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- #1
I had to split this up because it exceeded 10000 characters.
Carpe Diem
Skip: The minecart shooter minigame at -6172 68 3838 takes roughly 15 seconds to complete, so if P2 begins the minigame 15 seconds before P1 arrives, P1 can head straight through the opened door without needing to take the time to do the minigame.
Times: #1
Patch: Make the minigame inaccessible until after it's done being used and the exit door has closed. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods.
DOOM-ED Level 3
Skips: There's several buttons that can be held down by P2 to keep certain gates open, allowing for P1 to run straight through them without having to go up to and press said buttons. They are at -1324 34 2171, -1312 34 2165, -1332 34 2198, and -1321 24 2225.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above buttons required for a valid time.
Dusty Dunes
Skip: P2 can stand on the plate at 11625 72 3403, bypassing P1's need to go to and press the plate.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above plate required for a valid time.
Skips: 4 different people can be placed near the buttons at -5713 63 -3076, -5716 69 -3054, -5688 63 -3035, and -5730 63 -3073 for saved time.
Times: Top 4 (maybe rman's #5, not sure about that one)
Patch: Require the above buttons required for a valid time.
Skips: Extra players stationed at button -359 51 272, plate -345 51 268, and plate -290 21 277 allows for P1 going on the right side to get a very fast time.
Times: A lot, at least top 11, maybe more
Patch: Because These puzzles need to be done coop already, I have no clue how more than 2 players could be detected and invalidated :/
Mint's Trials
Skips: This map has quite a few buttons in the last 5 puzzles that P2 can be stationed at to save time. Most of them are tiny and hardly worth the effort, but some save quite bit. Puzzle 16 has one at 11569 67 2974, puzzle 17 at 11558 79 2972, puzzle 18 at 11557 66 2955, puzzle 19 at 11555 71 2964, and 2 in puzzle 20 at 11541 74 2968 and 11541 79 2968.
Times: #1
Patch: Make the above buttons required for a valid time.
Skips: 2 players stationed near buttons -3276 61 -2508 and -3283 60 -2508 can let P1 bypass the need to run over to and press the buttons. There's also the button near the end at -3320 71 -2524 that can be held down.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above buttons required for a valid time.
Simon's Funhouse
Skip: P2 can be stationed near the button at -4792 155 3887 and hold it down for P1, saving ~20 seconds.
Times: None
Patch: Make the button above required for a valid time.
The Exit
Skip: Using P2 with 4 collected loot stationed at the end, P1 can make their way straight for the end without collecting any loot, and use P2 with the loot to pass through as they arrive. Surviving the arrow barrage with no protection is unlikely, but given that you can run on the edge of the beam to only take a few hits, I believe it might be possible.
Times: None
Patch: Make the end CP sign for the map check to see if the player has collected at least 4 loot boxes the same way the plate that opens the gate does (I have no idea if that's how it actually works, just an idea).
The Gallery
Skip: There's two plates at -1449 65 3508 and -1452 68 3515 that P2 and P3 can hold down so P1 has a shorter route through the maze.
Times: None
Patch: Make several key points in the legit path through the maze required to be passed through for a valid time, those being -1453 74 3508 and -1457 77 3516.
The Story
Skips: P2 stationed at button -1951 66 3583 can open a piston door (that's normally unusable from one side) for P1 to skip straight into the water maze. The button at -1925 75 3589 can also be held down to save time.
Times: None
Patch: The button in the vents can be made required, and for the button near the water maze, a region could be made at -1939 65 3585 (the legitimate entrance) that the end CP requires the player to have gone through.
Brothers' Therapy
Skips: Using more than 2 people, a single player can fly through certain sections, since they don't need to wait for a partner. One of these is the lava parkour section, in which a 3rd player stationed at the end of the right path bypasses the need for P1 to get a partner to the other side. Another examples would be to station a 3rd player at the end of lava holes section so P1 doesn't have to wait for their partner to go through the holes, or to have a 3rd player stand right after the door of the button button.
Times: #1
Patch: Because These puzzles need to be done coop already, I have no clue how more than 2 players could be detected and invalidated :/
Skip: There's a door at -1792 102 -2791 that can be opened from the other side by P2 to let P1 pass through and skip a good portion of the maze.
Times: None
Patch: A region could be made at -1789 89 -2791 that the end CP requires the player to have gone through.
Queen's Nest
Skip: The plate at -2337 65 635 can be held down by P2 so P1 doesn't have to go to it, saving quite a bit of time.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above plate required for a valid time.
Sky Castle
Skips: There's several buttons that P2 can be stationed at to save time, those being -2220 126 -7679, -2203 125 -7686, -2206 138 -7662, and -2196 141 -7720.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above buttons requires for a valid time.
Soar's Doormaze
Skip: This skip was infamous and abused at one point, where enough people stationed on certain plates created a straight-shot from the start to the end. The times using this skip have already been removed, but it still wouldn't hurt patch it.
Times: None (anymore)
Patch: Make several key plates in the legitimate path of the maze required for a valid time, those being -786 69 29, and -805 69 -8.
