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Allow maps the option to have /kill not kill you


Redstone Resolve.
Nov 22, 2021
The current system works fine most of the time - you use the command, the player dies, and is returned to the checkpoint immediately. This is a great solution for many maps, but it does have some possible downsides:

1: Items and effects are not kept on death. This is sometimes good (depending on the situation), but it can also be annoying - in maps that want you to keep an item through deaths, this item has to be returned to the player every time they die.

2: Sprint is not kept on death. Especially for people who use togglesprint, this is often very annoying as you hves to press the sprint key every time you die.

3: This is the big reason to me - dying makes the player reload the world. This is not always a huge issue, especially if the checkpoint is far from where the player died (and the player would have to load the chunks anyways). However, especially in hard parkour maps using checkpoints (and some others, like droppers), the player often must use "/kill" very frequently, which adds a seemingly large amount of time to respawn. Also for high ping players - actually dying means that a lot more information has to be sent to the client before the player can continue, compared to a simple teleport.

I do think the current implemenation of "/kill" is useful for many maps, and I don't think it should be removed - I just think that there should be an option to have checkpoints only teleport rather than kill the player. I imagine this could be hard to do - I see many problems such as making sure this still counts as a death for challenges, and questions like "should this type of death count towards the deaths statistic?" - but this would greatly improve the Minr experience for everyone.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
There are ways to accomplish what you are saying without adding/modifying commands (such as setting a region the player falls into on jump failure to tp back to the checkpoint coordinates, or setting the region flags to keep items on death). However, it is up to the mapmakers to decide if that is an option they want to pursue for their course.


Redstone Resolve.
Nov 22, 2021
That is true, however, as pointed out in The Map Model, there are many disadvantages to using checkpoints that are not actual checkpoints: for example, these types of checkpoints don't count towards the limited life or limited checkpoint challenge modifiers, which is often especially crucial for the parkour maps where they are useful. Additionally, I think that there are many existing maps on Minr that could benefit from an option like as I explained above.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Both could be accomplished if the scripting could access checkpoint data (not sure if it can or cannot), but the onus would again be on the map makers.

Also, wouldn't a non-killing kill command have the same concern for limited life challenges?


Redstone Resolve.
Nov 22, 2021
My idea is that it's the same /kill command, it just conditionally either kills you or only teleports you. This could still work for challenges if it was coded that way in the plugin. This to me seems like a good solution for accessibility for map makers - it could simply be an option as part of the map (/c setkill mapcode true/false or something), and it also would follow the map model.