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    Java Version: 1.21.3

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Night Vision feature


Jan 16, 2023
Most players on the server use fullbright anyway, I think there should be a command like /nv giving you the night vision effect until you turn it off, I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be added. In some maps everything is dark to the extent where you can see literally nothing, it's frustrating sometimes


shut up and drive drive drive drive drive drive
Jul 15, 2022
Most maps where this is needed already have night vision implemented. Additionally, many maps are better experienced with natural lighting in my opinion, such as The Facility, Retrograde, Calamity, Hikari, Black Blizzard, Innsmouth, and Dark Pact, to name a few. It isn't that hard to add a night vision script or just place light blocks in a map, and pretty much all map-makers nowadays are aware of this. Also, I'm not sure where you get "most players on the server use fullbright anyway", as I haven't seen many greenies use it, from seeing videos and watching screenshares.

Deleted member 4181

I agree with what Orange said, I personally prefer default lighting apart from rare cases where I'm having trouble seeing (which usually has more to do with my own vision issues than the map). That said, I can't see many drawbacks to having a command to give night vision whenever people want it, or at the very least, greenies. Of course anyone could choose not to use it. There are a couple of places where it being difficult to see is part of the challenge, but I think this is generally frowned upon anyway, and if fullbright is already allowed, then night vision won't give any advantage that fullbright doesn't already give. I could see it being useful in those maps where I'm struggling to see and that's NOT intended to be part of the challenge. I could also see it being useful in theta when I don't want to return to spawn to give myself night vision, because I'm focused on mapping and don't want to lose my flow.


Pond Dweller
Jan 7, 2021
I rly don’t think it’s needed. If the creator of a map wanted it to be brighter they’d have added extra light sources themselves. Often it sets the right mood and I myself wouldn’t be happy to hear of people going through my map with night vision or full brightness because that’s not how it’s supposed to be played. I’d say if you’re having to squint through the darkness either close your blinds or turn up your brightness. Also in theta you could just use a night vision potion rather than going back to spawn for the effect.

Deleted member 4181

Often it sets the right mood and I myself wouldn’t be happy to hear of people going through my map with night vision or full brightness because that’s not how it’s supposed to be played. I’d say if you’re having to squint through the darkness either close your blinds or turn up your brightness.
While I get the sentiment, I think accessibility is priority and it's better for some people to experience a map an unintended way rather than not at all. It is relatively rare, but sometimes turning brightness up to max isn't enough, and if someone has to do that then they're arguably already not experiencing it as it was intended. I also personally don't think it's the creator's place to enforce how exactly players have to experience their map. One can have a vision of what they want it to be like, but ultimately I don't think it's fair to say a player can't experience a map differently if it helps them enjoy it more, apart from obvious cases where the difficulty is affected


google jury nullification
Aug 18, 2022
I agree that a command like this would be a welcome change, and I agree new maps pretty much always have no lighting issues. There are definitely a lot of older maps, however, that do not pass muster in this regard (like Toulou said).