Click Here For Part 2
Carpe Diem
Skip: The minecart shooter minigame at -6172 68 3838 takes roughly 15 seconds to complete, so if P2 begins the minigame 15 seconds before P1 arrives, P1 can head straight through the opened door without needing to take the time to do the minigame.
Times: #1
Patch: Make the minigame inaccessible until after it's done being used and the exit door has closed. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods.
DOOM-ED Level 3
Skips: There's several buttons that can be held down by P2 to keep certain gates open, allowing for P1 to run straight through them without having to go up to and press said buttons. They are at -1324 34 2171, -1312 34 2165, -1332 34 2198, and -1321 24 2225.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above buttons required for a valid time.
Dusty Dunes
Skip: P2 can stand on the plate at 11625 72 3403, bypassing P1's need to go to and press the plate.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above plate required for a valid time.
Skips: 4 different people can be placed near the buttons at -5713 63 -3076, -5716 69 -3054, -5688 63 -3035, and -5730 63 -3073 for saved time.
Times: Top 4 (maybe rman's #5, not sure about that one)
Patch: Require the above buttons required for a valid time.
Skips: Extra players stationed at button -359 51 272, plate -345 51 268, and plate -290 21 277 allows for P1 going on the right side to get a very fast time.
Times: A lot, at least top 11, maybe more
Patch: Because These puzzles need to be done coop already, I have no clue how more than 2 players could be detected and invalidated :/
Mint's Trials
Skips: This map has quite a few buttons in the last 5 puzzles that P2 can be stationed at to save time. Most of them are tiny and hardly worth the effort, but some save quite bit. Puzzle 16 has one at 11569 67 2974, puzzle 17 at 11558 79 2972, puzzle 18 at 11557 66 2955, puzzle 19 at 11555 71 2964, and 2 in puzzle 20 at 11541 74 2968 and 11541 79 2968.
Times: #1
Patch: Make the above buttons required for a valid time.
Skips: 2 players stationed near buttons -3276 61 -2508 and -3283 60 -2508 can let P1 bypass the need to run over to and press the buttons. There's also the button near the end at -3320 71 -2524 that can be held down.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above buttons required for a valid time.
Simon's Funhouse
Skip: P2 can be stationed near the button at -4792 155 3887 and hold it down for P1, saving ~20 seconds.
Times: None
Patch: Make the button above required for a valid time.
The Exit
Skip: Using P2 with 4 collected loot stationed at the end, P1 can make their way straight for the end without collecting any loot, and use P2 with the loot to pass through as they arrive. Surviving the arrow barrage with no protection is unlikely, but given that you can run on the edge of the beam to only take a few hits, I believe it might be possible.
Times: None
Patch: Make the end CP sign for the map check to see if the player has collected at least 4 loot boxes the same way the plate that opens the gate does (I have no idea if that's how it actually works, just an idea).
The Gallery
Skip: There's two plates at -1449 65 3508 and -1452 68 3515 that P2 and P3 can hold down so P1 has a shorter route through the maze.
Times: None
Patch: Make several key points in the legit path through the maze required to be passed through for a valid time, those being -1453 74 3508 and -1457 77 3516.
The Story
Skips: P2 stationed at button -1951 66 3583 can open a piston door (that's normally unusable from one side) for P1 to skip straight into the water maze. The button at -1925 75 3589 can also be held down to save time.
Times: None
Patch: The button in the vents can be made required, and for the button near the water maze, a region could be made at -1939 65 3585 (the legitimate entrance) that the end CP requires the player to have gone through.
Brothers' Therapy
Skips: Using more than 2 people, a single player can fly through certain sections, since they don't need to wait for a partner. One of these is the lava parkour section, in which a 3rd player stationed at the end of the right path bypasses the need for P1 to get a partner to the other side. Another examples would be to station a 3rd player at the end of lava holes section so P1 doesn't have to wait for their partner to go through the holes, or to have a 3rd player stand right after the door of the button button.
Times: #1
Patch: Because These puzzles need to be done coop already, I have no clue how more than 2 players could be detected and invalidated :/
Skip: There's a door at -1792 102 -2791 that can be opened from the other side by P2 to let P1 pass through and skip a good portion of the maze.
Times: None
Patch: A region could be made at -1789 89 -2791 that the end CP requires the player to have gone through.
Queen's Nest
Skip: The plate at -2337 65 635 can be held down by P2 so P1 doesn't have to go to it, saving quite a bit of time.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above plate required for a valid time.
Sky Castle
Skips: There's several buttons that P2 can be stationed at to save time, those being -2220 126 -7679, -2203 125 -7686, -2206 138 -7662, and -2196 141 -7720.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above buttons requires for a valid time.
Soar's Doormaze
Skip: This skip was infamous and abused at one point, where enough people stationed on certain plates created a straight-shot from the start to the end. The times using this skip have already been removed, but it still wouldn't hurt patch it.
Times: None (anymore)
Patch: Make several key plates in the legitimate path of the maze required for a valid time, those being -786 69 29, and -805 69 -8.
Click Here For Part 2
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