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Egg Hunt 2.0! Bigger, Badder, Egger!

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Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016

Hey everyone! TheHeggzer here. It's event time!

The eggs are on the prowl again! They've gone and scattered themselves all across Zero, and it's your job to go find them again!

So, how will this event work?
Well, for this version of the Egghunt, there will be 2 distinct parts!

Part 1: The Open World Egg Hunt!
Starting Monday, April 13th at 2pm EST, an lovely medieval and fantastical open world built by the magically talented chayos will open, chocked full of all the eggs you could possibly desire! You job will be to collect them all! There will be no reward for finding all of the eggs in the open world first, so explore and hunt at your own leisure! For finding 10% of the eggs, you will receive a nifty hat. For finding 50% of the eggs, you'll receive an even cooler hat! For finding every last one of the eggs, you will receive the Eggspert title! This will be accessible through the event hub at spawn, check back there Easter Day. Good luck!

Part 2: The Compeggtition!
This year, instead of having players compete to find all of the eggs first, there will be a separate tournament to determine who is the egg finding champion! This event will feature eggs hidden in stages sourced from old zero areas.

How it will work:
The tournament will feature teams of 2. Sign up at this link:
EDIT: The tournament is now full. If you missed the chance to sign up, you may still sign up, and if anyone drops out of the tournament you will be able to take their place.
This tournament will be maxed out at 32 players, so don't delay! All players are welcome to sign up. You may sign up as an individual or a team of 2. If you are signing up as an individual, you will be placed in a team. If you are signing up as a team, both players must respond to the form.
Rounds in the tournament will consist of head-to-head egg scavenger hunts, and each round will take place in a different stage with all new eggs to find. Each round of the tournament will be timed, and the round will be over when one team finds all of the eggs or the timer runs out. If the timer runs out, the team with the most eggs will be the winner. If there is a tie at the end of the timer, the game will go into overtime, where the first team to find an egg will be declared the winner.
If you are planning on participating in the event, please ensure that you will have time to participate in your matches. Matches will start the same day as the competition, April 13th. The matches will take place over multiple days, just like the open world part of the event, so don't worry if you aren't available on the day of the event or any specific day afterwards.
All players that compete in the tournament will receive the
Compeggitor hat! The players on the winning team will receive the most coveted title of all, The Egglord.

This event will run somewhere from a few days to a few weeks, so feel no rush to participate in the Open World Egg Hunt. There will be a schedule to the Compeggtition, however, and if matches are not happening in a timely manner, participants will forfeit their matches. If you are unavailable on a certain day or at a certain time, I will do my best to be as flexible as possible and set it up so that you can participate. Individual matches will last around an hour, give or take 30 minutes.

Do not aim to circumvent the gameplay of the event.
Do not search Zero to try and find areas. I will not be telling anyone where the stages are, and it creates an unfair advantage to location scout.

Please post if you have any questions/concerns, or if anything is unclear, and I will happy answer/clarify.

As a final note to all of you exploring spawn the day before I posted this, you came up short here, sorry. I appreciate the enthusiasm though. :D

Edit: bolded all information I added/changed.
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Active Player
Mar 11, 2018
I... The date makes me not know if I can trust this. But does it matter?


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
This would be a not very funny thing to pass off as an April Fools. Like come on, I have more class than that.


Firefly Appreciator
Aug 15, 2018
Just for clarification, is this falling on Sunday the 12th, or Monday the 13th?


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
The slots in the tournament are filling up quickly! Be sure to sign up soon if you haven't already and would like to participate. All are welcome to!


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
We currently only have room for 1 more individual signup.


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
The tournament is now full! Teams and a bracket will follow soon.


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
The tournament bracket is live!
Check back here during the competition for standings. Good luck to all!

The teams are as follows:
Eggcellent Lovers - djnysted and yannynysted
Neggst Level Eggstreme Gamer Lads - AverageIPA and Sulldas
The Osmosis Police - jake_osml and MCPDGamer
♲ - dc11111111 and Big_Big_So_Big Egg_Egg_So_Egg
tpala gang - ilovenons and niltiac
Underscore Bros - _Fire_ and Felidae_
The Eggsecutioners - JonBimbleSticks and GrusGrabbarna
The Eggsecutives - Shpeckly and NoSi
The Tour Guides - pieceofcheese and IanAnth66
The Equinox - Zatharel and Berend
OOF - MarstaVidar and luckylukecraft
Amethystra - rmanimal and CreepaShadowz
The Eggsplorers - Jaabus and git_merge
Decearing Egg - MeisterXehanort and rickyboy320
Chaotic Turtles - rebplane and chayos
corn - swimmy1212 and picklesthecheeta
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Bird Enthusiast
Mar 2, 2019
When will the matches take place?

Also I’m scared because dc and I are up against 2 legends


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
This will be further solidified in the coming days, but my plan now is to have all of the round 1 matches take place in the first week (so all completed by April 20th). Beyond that, the rest of the matches should not take longer than another week, so entire tournament should be done AT THE VERY LATEST by the 27th (but hopefully sooner).


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
The Eggsplorers vs. OOF: April 13th, 7pm UTC
The Osmosis Police vs. Team Underscore Bros: April 13th, 7pm UTC
Amethystra vs. Eggcellent Lovers: April 14th, 12am UTC

tpala gang vs. The Eggsecutioners: April 14th, 6pm UTC
Chaotic Turtles vs. ♲: April 14th, 10pm UTC

The Tour Guides vs. The Eggsecutives: April 15th, 5pm UTC
corn vs. Neggst Level Eggstreme Gamer Lads: April 15th, 7pm UTC

The Equinox vs. Decearing Egg: April 16th, 7pm UTC

Here is the schedule for the first round of matches!
If you no-show for a match without contacting me, I will consider it a disqualification and you will be replaced by an an alternate player.
Good luck to all!
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Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
3 announcements to make!

1. The Open World Egghunt will close April 20th. Find as many eggs as you can before then!

2. This is the schedule for round 2.
The Equinox vs. Underscore Bros: April 19th at 6pm UTC
tpala gang vs. The Eggsplorers: Sunday 7pm UTC
Chaotic Turtles vs. Eggcellent Lovers: April 20th 5pm UTC
The Tour Guides vs. corn: April 21st 7pm UTC

3. Starting this round of matches, players will be able to spectate the current match using spectator mode. The details of this will be further solidified before the first match.
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