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Explain casino odds

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git happens
Sep 28, 2017
After going on huge loss streaks (read: 40 and 60) on the roulette game, I do not believe the odds are as random as they are presented. Statiscally it would be near to impossible to get streaks like these. Thats why I think there are parameters involded in the roll that would not be included in a real casino.

Chillers has said a few words about the house having more chance at winning, but i'd suggest to give more details on the workings of the casino scripts. Or change them to represent a more realistic casino.

EDIT: Isee c_dric has uploaded the code of one of the games. I suggest doing so for all casino games! :)
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May 13, 2015
I feel like part of the fun in some of the casino games comes from the fact that you don't know exactly what the odds are. If players could easily see the full scripts of every single casino game, most would probably end up only playing the one game that has the best odds for them.


Oct 26, 2013
I would stop taking it too seriously. It is not a real casino, it's a game meant for fun.

I can't help if you get streaks it's randomized in code.

Odds increase the higher you bank is. This is not like a real casino this is to prevent excessive gains. As money can literally turn into a negative figure and it will help balance and avoid regular resets. Atm it's trial and error, things may or may not change.
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