• Welcome to Minr.org

    Server IP: zero.minr.org 

    Java Version: 1.21.3

    Who are we?

    Welcome to one of the oldest Minecraft servers and communities in the world! Zero.minr.org dates back over 14 years and has been consistently providing endless hours of fun and excitement for players from all over the globe. With an uptime of 99%, you can count on us to be here for you whenever you're in the mood for some challenging minecraft parkour, puzzles and mazes.

    Our server is home to over 600+ challenges, each designed to keep you engaged and entertained for months on end. These challenges have been created, tested and curated by our green membership community, who are true experts in all things challenges! Our community is made up of some of the most dedicated and skilled players, who have completed our Hardcore set of challenges and continue to create new and innovative experiences for our server.

    At our core, we are strongly committed to fair play and against any form of pay-to-win features. We have been privately funded since our inception, which has allowed us to provide a level playing field for all our players, free of any hidden advantages. This dedication to fair play has resulted in a thriving community where everyone has a chance to excel and showcase their skills.

    So why not join us and become a part of something truly special? Who knows, you may even have what it takes to create a challenge that will remain on our server for years to come. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, we look forward to welcoming you to our server.

    For more information about zero.minr.org click here.

Minr Nostalgia (Plus face reveal)


Well-Known Player
Oct 26, 2017
Hey this is Average,

Starting way back in 2012 minr has been constant fun and has made for some great memories. After taking a 5 1/2 year break after not being able to complete hc3 aquarium coming back and ending up being able to beat hardcore with one of my best friends this added up to some of the best fun I've ever had.

I'm lowkey kinda down rn so if y'all could post some of your favorite personal minr moments and how minr has made an impact on you I'd be down to hear it.

Also face reveal

Thank you for reading this was a very pointless post by me I just wanted to express some thoughts.


Active Player
Mar 11, 2018
I'd say when I finally got past cp1 of Zarklin Ruins in HC after running out of hunger on the slime part 5 times. I was so happy I almost passed out... hard to believe it's been over a year since I've been greened. How the time flies.


May 13, 2015
Despite being arguably the hardest version, going through HC 5.0 (civilization/ruins path) was a gaming experience I'll never forget. It challenged me the entire way as I wasn't very good back then, but that's really what I loved about it so much, and it's what made beating the courses and getting green so rewarding. I kind of wish I could go back to seeing every map as this mystical challenge, and not simply as.. well... maps. There was such an air of mystery and unexpectedness for me in maps like Viemort and Sra, and despite the latter being very painful to beat, those two maps were my favorites, followed closely by Telepads and Aquarium. Sadly, I wasn't all that interested in building maps at the time; I just wanted to get green and to feel accomplished in doing so. So I left for 1 year shortly after getting green before finally coming back, and that's when I fell in love with the server as a whole. I've had plenty of other amazing experiences since then, but none quite have the nostalgic delight as not just beating Hardcore, but going through it as well.


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
Minr was the happy space I came to when I was feeling down in the dumps. I played a little in 2013, with standout memories including right-walling the Cake Quake maze before giving up on it and beating Aquarium. I then gave up at Big Egypt, and eventually I forgot about Minecraft and moved on with my life until the summer 2016 when I felt down in the dumps and I thought "I wonder if that one server is still up". It took some digging, and I had to go into the recycle bin on my old Mac that I used to play on (Thank God I never emptied it), but I found it. I rejoined and immediately I felt the Minr bug bite me. I beat HC in a bit over a week, and I remember connecting with Heckin (rip) over our struggles in Aquarium, and I remember reb telling me to hurry up and finish HC already when I was in Elusion. Upon returning to Big Egypt, I felt immediate panic, but I managed to beat it (I fell 10 jumps from the end but saved it, what a scare). The next 2 months I connected with the green community, and I'll hold a special place in my heart for Wool Infinite (soontm) and the mad glee that Zombie and I had while building it. My computer stopped turning on one day, and so I stopped again. That very well could have been the end again, until the following summer, when I felt like shit again, and once more I returned, with some amount of permanence. I remember finding Zombie in a voice call and admiring how much his voice had dropped (sorry dude lol) and getting myself drafted into Pokemobs (soontm) because I had a working mic. Yeroc and I had many late nights on that one, and that's a great memory. And 2 years of activity (minus a few months in spring 2018) when I disappeared due to stress, and I still am.

tl;dr This has been the place I came when I was down. I've had such fantastic memories here, and my life is enriched by being part of this community. I hope that being here helps you feel a little less lonely. I know it has for me. We're not planning on going anywhere, and I hope that brings you some comfort and that we can give you a little bit of hope in your life.
Gosh this made me slightly teary eyed to write
Thanks Minr.


