• Welcome to Minr.org

    Server IP: zero.minr.org 

    Java Version: 1.21.3

    Who are we?

    Welcome to one of the oldest Minecraft servers and communities in the world! Zero.minr.org dates back over 14 years and has been consistently providing endless hours of fun and excitement for players from all over the globe. With an uptime of 99%, you can count on us to be here for you whenever you're in the mood for some challenging minecraft parkour, puzzles and mazes.

    Our server is home to over 600+ challenges, each designed to keep you engaged and entertained for months on end. These challenges have been created, tested and curated by our green membership community, who are true experts in all things challenges! Our community is made up of some of the most dedicated and skilled players, who have completed our Hardcore set of challenges and continue to create new and innovative experiences for our server.

    At our core, we are strongly committed to fair play and against any form of pay-to-win features. We have been privately funded since our inception, which has allowed us to provide a level playing field for all our players, free of any hidden advantages. This dedication to fair play has resulted in a thriving community where everyone has a chance to excel and showcase their skills.

    So why not join us and become a part of something truly special? Who knows, you may even have what it takes to create a challenge that will remain on our server for years to come. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, we look forward to welcoming you to our server.

    For more information about zero.minr.org click here.



Nov 18, 2013
Hello all,

Since yesterday we've started test-running challenges on zero. While they are not completely feature complete yet, they work to a certain extent. As you might've heard, challenges will be closely interacting with the Achievement system we're working on, but since that's still in development, we're unable to bring that out yet. So for now, we have 'beta-challenges'.

What are challenges?
Challenges are a series of maps, similar to HC or original-HC with or without an additional challengetype. By completing a map in the series, you are automatically teleported to the next map, and so on. If you haven't completed the map before, you still get points and times. At the last map you'll also be rewarded the challenge completion and 'Achievement-Points', or short A-Points (Currently no challenges give achievementpoints, as this is still in the testing phase).

What types of challenges are there?
This is something I'd like to expand upon and increase functionality of the current types, but here's a list of all the challengetypes:
NO_SPRINT - Disables sprinting, currently by setting your food level to 3, so this automatically also includes no regeneration and no food.
NO_CHECKPOINT - Disables checkpoints. You can not set checkpoints, and when entering the challenge your checkpoint is automatically set to the first checkpoint in the challenge, you are still able to get food from the checkpoints.
NO_REGENERATION - Disables regenerating health. Should speak for itself.
NO_FOOD - Disables food, you cannot eat food, fair enough.
LIFE_CHALLENGE - Life-challenge. Something that might not work completely yet, but this is similar to how Super Mario Maker handles their '100 life challenge'. You gain a set amount of 'lives' (defaulted to 100), and you have to complete the challenge within these amount of lives. If you do not, you'll lose the challenge.

What challenges am I able to play right now?

I've added a few challenges suggested by creepa in his suggestion thread*, for testing purposes. You can list all challenges by typing /ch list, and join one by clicking one in the list, or just join a random challenge by /ch random. (Try out 'Welcome to hell', very fun)

What is planned?
>Dailies - This will probably become a two-parted-daily. An 'easy' and a 'hard' one. By completing a daily you gain some achievement points, similar to the other challenges, allowing for a way to gain more and more A-points in the end.
>Times - While times for maps are already added, times for challenges are not, and thus they're a planned feature.
>More challengetypes - Will need some suggestions for these, but by expanding these types we can add more diversity to maps and challenges.

If you notice any failures/breakages/bugs, please notify me.

Challenge on, fellow Minrers!



Sleepy Forest Girl
Feb 7, 2016
So, came up with a couple different ideas, one is time trial where you only have x minutes to complete a certain map. If you take too long to complete the map, you fail the challenge and wont go onto the next map/get A-Points for winning. You can still complete the map normally.

Another one could be really hard to do, but will challenge people to find interesting routes. You only have X jumps to complete a map. If you jump more than that, you lose the challenge and the same happens as in the time trial one.

