• Welcome to Minr.org

    Server IP: zero.minr.org 

    Java Version: 1.21.3

    Who are we?

    Welcome to one of the oldest Minecraft servers and communities in the world! Zero.minr.org dates back over 14 years and has been consistently providing endless hours of fun and excitement for players from all over the globe. With an uptime of 99%, you can count on us to be here for you whenever you're in the mood for some challenging minecraft parkour, puzzles and mazes.

    Our server is home to over 600+ challenges, each designed to keep you engaged and entertained for months on end. These challenges have been created, tested and curated by our green membership community, who are true experts in all things challenges! Our community is made up of some of the most dedicated and skilled players, who have completed our Hardcore set of challenges and continue to create new and innovative experiences for our server.

    At our core, we are strongly committed to fair play and against any form of pay-to-win features. We have been privately funded since our inception, which has allowed us to provide a level playing field for all our players, free of any hidden advantages. This dedication to fair play has resulted in a thriving community where everyone has a chance to excel and showcase their skills.

    So why not join us and become a part of something truly special? Who knows, you may even have what it takes to create a challenge that will remain on our server for years to come. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, we look forward to welcoming you to our server.

    For more information about zero.minr.org click here.

Wiki | Updates


Jun 15, 2019
2020-04-27 21:33:23EditMinr Maps (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added all maps from April 3 to...
2020-04-27 20:41:25NewTrains (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Redirected page to [[Creators#...
2020-04-27 20:26:16NewCleanUpCrew (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Redirected page to [[Creators#...
2020-04-27 20:09:10EditCreators (Diff)Fire (Contribs)
2020-04-27 19:57:25NewJonBimblesticks (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Redirected page to [[Creators#...
2020-04-27 19:56:58EditCreators (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Misspelling
2020-04-27 19:44:21EditMinr Maps (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Rolling back (Sorry Big)
2020-04-27 19:40:56EditTemplate : MobileMapRow (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Rolling back
2020-04-27 18:04:55EditUpdates (Diff)Rickyboy320 (Contribs)Whoops, forgot system::getTPS
2020-04-27 18:02:49EditUpdates (Diff)Rickyboy320 (Contribs)Upcoming 10.4.8


Jun 15, 2019
2020-04-29 08:31:05EditPrismarine Green (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-04-29 08:09:02EditFusion Parkour (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-04-29 08:07:52EditFrosty City (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-04-29 08:07:26EditCreators (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)/* pieceofcheese */
2020-04-29 08:06:42NewFusion Parkour (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)Created page with "{{Infobox_M...
2020-04-29 07:46:02LogFile : Fusionmap.png (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-04-29 07:41:51NewWooly Creeper (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)Created page with "{{Infobox_M...
2020-04-29 07:24:15LogFile : Woolycreepermap.png (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-04-29 07:20:52NewFrosty City (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)Created page with "{{Infobox_M...
2020-04-29 06:58:21LogFile : Frostymap.png (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-04-28 21:23:58LogFile : Hardcore 3.0.PNG (Diff)Ajdj (Contribs)Updated time window, added log...
2020-04-28 21:23:19LogFile : Hardcore 3.1.PNG (Diff)Ajdj (Contribs)Updated timing, Added logo.
2020-04-28 18:39:30EditFree For All (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)edited wording a bit; updated ...
2020-04-28 18:33:38EditFree For All (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Updated to reflect spawn chang...
2020-04-28 18:26:23EditFree For All (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Updating to reflect spawn chan...
2020-04-28 16:42:22EditMinr Maps (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)The Impossible Quiz is 18 poin...
2020-04-28 16:40:47EditMinr Maps (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Perspective 2 is 18 points
2020-04-28 16:39:11EditMinr Maps (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Removed duplicate
2020-04-28 16:37:50EditMinr Maps (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)E3 is 18 Points
2020-04-28 16:36:26EditMinr Maps (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Nice Try Fire
2020-04-28 16:35:05EditMinr Maps (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Tetris parkour 7-4
2020-04-28 16:32:21EditCategory : Hard (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Added Neptune / Dragon Age
2020-04-28 16:31:20EditCategory : Moderate (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)removed dragon age / neptune
2020-04-28 16:29:10EditCategory : Adventure (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)added dragon age / neptune
2020-04-28 16:27:49EditMinr Maps (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)dragon age/neptune 7-12
2020-04-28 16:25:10EditMinr Maps (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)obfusco 1-2
2020-04-28 16:23:16EditCategory : Pure Puzzle (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)obfusco 1-2
2020-04-28 16:22:07EditCategory : Puzzle (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)obfusco 1-2
2020-04-28 16:20:50EditCategory : Easy (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)added obfusco
2020-04-28 16:19:04EditCategory : Very Easy (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)removed obfusco


