD: The Most Abstract Toilet of 2022

In a map with hidden details around every corner, one is pleasantly surprised to find that there is at least a single toilet for the (nevertheless alleged) residents of Innsmouth. Sadly, they can ill-afford privacy in this cursed township, and the bathroom door remains stuck open. This is a peeping cultists' dream come true.
  • Interactivity: 3/10
    • Unlike other toilets without moving pieces, this one is at least able to be climbed in due to the lid being stuck open
  • Graphics: 3/10
  • Integration: 8/10
    • As is the case with much of this map, this water closet is a very easily overlooked room where one might reasonably expect to find a secret (finding a restroom is its own reward imo)
  • Surroundings: 2/10

AWARD: The Rarest Toilet of 2022

The Refinery
By my count, this is the 2nd map on all of Minr to make use of portable toilets (the 1st being Construction); unlike its predecessor, there is an immersive element by way of a line of workers awaiting their turn to use the singular accommodation. Their anxious dialogue gives this experience the added push it needs to make this moment worthy of a porcelain throne.
  • Interactivity: 8/10
    • While the toilet itself isn't accessible, the interactivity with those awaiting to use it counts for quite a lot here
  • Graphics: 3/10
  • Integration: 6/10
  • Surroundings: 7/10
    • This portable toilet is generously located near (but not too near) a food vendor on the adjacent side of the platform
AWARD: The Most Desirable Toilet of 2022

Spawn (Frozen, Colorized, 2022)
Among 2022's many, fantastic toilets, the porcelain gods have blessed us with what will surely be the most widely recognized toilet of the year by virtue of being found in Spawn. What better position to idle and be screenshotted than within the server's only toilet that is also occupied by a busy bee?
  • Interactivity: 10/10
    • This restroom area functions as a double trap; the doors to the toilet are 1-way, and you can trap yourself inside the toilet itself, multiplying the interactivity as newcomers are all the more likely to ask for staff assistance to un-stick them from the toilet (bees in the) trap
  • Graphics: 4/10
  • Integration: 8/10
  • Surroundings: 5/10
    • Fabulously, the accommodations are well-labeled on the outside, even if the bathroom area itself is fairly bare
AWARD: The Most Accessible Toilet of 2022


Train Traffic
While acknowledging my bias (an interactive armor stand of me is located very near these restrooms), these toilet spaces would surely be considered among the server's very best by any discerning toilet fan. There are two fully realized public restrooms for the price of one that are both entirely interactive! What's not to love?
  • Interactivity: 10/10
  • Graphics: 8/10
    • The toilets themselves aren't necessarily the standouts, but they fit beautifully into their spaces, and I can't think of another map that also smartly mixes in urinals
  • Integration: 10/10
    • This map rewards you for interacting with its inhabitants, incentivizing a thorough clickthrough of every bathroom user as soon as you begin your journey
  • Surroundings: 8/10
AWARD: The Best Public Toilets of 2022

Trick or Treat
Witnessing great interior designs are one of my many delights when playing on Minr, and the best are chocolate covered cherries on top of already delicious double chocolate cakes. Trick or Treat goes the extra mile again and again by giving you the impression of truly lived-in houses that you can (with a few exceptions) only witness through the windows and momentarily open doorways. The map's first toilet is truly a spectacle to behold...
  • Interactivity: 7/10
  • Graphics: 5/10
  • Integration: 10/10
    • This toilet is integrated into the gameplay with an extremely clever, never-before-seen visual trick (spoiler-free screenshot below)
  • Surroundings: 10/10
    • Major props to the creators for including a water basin for sanitation considerations, but the biggest achievement here is the server's absolute best mirror period
AWARD: The Spookiest Toilet of 2022


Among the windowed sights: a bonus bathroom!
  • Interactivity: 1/10
    • Unfortunately, this toilet is not accessible, but it gets at least one point for partial f5-ability for the ultra-curious
  • Graphics: 3/10
  • Integration: 9/10
  • Surroundings: 8/10
    • Nevertheless, from what is visible, this is a fabulously designed bathroom space for what is an easily overlooked second floor feature
AWARD: The Most Curious Toilet of 2022

The third toilet (by my count) of Trick or Treat contains a titular treat—in my opinion—by having a rarely seen twist on the moment: placing an armor stand player-character in the toilet in a way that is equal parts inviting and bewildering but very Minr-appropriate. What's a party without at least one person making a mess of the bathroom?
  • Interactivity: 2/10
  • Graphics: 4/10
    • A bonus point for adding to the new classic cauldron & trap door design by placing a person in the toilet, a quintessential Minr experience
  • Integration: 10/10
    • For me, thoughtfully rounding out the party space with a restroom and sprinkling a bonus Minr player into the miniature search experience is an A+ integration
  • Surroundings: 9/10
AWARD: The Most Occupied Toilet of 2022

Zhar gets massive credit in my book for including a bathroom in his truly wonderful house maze; while it may seem obvious to make this inclusion in a large multi-floored home, not every builder has dedicated space to restroom accommodations in their builds—and Zhar does so with flying colors.
  • Interactivity: 5/10
    • Though the toilet seat isn't flappable, it's quite satisfying to hit the flush button and watch the wavering of the banner towels
  • Graphics: 10/10
    • For me, these are the best toilet graphics of 2022, evoking a subtle and sensible curvature atop the toilet with pressure plate on top and capturing the shape and essence of a toilet best of all
  • Integration: 7/10
  • Surroundings: 8/10
AWARD: The Most Satisfying Toilet of 2022

Every room in Zeitpfalz is satisfying to uncover, and the map's sole bathroom is no exception. The realistic design is a great touch for the contemporary build, and the black to match the prevalent stone of the valley is a great creative touch that eschews typical toilet color norms. Kudos for the infrequently seen toilet paper roll and for making this room an essential part of the gameplay.
  • Interactivity: 4/10
    • The toilet itself isn't interactable, but there is an interactable element in the space that gives this room a satisfying to-do
  • Graphics: 8/10
    • Like Windswept, the toilet design is very evocative of its real-world counterpart with an added creative color touch
  • Integration: 10/10
  • Surroundings: 5/10
AWARD: The Most Remote Toilet of 2022

Did I overlook a 2022 toilet? My sincerest apologies! This was ultimately for fun and has no bearing on anything, though I do hope you'll join me in my appreciation of the little—and often overlooked—details that builders labor to include in their maps.

What was your favorite toilet of 2022?


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Nightmare Connoisseur
Jul 20, 2020
There are also several toilets in Black Blizzard :)
Indeed there are! I finally played through the map today, and my review/guide to the many Black Blizzard toilets is now edited into the original post. Thank you, everyone, for your patience. Thus concludes our 2022 Toilet Tour of Minr. :cool:


Feb 6, 2021
There's going to be quite a few toilets in my upcoming map: "The Peak" (just letting you know in advance if you wanna find them when it comes out)