The last one i could think of right now could be pretty weird, dont really know but that is different potion effects. I know some maps already uses this, but for example, try to do a map with nausea or something. Could be really interesting.

That's everything i have for now, keep coming up with these amazing ideas, im looking forwards to some feedback.


Jan 19, 2015
Just a pro-tip when establishing A-points, you need a reward for getting an insane number of them to keep people hooked, and every so often have an even bigger reward. I don't want it to turn into the FFA points situation again where people get 650+ points legit to find out they don't get anything.
As for ideas, I remember there was another thread in relations to this topic, which suggested map specific ones, series of maps, etc.
Full list from what I remember/suggestions:
Map Specific
1. Get to a certain area. To help with mods/ops not accidentally triggering these, make a requirement to hit start sign for challenge.
2. Time trial *
3. Maximum jumps *
4. Don't Touch The Block(s). Self-explanatory, but you must beat the map without stepping on a list of blocks or just 1 certain block.
5. Special types: Ones you can't normally apply to most maps. For example:
I: Monkey Trumpets HardCore
II: Doom-ed! Non-item run *
III: etc.
Map Series
1. Time Trial
2. No Checkpoint
3. Maximum jumps
4. Don't Touch the Blocks
5. Combo Challenge; e.g. Time Trial + Don't Touch the Blocks *
6. Effect Challenges
7. No Food Runner *
8. Life Preserver: Two types:
I: Daredevil -only have 1/2 a heart to beat the map string with *
II: Conserver -Unable to regenerate normally
9. Special types, such as:
I: Minty Secret Madness (find all of minty's secrets in his mapset)
II: Giant Hunt -Kill only the giant mob at the end of Doom-ed!, Solstice, and The Congo in a row.
III: Etc.
10. No requirement. Remember, sometimes just beating a map set in a row is amazing enough
Non-map Specific
1. Beat a # maps, a few different approaches to this:
I. Beat just a # of maps
II. Beat a # of orange, red, etc. maps
2. Get a # of points.
3. Get ranked by a certain # of points. E.g. get ranked 50th or more in points
4. Get ranked by A-points
5. Beat all maps. Nolifes requirement to complete *
6. Get a map time under 10 seconds. No joke possible to do legit in 2 maps so far. *
7. Get a map time over 7 days.
8. Walk 1,000 Kilometers on the server
9. Jump over 100,000 times *
Scoreboard Times Specific
1. Get a scoreboard time of at least 3rd
2. Get a time of at least 2nd
3. Get a 1st place time
4. Get 10 scoreboard times
5. Get 10 1st scoreboard times *
Mini-Game Specific
1. Win Spleef
2. Win Spleef a # of times
3. Win by breaking no blocks in spleef *
4. Break 10,000 blocks in spleef
5. Win CTF
6. Capture a flag
7. Be the only teammate to capture the flag and win. *
8. Win CTF with the other team at 0 points *
9. Don't die once in CTF
10. Get 12 stacks of sand in a sandbox round
11. Get a treasure chest
12. Get 7 treasures in 1 round.
13. Have Fun! *

* Achievements with potential to be difficult
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Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
I had a sudden urge to name all of rman's ideas.

Map Related:
The Road to Glory - I. Beat just a # of maps
The Beacon - II. Beat a # of orange, red, etc. maps
Milestone - 2. Get a # of points.
On top of the world - 3. Get ranked by a certain # of points. E.g. get ranked 50th or more in points
Achievement Hunter - 4. Get ranked by A-points
Over-Achiever - 5. Beat all maps. Nolifes requirement to complete *
Speedy Gonzales - 6. Get a map time under 10 seconds. No joke possible to do legit in 2 maps so far. *
Slowpoke - 7. Get a map time over 7 days.
The Amazing Race - 8. Walk 1,000 Kilometers on the server
Jumpaholic - 9. Jump over 100,000 times *
Scoreboard Times Specific
Podium -Placement 1. Get a scoreboard time of at least 3rd
Quicksilver - 2. Get a time of at least 2nd
Go for Gold - 3. Get a 1st place time
Speedrunner - 4. Get 10 scoreboard times
5. Get 10 1st scoreboard times *