It's all good
Apr 10, 2016
I'm pretty sure I found Minr through Planet Minecraft, and it was the first public server I ever joined. My original name was sleepingnate and I played Minr constantly when I was 12-14. Back then, I could only play MC for a hour a day and I remember spending 100% of the time trying to beat maps. Eventually got enough points for blue and started HC. Lava maze literally took me ages since I was so bad at parkour I fell at the small parkour sections and also fell for the trap at the end. Eventually beat that and then had pixel parkour which literally took me 6 months. After many tears and screams of rage I finally beat it and blew through the rest. Sofa read my logs and told me I hacked and actually banned me for 5 minutes and I remember breaking down completely. Thus, it was just a prank and all was well. I think I ended up getting green somewhere between the end of 2013/early 2014. I tried building a map right away and for some reason though a sheep was a good idea and pieceofcheese helped me out a ton with that. But then someone told me it was a bad idea and it wouldn't ever pass into ffa and so I quit. Around that time I didn't really see any other reason in playing so I left. I would check in every once in a while but never actually came back and around that time I also changed to thepookabear as I thought sleepingnate was childish. Around the end of 2017, I came back after I knew the server had a discord and started plugging in a bit more, but then in February I left again; not really sure why. Finally In September of last year I came back because I was bored af as I decided to take a gap year and work instead of going straight to college and I guess the rest of history. I worked up enough confidence to actually get to know people better and started to VC which is where I met some really cool people that I never even knew existed. I've made some incredible friends over the past few years and wouldn't trade it for anything. This year specifically has been quite tough for me and Minr truly has helped me through it. Seriously, you guys are the best.
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Flower Queen ⛅️
Nov 8, 2018
Completing hardcore, which took me months and I honestly didn't think I was going to finish it this rotation, but somehow I was able to do it and it couldn't have been done without the support from everyone that believed in me.
I'm so glad that NoSi introduced me to the server, I have truly enjoyed my time on the server and look forward to making more memories on the server. I'm also thankful for all the great friends that I have made on the server and can't wait to spend more time with my friends and make more friends c:


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
Hardcore was the most fun I had on the server, and exploring the world for the first few weeks after getting green was pretty magical. Met a lot of great friends in late2012-early2013. I'm sure you guys have read my long writeup about the server by now but if you haven't that's basically a summation of my experience on the server. Had a lot of fun in the couple years that I was super active.


Kitty #2
Apr 12, 2014
Meeting Grave and Kat in HC 1 at the same time was the best feeling ever. We had ups and downs with Hardcore because of how tough it was, but we all made it together as a team. When those times passes by, Kat became inactive for unknown reasons. We lost the closest friend Grave and I ever asked for. I met many good friends here-and I guess strange friends that makes me giggle in a good way lol.

Shiny Red Apples was one of the best maps I’ve had ever built. It had lots of problems, because of my lack of building skills, but it was a great experience. Kakashi and Forrestia are my proudest builds on Minr, and I'm currently working on another project!

I met Reb, Z, and Ezza. We created a discord chat to build a map together, that was called the 9-ball. The group chat began growing as we invited Pixy, Lichy and Grave as part of our crew!

I’m grateful that Minr became a home I really love and the community I grew bond with. It’s the best experience of my life!

Thank you all!


Active Player
Apr 13, 2017
I joined minr for the first time in 2013, my name was AntonioT111 at that time. I logged into the server to play maps for the next few weeks but I didn’t get enough points to become blue and eventually became inactive.

In the summer of 2016, right after I finished 6th grade, I remembered minr and wanted to start playing it again. I found the ip and joined again. I started making friends on minr and finally became blue. HC was challenging, it took me ages to beat Zarklin. Encouragement from swimmy made me really motivated to beat HC (thanks swim).

I beat hc and became green in the April of 2017, I still remember that it was the day before before Easter in 2017. I was excited when I first got green and was seeing everything in the green world for the first time. I have now been green for two years, I was at the end of 7th grade when I became green, now I’m going into sophomore year of high school (10th grade) now. Minr has changed a lot in the time that I was green, it has been cool seeing the changes.

My favorite part of minr is the community, I have met a lot of cool people. I like talking to people on discord and the server.


The Anti-Navigationalist
Oct 29, 2017
I joined Minr all the way back in November of 2012, not too long before my twelfth birthday. I'm not sure if I had ever joined a server before, and I'm pretty sure I found it just by searching "Minecraft server" on Google. At the time, I was pretty down and was looking for some way to entertain myself. I wasn't expecting much from it until I ran into skyerzz, corygolfanatic, and some others in HC. We instantly connected and moved on to Skype, and I think around that time I would rush to my computer every day after school just to play with all of my new friends. I got stuck on Aquarium with sky. One day when I was busy and not online he happened to find the exit and click the sign, not realizing that he couldn't come back to help me (rip).

