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Minr Mafia XXIII - Far Homes

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Jan 19, 2015
[Star Log TNAR1] Reporting back to the station. We have refueled successfully and have taken off into space towards the people who need our help. Most of the volunteers have been accounted for, and we are looking at a safe launch.

[Star Log TNAR2] We flew through at light speed successfully, but I think we've got details of the fueling station wrong. This isn't safe at all! I'm also starting to worry about my own volunteers. Something seems... restless among them.

[Star Log TNAR3] This is-- -ood, an aste---- -truck o-r m---s of t-- -rans----ation. Si- -- us -r- h---, in----in- --self.

[Star Log TNAR4] I've fix-d the transmi-sion as -uch as I ca-, but it'- stil- sli-htly bu-ted. I've g-tten an ide- of who -ot hurt:

pickles was majorly hurt..
pooka was also injured.
grave still has meteorite bits in his face.
fire looks relatively displeased.
creepa looks like he wants to die.
And me.

[Passenger Announcement] Hello. I'm your worst nightmare on this journey.

Are you ready to die? Good, good!

Now that there's no turning back, as in all space horrors, I now get to reveal my weapon of mass destruction: the lynch!

Basically, you all get to kill each other in a slow and painful method where you choose which of your friends die. Isn't that exciting!

I also know that your "commander" is quite frankly going to die soon. And when he does, well...

Good Luck.


Jan 19, 2015
- The lynch has been finalized. -
Nobody - 8 Votes
Ninja_Cat_ - 1 Vote
creeperTNTman198 - 1 Vote
Sorry, nothing ends that well...

[Passenger Announcement] ..What? Is this some sick joke?

Do you really think I'll take 'no' as an answer?

I'll just make my own randomizer then!

I've already labeled all of you 1-18, so let's see who it lands on!

Whooshing sounds: enhance!

And it has landed on.. 18? Wow, that was barely within bounds!

Alright Cromageddon, it's time to die from your team's indecision!

I can't believe I was so spot on with my threat towards you!

Commander Cromageddon: "...

"...Well if anyone is to die, I guess I'm glad it's me first...

"...heh, I didn't expect to live to this pinnacle of human achievement, I expected to die in combat...

"...nobody's ever truly ready, are they?"

Lights emitted out of the door near the end of the passenger seating hallway. Everyone remained seated as Cromageddon took his last steps towards the end. He'd lived a happy life, and in his heart believed that some of these passengers too would come out alive to change the future.

Everyone realized this would be the last time all eighteen of them would be in a room together. A deafening silence lingered among them.

"...I guess it's a good thing I came prepared. Have this, Luke..."

He gave him a blue envelope, and with that entered the light.

Cromageddon became among the dead. No screams, like a true warrior.

With some of the Ether materials, the remaining seventeen built a gravestone for his bitter end. Luke began reading the envelope:

Dear Reader,
If you ever come across this letter, you know what has happened. However, I still have one last hope that everyone survives this mission, so I created a back-up plan in response to the perils.

There is a method I've devised where you can select a leader via voting in the system. Whoever wins will become the largest voice in the mission to continue your survival.

Of course, I couldn't teach everything about space travel, but the leader will have access to a miniature guide in the ship's systems.

Make sure it is given to good hands.



[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. You must choose an elected leader within 24 hours willing to benefit the team. The auto-lock system is already headed toward a previously calibrated planet, so remain seated.


[Passenger Announcement] Destination reached. Automatically updating planet log.

Stepping out, the chaos was immediately unbearable. Sounds of telephones ringing, lights flashing, and blaring systems on a completely empty planet. Snow caked everything, and frost was found on the extensive amount of poles that held up everything on what in the past signaled an interconnected world. Somebody tried licking a pole, but with the years of winter walloped on this planet, they hurt themselves in their attempt to do so.

[Passenger Announcement] Welcome to The Poler Desert.


Jan 19, 2015
- The lynch has been finalized. -
creeperTNTman198 - 8 Votes
Hopefully that was a wise decision...
[Passenger Announcement] Alright, well you know what they say!

The inactive man is a dead man!

Come receive your prize!

