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HC progress lost?

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The Struggler
Dec 17, 2015
I'm not sure what the level name was, but I was pretty far in on the HC levels. It was inside a pyramid place where you couldn't be hurt from fall damage & you lost no hunger. I was stuck there for 2-3 days so I logged out and things happened in life & I didn't return for a very long time. Now I'm back & I have to start over from HC 1 again? I wouldn't mind.. But the riddle part on the 4 dojos is giving me cancer. Is there no way to get my progress back?


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
We changed our HC system a little while back, and for a limited time, we offered to transfer blues from their old HC checkpoint to the new HC equivalent, but unfortunately, we are no longer doing that.

You will have to restart from the beginning. Sorry :(


The Struggler
Dec 17, 2015
We changed our HC system a little while back, and for a limited time, we offered to transfer blues from their old HC checkpoint to the new HC equivalent, but unfortunately, we are no longer doing that.

You will have to restart from the beginning. Sorry :(
Why was it only a limited time? That seems a bit stupid in my opinion. Just yesterday I seen someone being told they can become green again by making a post about it.. But yet blues can't get HC progress back? I'm sure there is a reason for it, but feels unfair..


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Why was it only a limited time? That seems a bit stupid in my opinion. Just yesterday I seen someone being told they can become green again by making a post about it.. But yet blues can't get HC progress back? I'm sure there is a reason for it, but feels unfair..
They can't do it for ever. The reason that you can only do it for a limited time is because the staff only want to do it for a limited time, they don't want to be transferring people for the next year.
It is unfortunate that you missed your chance, but complaining about it won't do anything.

Also, the person who made that post to become green was already a greenie, and he had lost access to his account (and before you ask for proof, the staff can check his ip)


Oct 26, 2013
Why was it only a limited time? That seems a bit stupid in my opinion. Just yesterday I seen someone being told they can become green again by making a post about it.. But yet blues can't get HC progress back? I'm sure there is a reason for it, but feels unfair..
That's a bit of a different scenario, if it's the green player i am thinking of he lost his account and has had to start a new one. There are far far less green members than blue players, think of minr like a members club, once a greenie always a greenie (unless they break the rules). If we continuously allowed requests like this from blue players then we would be inundated requests that we can't handle. We would need to look up each individual players past location to justify their re-positioning to the new HC we can't just take their word for it. HC is changed from time to time and we limit the period so current active players can be transitioned accordingly we cannot help it if the players are inactive i believe we allowed a month for such requests.


Nov 18, 2013
Well, this isn't because of the hardcore swap, but because we removed a checkpoint to make hardcore a little more hardcore. This means you fall under a different category, and since we never set a timelimit for that, I'll look into getting you back. If you haven't changed your HC checkpoint yet it'll make it easier.


The Struggler
Dec 17, 2015
Well, this isn't because of the hardcore swap, but because we removed a checkpoint to make hardcore a little more hardcore. This means you fall under a different category, and since we never set a timelimit for that, I'll look into getting you back. If you haven't changed your HC checkpoint yet it'll make it easier.
Well that's great news then! I wouldn't mind starting over if it wasn't for that terrible riddle.. But anyways I did set a checkpoint already. The second part of 4 corner dojo. : / Hopefully I can still get back where I was though or at least what the new HC level is for that area.


Nov 18, 2013
[2015-12-14-1][23:53:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SIkye[/REDACTED] logged in with entity id REDACTED at ([Zero]-76.78142736492923, 110.0, -79.86087923594881)

Does route to the place where Big Egyptian is located. If anyone sees SIkye online, feel free to move them there.


The Struggler
Dec 17, 2015
[2015-12-14-1][23:53:43] [Server thread/INFO]: SIkye[/REDACTED] logged in with entity id REDACTED at ([Zero]-76.78142736492923, 110.0, -79.86087923594881)

Does route to the place where Big Egyptian is located. If anyone sees SIkye online, feel free to move them there.
Thank you. I'm back where I was. But I was stuck in that spot for months, which is why I took a break in the first place lol.
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