I stayed on for some time after that, with my now green and staff friends coining me an "honorary green." One of my best memories is finally stumbling upon the exit of Aquarium after at least half a year of being stuck there (this was before you could switch between HC and FFA). But... I didn't know that. Not long after, I set a checkpoint in FFA not realizing that I had just reset all of my HC progress (I probably cried). Combining that with the one update that broke Minr for a while, I left Minecraft for a long time (other than some occasional visits), got logged out of my Skype account, and lost contact with all of my friends.

After coming back online last summer in an attempt to get back in touch with skyerzz, we reconnected and the nostalgia came rushing back. After that, I beat HC in around a month and finally became a green (after six years!). Since then, I've made so many incredible friends (some that I've been lucky enough to meet irl!) that I wouldn't trade for the world. I have too many amazing memories to name; this place has always felt like home.

Thank you all for making my life brighter and keeping the server up and running! <3
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Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
May of 2012 is when I came on the server for the first time. I found it from a google search for "parkour server minecraft". I had been super into parkour custom maps, and I was feeling like I wanted an experience a bit more active. I had came on with some friends from school, but I was the only one who stuck around, and, not to be too dramatic, but that decision may have been responsible for some fraction of who I am today.

Many of you may not know me very well as I'm not active anymore, but back then I played on this server religiously. There was something so enticing about the green rank that kept me going, and something so lonely about seeing other people achieve that while I was still green. We only needed 15 points, which seems small, but those days every map gave you 5 points (might need a fact check), and its a good thing too, as there were only about 12 or so maps to choose from. As was mentioned in an above post, EVERY map felt mysterious and beckoning, like beating a map was some kind of status symbol. Treedom, Blockville, the tower map that I cant remember the name of, were all some of the greatest achievements to be had on the server.

None, though, as great as the green rank. I wouldn't say my iteration of HC (hc #3) was the most difficult by a long shot. However, Ian at 12 years old was struggling very bad. As a matter of fact, through some crack pot method I even was able to skip the aquarium! Alas, once I conquered HC I was asked jokingly by a green "did you cheat??". And I'm sure I defied his expectations by saying yes. Thankfully, I was able to atone for my sins and complete the aquarium normally. It was a genuinely scary time, as I had really come to like and respect the server. But one day I logged on and there it was - the green name. I was elated, despite my thunder being slightly stolen by packsofpages getting mod the same day!

From there, I had the whole world ahead of me. I knew I wanted to make a map, but had no ideas. I wanted to impress people. I didn't want to be that forgettable new map creator. During the interim period, I made many new friends and met many people, like the elusive Glacerion, AJ, and even Bailey. Around 2 months after I achieved green I had my idea for the world tour. I was inspired by a biosphere mod I had seen. With the help of the amazing Sofaloafer, I was able to build and complete it. Releasing that map was one of the most nerve wracking things I had ever done. I was so worried of the criticism I would receive. Thankfully, the map was recieved well, and I was delighted. After I had made a contribution to the server, I really felt like I had become a part of something amazing. All these great people came together to make a crazy good experience (for free mind you) and I was a part of it. It was unreal.

From that time on it was mostly a blur. I was having so much fun creating maps and meeting new people. Benjymon, Blie4, and specially, the amazing and crazy prolific pieceofcheese87, who may have the best track record for map making on the server. I made more maps, like the infamous Cake Quake with neo, the infamous corrupt with ben and piece, and finally, my best works, World Two-ur and Memories with my crutch pieceofcheese.

I've been going on for a while, but I guess when all is said and done, this server shaped who I am today. Minr.org taught me how to type. Minr.org taught me how to love creating. Minr.org taught me how to deal with criticism. Minr.org taught me how to meet people. Minr.org had a part in taking me out of my shell. While I may not come on that much anymore, everyone who is currently playing and everyone who has ever had a hand in creating this amazing server can be rest assured that I will never forget everything that I've seen and done on this server.

I don't tend to be this long winded about things, but I felt I needed to express how I've felt for a long time. Thank you for reading! :)


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
(Sorry for reviving a kind of old thread)

Honestly the most fun I've had on the server has to me always been the various events. The multiple iterations of TAR, Ninja Warrior, the TGR tournament, The Easter Egg hunt, etc. They were and still are all great fun to participate in.

Other than that, being in hardcore way back in 2013 was a wild ride. Being in the heroic challenge was a wild ride too that I remember from recent years (gosh its been a year since I went through that again). Also shoutouts to Breaking Free 2 for probably being the best time I've had playing a single map so far.