Everyone looked around, but nobody saw TNT. He already slipped away into the light at the end of the hall.

creeperTNTman198 was killed for his own hiding.

Two Ether stones now mark the dead.


[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 4 was chosen. Starting engines.


[Passenger Announcement] Destination reached. Bracing for impact.

Rocks began pummeling from the sky in each and every direction. Everyone realized that maybe they've seen this all before...

[Passenger Announcement] Welcome back to Asteroid Abomination.

The region was especially vicious this time around...

[Passenger Announcement] 9 meteorites detected:
Location 1 matches rebplane's position.
Location 2 matches ajs626's position.
Location 3 matches Fire's position.
Location 4 matches the ship's position.
Location 5 matches MarstaVidar's position.
Location 6 matches logwormy's position.
Location 7 matches ajs626's position.
Location 8 matches Zatharel's position.
Location 9 matches Luke's position.

Ship Exterior Status: 90%


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -
picklesthecheeta - 7 Votes
logwormy - 3 Votes​
[Passenger Announcement] Woho! It's time to die pickles!

Wonder what happens to your family now, eh?

Well I don't know either, so don't bring your conscience!

pickles looked like he was going to cry. After bringing new life into this world, his was about to end so soon.

Both of his kids went with him to meet his sudden fate.

picklesthecheeta died with the love of his family.

As everyone began their final preparations for the journey home, they realized they almost left Grave channeling on the rocks!

Chuckling to themselves, they begin calling for him...

...but nobody responded.

Gravebound had died where he sat.

Six Ether stones now mark the dead.


[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 1 was selected. Starting engines...


[Passenger Announcement] ArRiViNg At HoMe...

Home had become completely destroyed. What remained was dispersed sand and ship parts...

But it's a good thing you came here. You discovered that home was not a same place anymore...

You could also really use the parts to fix things faster...

[Passenger Announcement] Another planet's gravity pulling the ship in, brace for impact...

[Passenger Announcement] Welcome to the Grassland Warp.

Ship Exterior Status: 90%
Last edited:


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -
Nobody - 3 Votes

[Passenger Announcement] Well well well...

I wasn't planning on this option returning, but here goes!

And the number is... 2! It's Fire's time to die!

...where is he?

Everyone looked around, but they realized that fire was in a different part of the ship.

Well, guess I'm getting him myself!


"C'mon, swim! I know at *someeee* point you're gonna break!"

"No, I am not affiliated with them!"

"Where's the proof th-"

The door began being beaten heavily, violently bending and snapping metal.

"Geez, what is that..."


The door flew out towards Fire, who realized too soon he was about to die.

Because you couldn't come to me, I came to you!

Horror struck him, petrifying him in his final moments.

Fire had witnessed the end...



...but then he opened his eyes. Swimmy looked at him, with a grin on his face.

"Well, I guess the door broke first! Good thing you weren't alone, eh?"

He breathed a sigh of relief.


[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 2 was selected. Starting engines...


[Passenger Announcement] Welcome to the Gilded Temple.

???: Who are these people? Get them, bouldergeists!

[Passenger Announcement] The ship requires an early liftoff.

Ship Exterior: 90%


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -
swimmy1212 - 12 Votes
Good gravy that's a lot of votes...

Geez, you really want him dead, don't you?

Well, I don't disappoint!

Come on down, swimmy!

Despite saving fire a mere 24 hours prior, it became the indirect cause of death of his death.

He grimly walked down the aisle, his reputation shot with the accusations.

Swimmy's screams rang eerily through the ship...

Everyone soon began packing, muttering to themselves the lack of hospitality on this region from the inhabitants.

"Hey Luke, you gotta stop drawing for liftoff, don't wanna get the ink everywhere, harhar!"

"...Er... Luke?"

His body was completely lifeless on the seat, with purple stains all over his sketchbook. Not a single mark was inside it, but it looked greatly loved.

Luke had gone to the new world...

[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 3 was selected. Starting engines...

Everyone realized they could not dwell on recent events if they didn't want to become rock salt. The ship flew off with their fists shaking.

???: Dangit! Prepare for the Plan B!

For your safety, you hope that's the last of them...