Mini-Game Specific
Spleef Winner - 1. Win Spleef
Spleef God - 2. Win Spleef a # of times
Griefless - 3. Win by breaking no blocks in spleef *
Griefer - 4. Break 10,000 blocks in spleef
Mission Accomplished - 5. Win CTF
[WIP] - 6. Capture a flag
The One - 7. Be the only teammate to capture the flag and win. *
Annihilation - 8. Win CTF with the other team at 0 points *
The Survivor - 9. Don't die once in CTF

I <3 Falling - Take 10,000 damage total
Pain Tolerance - Take 20 damage in a no food challenge and complete the challenge

* Achievements with potential to be difficult
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Jan 19, 2015
Bonus #1 DLC $4.99 (Not really)
Spawn specific:
1. Find all 5 Jungle Gold *
2. Complete a Jade Temple
3. Complete both Jade Temples (Really? There's two?)
4. Find the secret map spot in Quartz Spawn
Green Item specific:
1. Get all 6 wood types
2. Sponge (Also I'm concerned if you get this) *
3. Dispenser
4. Mine a lapis ore
5. Make white stained glass panes
6. Make Green Wool
7. Get an E-Gold Apple *
8. Make a stone slab
9. Craft TNT
10. Get Obsidian
11. Mine a diamond ore *
12. Get a jukebox
13. Make a Jack O' Lantern
14. Mine a Stonebrick Monster Egg of any type *
15. Get a Nether Wart *
16. Craft an Enchantment Table *
17. Get an end portal frame *
18. Mine an emerald ore *
19. Mine an emerald block *
20. Mine a very damaged anvil
21. Craft a comparator
22. Weild an activator rail
23. Obtain white stained clay
24. Bind a hay bale
25. Make a light gray carpet
26. Create a banner
27. Break a Chorus Flower
28. Make a diamond hoe *
29. Make a gold chestplate
30. Grab a saddle *
31. Snag a clownfish *
32. Make a cookie
33. Collect a Ghast Tear
34. Get a Fermented Spider Eye
35. Obtain a glistening melon
36. Get a dragon mob head *
37. Brew Dragon's Breath *
38. Get a tipped arrow *
39. Get a mellohi disc *


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Challenge Ideas:

Basically you have to complete as many maps as possible with no checkpoint, starting from Mineco, doing all the blue maps (mazes & puzzles included), then green, yellow, orange and then red.
Purple maps come in under their respective difficulties (e.g. Memories Stage 2 is yellow, Palmtree Panic Good Future is red, etc.)

You aren't really supposed to beat it, just see how far you can get.

HC Challenges:
Each old iteration of HC becomes a new challenge that you have to do, with standard no food requirement. Checkpoints included.


Jan 19, 2015
This is likely unintended, but The Slow Race challenge tps people to the sprint version of mpk...


Nov 18, 2013
Project: Daily is a go.
Every day, a randomly generated challenge should show up. This challenge consists of 2-5 random maps. Since we're still in beta, it does not reward A-points yet and will be reset once we're out of 'beta'. The Daily 'board' has been added to FFA. Neither is it completely feature complete, planned features include challengetypes and an 'easy' and 'hard' version.

Achievements are still in progress. Sadly they may not be completed before June.


Nov 18, 2013
Pretty much all random right now. Might tweak the system a little bit later on to incorporate things I haven't accounted for yet.


Nov 2, 2013
Hey, so I had a challenge idea, not sure if this is the correct thread to put it under.

Very simply, with an undecided name, have every parkour map, pure and mixed, as a challenge, but going from difficulty order? Would love to work my way through that, as myself am just a 'parkourist'.

This could be added to mazes, and also puzzles, as I know some people prefer those to parkour?

Would be lovely to implement ASAP.