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New Command: "/c info"

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May 13, 2015
People constantly ask what type and difficulty the maps they hear mentioned are, and if they’re in the middle of a map and can’t look in spawn, there’s no easy way to check. A really convenient solution to this would be a new “/c info [map]” command. This would not only give the type and points of the map in question, but quite a few other bits of information as well.

Here’s one possible format with each suggested piece:

Information for [map]:
Mapcode: [xxx]
Type: [Pure/Mixed] [Parkour/Maze/Puzzle/Adventure] ([List of secondary types if the map is mixed])
Points: [Points]
Difficulty: [Very Easy/Easy/Novice/etc.] ([Corresponding color])
Creator(s): [Creators]
Mid-CPs: [Number of checkpoints between the start and end]

Here’s a few examples:

Information for Outpost:
Mapcode: out
Type: Pure Parkour
Points: 25
Difficulty: Expert (Black)
Creator(s): henniboy321, Zatharel
Mid-CPs: 3

Information for Mario Parkour:
Mapcode: mpk
Type: Mixed Parkour (Includes Maze)
Points: 7
Difficulty: Medium (Yellow)
Creator(s): joeincoolland, nuffie1000
Mid-CPs: None

Information for Detention 2:
Mapcode: det2
Type: Mixed Puzzle (Includes Parkour and Maze)
Points: 12
Difficulty: Hard (Orange)
Creator(s): pieceofcheese
Mid-CPs: 2

Information for DOOM-ED:
Mapcode: dd1
Type: Adventure (Includes Puzzle, Parkour, and Mobs)
Points: 6
Difficulty: Varied (Purple)
Creator(s): PacksofPages
Mid-CPs: 5 (all separate levels)

It doesn’t have to include all of these; I simply think something like this would be really convenient and handy.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Already exists for ops afaik.

I don't think midcps should be shown. Additionally, while some of that stuff is tracked by the plugin I don't think it is accurate at all.

I would support some /c getcode <map name> command though.


May 13, 2015
Already exists for ops afaik.

I don't think midcps should be shown. Additionally, while some of that stuff is tracked by the plugin I don't think it is accurate at all.

I would support some /c getcode <map name> command though.
The omission of mid-CPs makes sense, but why not points, types, and creators? Types and creators would have to be entered in once and will never change, and points I’m pretty sure can be tracked automatically. If not, they wouldn’t be hard to keep up with anyway.
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Oct 26, 2013
/c info already lists useful information such as creator, map type, difficulty level etc. However it also lists start and end signs locations which is not a wise idea to have public.


May 13, 2015
What about a “/c mapinfo” command or something of similar name, which does the same thing but without the start and end sign coordinates?


Nov 18, 2013
We can just port /c info to greenies that shows less info. I was planning this as part of the command rework, but that'll take a bit to get implemented. If we want this asap, we can make something work though.


May 13, 2015
That’s fine, it can definitely wait for the command rework. Thanks!
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