[Passenger Announcement]Welcome to the Abandoned Shipyard.

Everyone gasped in awe of the different spaceships settled there. All the various tech in one place!

Preparing for ship conversion, everyone ran out to explore the area. ajs626 with her leadership duties, however, knew she had to unload the cargo hold before everyone else forgot.

Opening the door, she was astonished with what she saw.

A baby slime...

And creeperTNTman198, alive and well.

Six Ether stones still mark the dead...

Ship Exterior: 98%


Jan 19, 2015
General Ship Attributes:
Resistance - How much the ship can handle. Higher is better.
Range - How far the ship can go per refuel. Higher is better.
Awaiting Repairs - How many repairs the ship needs. Lower is better.
Repair Frequency - How often the ship breaks. Lower is better.
Weapons - If the ship has weapons. Have is better than have not.


  • High Resistance
  • Medium Range
  • 2 Awaiting Repairs
  • Medium Repair Frequency
  • No Weapons

  • Medium Resistance
  • Low Range
  • 3 Awaiting Repairs
  • Low Repair Frequency
  • Has Weapons

  • Medium Resistance
  • High Range
  • 6 Awaiting Repairs
  • High Repair Frequency
  • Has Weapons

  • Low Resistance
  • High Range
  • 8 Awaiting Repairs
  • Low Repair Frequency
  • Has Weapons

  • Medium Resistance
  • Medium Range
  • 4 Awaiting Repairs
  • Low Repair Frequency
  • No Weapons

  • High Resistance
  • Medium Range
  • 0 Awaiting Repairs
  • High Repair Frequency
  • No Weapons


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -
TinyYanny - 9 votes

Well, it's time for the sword wielder to die!

But will she make an honorable goodbye?

Yanny walked to the end with motionless stares around her. She looked around at everyone...

And with that she attacked Fire, going straight for the heart.

Withdrawing her sword, she ran off into the light with gasps in the distance.

Yanny went down, but not without a fight.

And so did Fire, raging against his plight.

Eight Ether stones now mark the dead.

[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 3 onboard the Stonewall was selected. Starting engines...

[Passenger Announcement] Prepare for battle.

  • Medium Resistance
  • 58% Exterior
  • Low Range
  • Has Weapons


  • Medium Resistance
  • 92% Exterior
  • Medium Range
  • Has Weapons

  • The ships heading towards each other was beneficial, as that meant they couldn't hover outside your weapons.
  • However, their range was larger, meaning they could attack earlier.
  • The engines were fixed enough, and did not stifle your chances.
  • The machinery was mostly fine, but some shots did not register.
  • Your resistance was equal, meaning you had to rely on your exterior and luck.

  • Shooting first, the Hauntlight deals 18 damage to your exterior (40% left).
  • Then you shoot, dealing 7 damage to them (85% left).
  • Returning, they deal 10 damage (30% left).
  • You retaliate with 18 damage (67% left).
  • They deal 7 damage (23% left).
  • You misfire.
  • They deal 6 damage (17% left).
  • You deal 13 damage (54% left).
  • They deal 12 damage (5% left).

The emergency systems kick in, rocketing your ship with its reserve fuel away from the battle.

You've dealt lasting damage, but it's cost could've ended you with a lucky shot.

The direction you rocket in, however, is not in your control...

[Passenger Announcement] Welcome to Stonehead.

Ship Exterior: 5%


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -
logwormy - 7 Votes
Nobody - 1 Vote

It's time to fuel the fire!

Come on down!

log flew down the aisle with disappointment, blood dripping from his mouth.

logwormy died from the blinding light.

Nine Ether stones now illuminate the dead.


[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 3 was chosen. Starting engines...


[Passenger Announcement] Welcome to the Small Earth Piece.

On the surface was a planet in a great botanic era, with large flowers and the only traces of humanity left with the large garbage objects. Little creatures were spread far and wide, including little wispy ones in red, yellow, and blue colors.

I am Stonehead, the biggest current survivor of the Stonewall people. I sensed a great number of spirits on your ship, and with my channeling powers during two nights I could hear their cries. In honor of them, I can choose their victim of hate for this refuel. Be wary, survivors.