Jun 15, 2019
2020-04-30 11:28:50EditCreators (Diff)SPolendina (Contribs)
2020-04-30 06:09:26LogUser : SKCCheryle (Diff)SKCCheryle (Contribs)
2020-04-30 02:29:35EditBuiltin Namespace Guide (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-30 01:47:55EditBuiltin Namespace Guide (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)/* Built-Ins (page is not read...
2020-04-30 01:47:34EditBuiltin Namespace Guide (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-30 01:44:52EditNamespace Guide math (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-30 01:38:54EditNamespace Documentation (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-30 01:33:21NewBuiltin Namespace Guide (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)Created page with "[[Namespace...
2020-04-30 01:21:58EditNamespace Guide rtp (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-30 01:21:26EditNamespace Guide system (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-30 01:21:10EditNamespace Guide math (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-30 01:20:05NewNamespace Guide system (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)Created page with "= system = ...
2020-04-30 01:14:23EditNamespace Guide math (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-30 00:28:44EditNamespace Guide math (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-29 23:39:46EditMYTH (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)added infobox to myth page
2020-04-29 23:29:27NewFreezerburn (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)Created page with "{{Infobox_M...
2020-04-29 22:41:49NewNamespace Guide math (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)Created page with "= math = ''...
2020-04-29 22:40:28EditNamespace Documentation (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-29 22:35:56EditCategory : Board (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)/* Legacy Board Maps */
2020-04-29 22:16:42Edit154 (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)hmm
2020-04-29 21:44:59EditCategory : Maze (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)154 was listed as both pure an...
2020-04-29 21:43:42EditMinr Maps (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)154
2020-04-29 21:42:14Edit154 (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Small changes
2020-04-29 20:12:43NewCorrupt (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)Created page with "{{Infobox_M...
2020-04-29 20:11:14EditUser : Big Big So Big (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Challenge Ideas? Added Daredev...
2020-04-29 19:45:07EditUser : Big Big So Big (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)typo
2020-04-29 19:44:17EditUser : Big Big So Big (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)hmm
2020-04-29 19:34:28EditUser : Big Big So Big (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)removed shoutouts (because it ...
2020-04-29 19:25:02EditCrow's Nest (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)
2020-04-29 19:24:14NewCrow's Nest (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Created Crow's Nest
2020-04-29 19:19:19LogFile : Wooden Slopes.png (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)
2020-04-29 19:16:52LogFile : ScubaMap.png (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)
2020-04-29 19:15:13NewHangar (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Created Hangar
2020-04-29 19:11:57LogFile : Crow's Nest.png (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)
2020-04-29 19:05:17LogFile : Infiltration.png (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)
2020-04-29 19:01:57EditDetention (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)

Post limit has been reached. View all recent changes on the Wiki.


Jun 15, 2019
2020-05-01 05:19:28EditHardcore (Diff)CreepaShadowz (Contribs)8.1 description change
2020-04-30 23:23:04EditServer Rules (Diff)Ajdj (Contribs)Added hyperlink
2020-04-30 23:01:43EditServer Rules (Diff)Ajdj (Contribs)Removed duplicate section.
2020-04-30 20:02:52EditBuiltin Namespace Guide (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)/* Boolean */
2020-04-30 20:01:08EditBuiltin Namespace Guide (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)/* Operators TODO */
2020-04-30 20:00:11EditBuiltin Namespace Guide (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)/* Operators TODO */
2020-04-30 19:44:00EditNamespace Guide math (Diff)Yeroc424 (Contribs)
2020-04-30 17:08:17EditUser : Big Big So Big (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)added my maps
2020-04-30 16:41:52NewScuba (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)created Scuba
2020-04-30 16:21:27EditLookout (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)updated trivia fact
2020-04-30 16:17:43EditInfiltration (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)
2020-04-30 16:17:11NewInfiltration (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Created Infiltration
2020-04-30 16:09:23LogUser : EugenioBachmeier (Diff)EugenioBachmeier (Contribs)


