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    Who are we?

    Welcome to one of the oldest Minecraft servers and communities in the world! Zero.minr.org dates back over 14 years and has been consistently providing endless hours of fun and excitement for players from all over the globe. With an uptime of 99%, you can count on us to be here for you whenever you're in the mood for some challenging minecraft parkour, puzzles and mazes.

    Our server is home to over 600+ challenges, each designed to keep you engaged and entertained for months on end. These challenges have been created, tested and curated by our green membership community, who are true experts in all things challenges! Our community is made up of some of the most dedicated and skilled players, who have completed our Hardcore set of challenges and continue to create new and innovative experiences for our server.

    At our core, we are strongly committed to fair play and against any form of pay-to-win features. We have been privately funded since our inception, which has allowed us to provide a level playing field for all our players, free of any hidden advantages. This dedication to fair play has resulted in a thriving community where everyone has a chance to excel and showcase their skills.

    So why not join us and become a part of something truly special? Who knows, you may even have what it takes to create a challenge that will remain on our server for years to come. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, we look forward to welcoming you to our server.

    For more information about zero.minr.org click here.

Challenge Update - June 2021

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Tree Hugger
Mar 1, 2020
Hi everyone! Trains here. Thanks so much to Autre for sending this on my behalf.

After days of work, Autre and I are thrilled to update the community on our challenges! We, and the rest of the op team, will be taking the initiative to ensure challenges remain in a stable state. There is a lot to unpack in this update, so let’s get started!

Changing the Approach to Challenges

One of the biggest changes made in this update is the removal of most non-static challenges. A non-static challenge is a challenge that continuously gets updated, like the hexa challenge. However, there are many issues that come with these challenges such as potentially having to wipe times and even completions when a certain amount of new maps get added. This is due to both the times becoming impossible to beat and the challenge becoming more time-consuming/harder. To fix this issue, we have removed these challenges completely: White Waders (all white maps), Blue Oceans (all blue maps), and Co-op (all co-op maps). As well, we have decided to remove Rivers Run Red due to its lack of stability as a challenge in the past years needing to be constantly fixed and reworked. However, we have in its place provided the 430 challenge points to those who’ve beaten it. Lastly, we have made Free Fallin’ (all dropper maps) into a static challenge, and will no longer be updated with the release of new maps.

Protocol has also changed for when a map is pulled or denominated out of FFA. Should the challenge be "crippled", meaning that the essence of the challenge is lost due to its removal, then the challenge would be reworked or removed and completions would also be removed. For example, if Aquarium and Azura were removed from Hold Your Breath, the challenge would be "crippled" and would be removed. If the challenge can still function after the removal of a map, it would either be replaced by a suitable candidate or just have its c-points altered appropriately. In the case that the map is being replaced, times and completions may be wiped on a case by case basis. If a map gets pulled from a challenge with the intention of fixing it (not denom) that requires the map but doesn’t necessarily cripple it, (ex. Piece of Cake from Tasty Planet, or Clocktower 2 from Hexa Killers) the challenge will be made unavailable whilst changes are being made, though if the map is out for an extended period, the challenge will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

White Waders
Blue Oceans
Rivers Run Red
War is Hell
The Great Barrier
Flamingo Fury
Trials of Herobrine
Kadd’s Krazies
Big Brain
Follow Freeman
Pack of Packs

Gravitational (added to challenge hub)
Beginner Co-op Pack
Hard Co-op Pack
Wul Warriors (added back to challenge hub)
Harboring Doubt
Sightseeing 2020
Sightseeing 2021

Note: We added a few from the previous thread, if yours wasn’t added feel free to suggest it again!

A Friend for the End moved from 100 -> 125
Luwevol moved from 125 -> 60, from red to yellow
Castle Crashers from 175 -> 250
Hell or High Water from 200 -> 175
The 256 Descent from 10 -> 20, from white to blue
Gravitational from 30 -> 25
Swept Downstream from 30 -> 50, from green to yellow
Intermediate Puzzle Pack from 40 -> 45
Wul Warriors from 40 -> 50
Painbow from 50 -> 80, from yellow to orange
Spooked from 50 -> 70, from yellow to orange
Tasty Planet from 60 -> 70, from yellow to orange
Descent into Madness from 50 -> 80
The Amazing Race from 80 -> 110, from orange to red
Crippled Classics from 90 -> 65
White Walkers 3 from 90 -> 85
Out of Breath from 100 -> 75
Satan’s Pit from 100 -> 65
White Walkers from 100 -> 85
White Walkers 2 from 100 -> 85
What Goes Up from 100 -> 125, from orange to red
Paranormal Panic from 110 -> 80
Insert Quarter from 120 -> 90
Master Malware from 120 -> 110
The Perfect Run from 120 -> 200, from red to black
Oculi from 125 -> 115
Very Hard Maze Pack from 135 -> 115
Very Hard Parkour Pack from 135 -> 100
Very Hard Parkour Pack 2 from 135 -> 100
Very Hard Parkour Pack 3 from 135 -> 100
Very Hard Puzzle Pack from 135 -> 100
All Wired Up from 150 -> 225
Insane Parkour Pack from 175 -> 150
Insane Parkour Pack 4 - Caverns and Dragons from 200 -> 225
Revelation from 200 -> 175
A State of Mind from 250 -> 325
Insane Parkour Pack 3 - Mixed Mania from 250 -> 200
Seamus, Jonah, and Rickard from 250 -> 300
Stranded from 300 -> 200
They Can’t Get Worse from 375 -> 215

Maze1 - Times
Puzzle1 - Times
Maze2 - Times
Puzzle2 - Times and Completions
Puzzle3 - Times and Completions
Retro Runner Rush - Times
Insert Quarter - Times

Creator Packs
As seen prior, creator packs have also been removed due to the issue presented earlier of continuously needing to be updated. The staff team is looking into alternatives for an eventual return of creator packs, but as of right now these packs will be removed and will remain this way for the foreseeable future.

Suggesting New Challenges
Autre will be posting a new thread where all ideas for new challenges are welcome! To suggest a challenge, you don’t need to follow rebplane’s guide - just suggest the name of the challenge, the potential code, amount of c-points it should be worth, maps found inside sequentially, and any modifiers. The current list of modifiers you can add are lives, no checkpoint, no damage, no food, no regeneration, no sprint, or soul linked. For a challenge to be considered, all it needs is positive engagement from the community, seen in reactions and thumbs-ups to the challenge. If you aren’t sure how much the challenge should be worth, don’t worry! We’re likely going to review it and make any slight adjustments to the point worth prior to it being introduced. After a new challenge has been added, an op will send an update message informing the community of such within the thread. To clarify difficulties versus point values, white is 5-15, blue is 20-25, green is 30-40, yellow is 45-60, orange is 65-95, red is 100-145, and black is 150+ c-points. More information can be found in the official challenge suggestion thread here: Click Here

Challenge Reward Proposals
To quickly clarify, challenge reward proposal threads will function exactly the same as regular reward proposals, without the need to cite border maps. They will still last the duration of a week, require a supermajority to pass, and require at least 3 votes in favour to be considered.

Finally, Autre and I have created a new List of All Minr Challenges, viewable by all, that will be continuously updated by us. The link to access it can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RQbwgzkq_a_O4xN_LkJpkLeTJn5L6ldSsD_qBBJtmZ4/edit?usp=sharing

Thanks so much, and we hope you appreciate the changes! Special thanks to NoSi, Average, Kimbos, and Shpeckly for helping us with point balancing.


Trains and Autre
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