Ship Exterior: 13%


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -
Pro_Luma - 4 Votes
CreepaShadowz - 1 Vote​
The dead have come to claim their vengeance!

And I don't plan to stop it!

Come down, Luma, because justice is now serving!

Luma scuffled down the aisle, but nobody to blame was visible for him.

The spirits of the journey watched him in anticipation of their cries.

Luma was destroyed by those of a different life.

Stonehead moved on, observing the ten ether stones.


[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 4 was chosen. Starting engines...


[Passenger Announcement] Welcome to the Gas Wisps.

[Passenger Announcement] Ship is stuck in the gas planet gravity, starting reserve fuel...

It doesn't look like you can land here...

Ship exterior: 21%


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -
creeperTNTman198 - 6 Votes
Nobody - 2 Votes​
Finally, you've come back for more TNT!

Step on down to receive your evasion prize!


I guess you guys took care of him for me! Until next time!

People began giving each other weird glances receiving the news. Looking around, they found his lifeless body in the back row.

TNT had died before he was even supposed to.

Eleven Ether stones now mark the dead.


[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. The reserve fuel has successfully launched the ship. Welcome to Big Slime.

[Passenger Announcement] Unique properties detected. Large distance of travel achievable.

Ship Exterior: 21%


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -
Sky Blue - 5 Votes
thepookabear - 1 Vote​
It's your turn to die, Sky!

Come on down with watery eyes!

Sky looked angry, almost inhumanly angry. She grumpily cascaded down the room to the door of destruction.

But something instead of death occurred. Fire burst from the seams of the room.

She was reborn.

Eleven Ether stones still mark the dead.


[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 7 was chosen, starting engines...


[Passenger Announcement] Welcome to Apocalyptic Amalgamation.

Ship Exterior: 29%


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -​

Out of the general radiance of my heart, I've decided to play pacifist for a phase.

You all better hope that's for the best...

Nobody died today


[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 4 was chosen. Starting engines...


[Passenger Announcement] Welcome to Crazy Circus.

Everyone began looking around, but suddenly are jumped by dwarf clowns.


You all must join a ride today!!!!!!

We have the Krrrazzzy Koaster, the Frrrrightening Ferris Wheel, or the Rrrrraging Rapid Ride!


Ship exterior: 37%


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -
creeperTNTman198 - 7 Votes
Ship System - 1 Vote
I think you've made a grave error...
You really think I would let him survive a lynch twice?!

One of you indeed deserves to die!

And the number is... 6!

Now where's that bear?!

He was irritated from getting pushed by clowns into a ride he didn't choose, but was taking in the rapids nonetheless.

But suddenly, pooka was snatched away into the rapids, taking with it his medical equipment.

thepookabear had lost himself in the water.

The dragon opposite him was startled, becoming alone on the ride. She became readily eager to find a way off.

Suddenly, she faced a similar fate as a far-flung projectile hit her, destroying any enjoyment she had at the park.


Leettttsss see how they enjoyed it!!!!!!


Uh.... maybe we should close down that rapids ride, dwarves...

Nobody survived it :O

But look! The Ferrrrris Wheel is nearly-

Oh. That got destroyed too, did it?

Too many riders?! Ok...

Well, looks like the Koaster riders were the only ones with a fun time...


Thirteen Ether stones create the mountain of the dead.


[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 3 was chosen. Starting engines...


[Passenger Announcement] Welcome to Gearshaft Clockwork.

[Passenger Announcement] Warning! Life count is becoming too low! Another flight will risk the lives of the fleet...

Haha! I think it's finally time we've gotten so low!

Are you ready to play hide and seek, fellow passengers?

Because we've hit Overtime!

Better run while you can, harhar!

Ship Exterior: 45%


Jan 19, 2015
- The Lynch has been finalized -
rebplane - 6 Votes
picklesthecheeta - 1 Vote​

Well, it's been a long time coming, reb!

Are you ready to concoct your death?

reb sensed that she would be the final one to walk to the end.

But she relished in her kills as she reached the finale.

rebplane was killed with her own medicine.

The Cromageddon Team has won the-

What, you really think the game ends that smoothly?

