• Welcome to Minr.org

    Server IP: zero.minr.org 

    Java Version: 1.20.4

    Who are we?

    Welcome to one of the oldest Minecraft servers and communities in the world! Zero.minr.org dates back over 13 years and has been consistently providing endless hours of fun and excitement for players from all over the globe. With an uptime of 99%, you can count on us to be here for you whenever you're in the mood for some challenging minecraft parkour, puzzles and mazes.

    Our server is home to over 600+ challenges, each designed to keep you engaged and entertained for months on end. These challenges have been created, tested and curated by our green membership community, who are true experts in all things challenges! Our community is made up of some of the most dedicated and skilled players, who have completed our Hardcore set of challenges and continue to create new and innovative experiences for our server.

    At our core, we are strongly committed to fair play and against any form of pay-to-win features. We have been privately funded since our inception, which has allowed us to provide a level playing field for all our players, free of any hidden advantages. This dedication to fair play has resulted in a thriving community where everyone has a chance to excel and showcase their skills.

    So why not join us and become a part of something truly special? Who knows, you may even have what it takes to create a challenge that will remain on our server for years to come. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, we look forward to welcoming you to our server.

    For more information about zero.minr.org click here.

Happy 9th Birthday Minr.org

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Oct 26, 2013
How far we've come

9 years on and we are still here.

From simple wooden paths, cobblestone mazes and stone parkour we have progressed into something quite wonderful. Personalised creations of epic proportions in Minr have never been so evident, The community has surpassed all expectations, when will you simply run out of ideas?
From a dream of a simple challenge server, Zero has truly exploded into a one of a kind community and you have yourselves to thank for that.

This past year has flown by and it feels like only months ago I was writing our 8th Birthday announcment. With your unconditional contributions to the server you have made zero your home in Minecraft, we will continue to work hard at ensuring those creations are available for all for years to come.

If you are a newcomer to our server, spend a little time getting to know the community you'll soon see why our little community is so highly regarded. Without our community zero would have perished long ago, you keep the dream alive. 9 years is quite the achievement congratulations. On to the big 10!

Sadly there are no birthday events however... without any further ado

We are happy to announce that new spawn is now live! I'd like to thank all spawn comp participants, Rebplane and co for prepping the new spawn and most of all you guys that are constantly helping us shape zero to be the best it can be.

I pose to you 1 question. What are your favourite moments on zero.minr.org?

Here were the results of last years questionaire i figured it would make for good chuckles to see how many of them have been accurate or still remain true.

Best at Parkour: Rebplane
Best at Survival: Drahmee
Best Speedrunner: Andershma
Most likely to be online: Rebplane
Most Favourite Op: Zatharel
Most Favourite Mod: The Hexer
Most Favourite Green: Pixiface
Most likely to be banned: Picklesthecheeta
Most likely to crash the server: Chillers
Most favourite map builder: Zatharel
Best server event: Purple Coin
Most likely to help a new player: Ninja_cat
Most friendliest player: Pixiface
Favourite Valley Map: Rainbow Parkour
Favourite FFA Map: Invictus
Most likely to be promoted: Creepashadowz
Most likely to be casted in the muppets: Ajdj123321
Most likely to become a billionaire: Chillers
Most likely to get lost in the supermarket: Pixiface
Most likely to drive an electric car: Chillers
Most likely to be an astronaut: Rmanimal
Most likely to get a job at Mojang: Rickyboy320


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