Jun 15, 2019
2020-05-02 13:42:59EditCreators (Diff)SPolendina (Contribs)/* Autre */
2020-05-02 12:23:37EditCreators (Diff) (Contribs)/* Logwormy */
2020-05-02 12:22:51EditMain Page (Diff) (Contribs)Update to 10.4.8
2020-05-02 12:22:46EditUpdates (Diff) (Contribs)10.4.8
2020-05-02 02:38:23EditUser : IBDKing (Diff)IBDKing (Contribs)added hint to thing that will ...
2020-05-02 02:23:10EditDetention (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-05-02 02:22:55EditDetention (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-05-02 02:21:59EditCategory : Puzzle (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)nvm its actually yellow, thoug...
2020-05-02 02:17:42EditCategory : Puzzle (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)Remove Detention from Moderate...
2020-05-02 02:15:41NewViemort (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)Created page with "{{Infobox_M...
2020-05-02 01:22:08EditBlock Party (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-05-02 01:18:35EditBlock Party (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-05-02 01:17:03EditBlock Party (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)Update Block party info to hav...
2020-05-02 00:46:34NewTower Prowl (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)Created page with "{{Infobox_M...
2020-05-02 00:12:08LogFile : Towerprowl.png (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-05-01 21:01:43EditCategory : Co-op (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added Perspective 2
2020-05-01 20:59:51EditCategory : Adventure (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added Scuba
2020-05-01 20:58:54EditCategory : Pure Puzzle (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added Perspective 2, The Impos...
2020-05-01 20:57:56EditCategory : Puzzle (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added Perspective 2, The Impos...
2020-05-01 20:56:17EditCategory : Pure Maze (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added Crow's Nest and Trenches
2020-05-01 20:55:52EditCategory : Maze (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added Crow's Nest and Trenches
2020-05-01 20:55:03EditCategory : Mixed Parkour (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added Fourier Series and Sewer
2020-05-01 20:54:04EditCategory : Pure Parkour (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added March 30 to May 1 Maps
2020-05-01 20:50:56EditCategory : Parkour (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added March 30 to May 1 Maps
2020-05-01 20:48:23EditCategory : Very Hard (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added E3, Perspective 2, and T...
2020-05-01 20:45:40EditCategory : Hard (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added Clutterfunk and Warped
2020-05-01 20:44:24EditCategory : Moderate (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added Fourier Series and Wool ...
2020-05-01 20:43:43EditCategory : Novice (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added 7x7
2020-05-01 20:43:16EditCategory : Easy (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added March 30 to May 1 Maps
2020-05-01 20:42:02EditCategory : Very Easy (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added Mystic Cavern, Over the ...
2020-05-01 20:40:20EditCategory : FFA (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Added March 30 to May 1 Maps
2020-05-01 20:11:47EditMinr Maps (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Changed Wool Garden from 4 to ...
2020-05-01 20:08:23EditMinr Maps (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Changed Clutterfunk from 7 to ...
2020-05-01 20:07:36EditMinr Maps (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Changed Helicase from 4 to 2
2020-05-01 19:51:24EditMinr Maps (Diff)Fire (Contribs)Changed Scuba from 1 to 2
2020-05-01 14:35:09EditTemplate : News (Diff)Rickyboy320 (Contribs)


Jun 15, 2019
2020-05-03 12:24:53EditCreators (Diff)SPolendina (Contribs)/* Autre */
2020-05-03 08:26:58EditWorld Two-ur (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-05-03 08:22:37LogFile : Worldtwour.png (Diff)Pieceofcheese87 (Contribs)
2020-05-03 07:36:51LogUser : Likfef (Diff)Likfef (Contribs)
2020-05-03 00:09:14LogUser : Keithdrype (Diff)Keithdrype (Contribs)
2020-05-02 16:28:16EditCreators (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Trains is not listed as a crea...
2020-05-02 16:20:52EditTower Prowl (Diff)Big Big So Big (Contribs)Added trivia fact


Jun 15, 2019


Jun 15, 2019


Jun 15, 2019
2020-05-12 08:05:12EditUpdates (Diff)CreepaShadowz (Contribs)Add 10.4.9
2020-05-11 16:12:10EditCreators (Diff)SPolendina (Contribs)/* _Trains_ */
2020-05-11 16:10:33EditCreators (Diff)SPolendina (Contribs)/* Sulldas */
2020-05-11 16:10:12EditCreators (Diff)SPolendina (Contribs)/* Sulldas */
2020-05-11 16:10:00EditCreators (Diff)SPolendina (Contribs)/* Sulldas */
2020-05-11 16:09:29EditCreators (Diff)SPolendina (Contribs)/* Dumbmutt */
2020-05-11 16:09:20EditCreators (Diff)SPolendina (Contribs)/* Dumbmutt */