It's time to watch your fellow friends die!

And with that, one fell.

Creepa had drunk something horrible that night.

But that's all that needed to.

The robot left the door of the room he'd been in for over three weeks.

Immediately, a vulture attacked him as he left the room, but he soon took care of the bird.

MarstaVidar had died to the mechanized blade.

The Ember Team has been eliminated!

The machine searched for the remaining passengers in the gearshafts with piercing attention.

It noticed a wolf howling in the distance, and threw the blade attachment.

Ninja_Cat_ was killed straight through the heart.

Finally, it searched for the last living survivor.

And hacked the ship system...


[Passenger Announcement] This is your ship speaking. Option 2 was chosen. Starting engines...

ajs heard it, and ran for the ship as if her life depended on it.

And it did, because she was detected and killed by the hacked ship's weapons.

The Cromageddon Team has been eliminated!

"Time to wipe out some other distinct races"

It was Zatharel, and it smiled.

The Machines have won the game!

Survivor Count:
  • Zatharel

Hope you guys enjoyed the game!
There's gonna be a lot of questions isn't there...


Jan 19, 2015
Alright, so here's some of the game rundown, which should help with understanding why I did what I did, what happened and where.

Firstly, some game thoughts.

While the complexity was the most controversial part about the game, that's what made it interesting up into the endgame. Some of the things I wanted to account for alongside this, however, might've made the game more confusing than I originally intended.

Every single role was something more than just <default role>, albeit some of them obviously were more powerful than others. This partially contributed to why there felt like and was so many embers, because unless I made those roles insanely powerful, they'd fare almost no chance against the number of active roles in the game. There were six embers, but only three of them actually knew each other for balance.

The machine faction was both the most unique and problematic thing about the entire game. On one end of the spectrum it was an interesting system, because it directly tied somebody to the lynch mechanic. On the other end, because it's not directly referenced, it could've been hard to garner tells about Zath actually being a third party. Probably allowing the game to continue after Zath succeeds would've been a better route to take, but that's hindsight now.

Something Grave picked up on that could've made certain parts of the game easier was that it couldn't be won by roles alone. It was true; half of the supposed rolecops within the game were or could be machine-aligned. Most roles were more about the teamwork than the abilities themselves. Death didn't reveal alignment, either. Fire obtaining the beetle and killing half of ember was unintended and probably gave off the wrong impression.

Speaking of which, now the highlights!

1. Fire's beetle conversions were the most directly impactful part of the game because of how deadly they were. Fire's role depending on the question asked was one of the true role-checking abilities within the game, and that combining with meeting up the ember stragglers made for a major Cromageddon push to nearing victory. It killed Yanny, log, and TNT.

2. rebplane's role was the unintentional counter to Zath's. Her potions and damage abilities were where the majority of the possible exposures of his role came from. Her cementing Zath's rolecheck was unfortunately the downfall of the Ember team, and indirectly the Cromageddon one, too. Countering Zath's reveal with valid points that cropped up during the game might've lead to an Ember victory, but oh well. She also caused three deaths throughout the game: Creepa, Grave, and Luke.

3. The planet system was handled well by everyone. The Gilded Temple was somewhat impossible unless you stuck with the Cromageddon ship or entered the endgame repairing wisely, but most of the planets harbored minor effects. There were, however, some random planets with positive ones, too. One I'll reveal here was Voluminous Volcano Valley, which erupted healing liquid in place of lava.

4. Grave did pretty good work for the Crom team Phase 0 even though nobody could submit actions. If it wasn't for the fact that 1/2 of the Ember team only activated after two days, that could've been an easy Crom win.

Overall, it was an interesting game, and enjoyable to host. A lot went into developing the game mechanics to keep it fresh, and I could probably make a whole 'nother post with some of the developmental backstory. I hope everyone had a fun time playing, even if you didn't receive the outcome you wanted. Cheers!


May 6, 2016
Again thank you for hosting!! I had a lot of fun and enjoyed this game a lot. I think it was one of my better played games so far. The concepts and roles were something I've never experienced before but enjoyed greatly. Also thanks SO much for bringing the game to discord XD, so much easier to be more involved for me.
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