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Minr Mafia 13: Glitches

East and West is the best. West to East is a rotation for the norm.

  • East

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • West

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
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The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
Okay, got power back this morning.

I have sent the new role PM's. If you did not receive one, your role is STAYING THE SAME.

Night will still go on until the normal updating time, which is 8pm (est)


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Who's to say that he doesn't have an equalizer already planned out or potentially in play already? And what happened to PMing him or waiting until the end of the game like he said to do in the first post?

Unless your outburst is part of your role, feel free to share your team's chat link and get out of the game as you wish. There isn't any reason to shame a host that's trying out different things.


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
Distinct Died.

Distinct, and [INNOCENT] was killed.

Who gon dun this?

Also piece is alive again. Blah blah matrix blah blah you're the one, neo. Whateves.
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Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
This could kill me or it could not:
Here are the confirmed mafia from the first roll:
- Cory
- Forgot
- Awkward_hamster
- Halex44
- Blie
- And an unknown leader

Surely, there's at least one player who's role didn't get switched and I suggest that we attempt to find that one. Awkward wasn't playing all that much while I was mafia (except for killing math :p) so I would like to get a scum kill out of the way right now.

#Vote awkward_hamster


Nov 3, 2013
Voting because of a player not being too active in their role doesnt seem like a very good reason in my opinion. Like take me for an example, I have talked twice in this thread, but doesn't mean that I should be voted off. Just jumping to voting for awkward seems suspicious to me.

Edit: new post
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Killer of Very Large Horses
Oct 27, 2013
#vote none

Cory's theory makes sense, but there isnt any reason why awkward would be mafia over any other. In my opinion it would be much more likely for the leader to stay the same over anyone else.

Ill hold off on voting for cory while I wait and see if he has any theories about who the leader might be.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
I literally gave you a list of previous mafia players.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to straight up vote for awkward, but at this moment, it could be the best lead we have right now.

As for the leader, we narrowed it pretty much down to Electro. He had been the only one we didn't get a chance to investigate and the leader's mannerisms seemed to match pretty closely to Electro. The only problem was that he voted against us mafia at one point.

If you don't want me to jump to conclusions Mr_d, I will gladly vote for no one. But, the more we wait, the more we die and the less chance we have of winning.

EDIT: Mr_d, awkward was on my team, we never got help from them. Also, in the case of killing Math through forgot's suicide, awkward messed up how we wanted to do it and obviously revealed himself as mafia. Had the roles not changed, awkward would've been the next one killed.


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
well let's not forget that cory was one of the mafia in the first place. how can we be so sure that what he's saying is legit?
i wont vote for him right now but i don't think awkwardhamster is a mafia. like jagman said, we should find out who that leader was
#vote nobody


Active Player
Jan 4, 2014
@corygolfanatic Not sure why you think it's a good idea to vote someone off because they were "scum" before the role swap. I pointed out as soon as I joined the Quicktopic that I wasn't aware we were starting the game so early and wouldn't be able to have as much input as I would have liked. Besides, it was clear that a lot of the communication was going on outside of that chat between you and Forgot anyway, so I didn't have much opportunity to be involved. I'm not denying that I was mafia, that much is fairly obvious and I would hope that it's also obvious that my actions were carried out only due to the petitioning of the other mafia members (http://bit.ly/1GbfFj7).

As for who has remained a Mafia, I would agree with Jag and lean towards it being the leader from before the swap. It wouldn't make sense to keep one of us lower players, as Cory, Forgot and the leader were the only ones who had any control of what was happening. Seeing as Forgot is dead and I gather that Cory is innocent, my bet is on the anonymous leader. Our focus should be on weeding that leader out, not lynching players because of inactivity. Electro seems a good bet, his input on the thread has been minimal and I agree that there are consistencies between his posts and those of the leader in the quicktopic we had.

Voting Cory simply to equal votes between him and myself and prevent me from being lynched for no real reason apart from "we might as well"

#vote Cory


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
I've been talking to cory. We're both previous mafia members with similar role PM's telling us about our change to becoming innocent. Anyway, I reinforce everything that cory has said. Awkward is our best lead as of now.

#vote awkward_hamster


Nov 2, 2013
I'd like to vote for hamster as I am not entirely convinced he had a role switch.

#vote awkward


Nov 3, 2013
#Vote no one

Seeing more info on each side has led me to believe that Cory is not mafia. But I also do not agree with awkward being voted off, so I'm changing my vote to no one.


Active Player
Jan 4, 2014
I don't understand how I'm any more of a 'lead' than you are Blie...

I wasn't around enough to have a grasping of what was happening and who was who so it would have been pointless for jk to keep me around to catch the new guys up to speed (this would, in my opinion, be the only reason for jk keeping any of the old Mafia)

A final thought, at this point, can we guarantee that any previous Mafia were kept on at all?

Aside from that, I'll change my vote to nobody in the interests of self-preservation :p

#Vote nobody
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