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Debate -The First-

Is this a good idea of a new game concept?

  • Good

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Meh...

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters
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Jan 19, 2015
So I thought I'd like to make a new game type. Here it is!
So for the first debate, I'd thought to talk about Technology.

Is technology benefiting or breaking down society?
So yeah...
To add another thing, I'll usually put some helpful things for both sides

Firstly, for technology:
1. Robots are the next generation of "slaves" at this point, being refined and renewed. Robotics gives new job opportunities, and everyone usually has a new take on the evolution of a bionic race. There has been many types of robots with expertise on different areas. There are mimicking, "personality" and free-moving robots.
2. It has given us new and important means of communication, such as speaking through photos (emojis), voicemail, cellular phones and video software and sharing.
3. It has developed technological devices, such as iPads, Wii, Xbox One, computers and much more. Most people spend 60% of their time on these devices.
Now, against technology:
1. Robots are being sent in a direction where it will replace million jobs. There also has been ideas of artificial intelligence beyond humans, which can lead to disasterous consequences in the long run.
2. So many people are addicted to social networking and cellular phones these days, 66% of all people, according to studies, are afraid of losing their phones. (I know there's a name for this phobia, I just don't remember...)
3. It has thousands of people waste millions just to make something that doesn't work. It's not only financially difficult, it can leave you emotionally devastated.

Let the games... Begin!
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Jan 19, 2015
The main scary thing about artificial intelligence is that it can decide if saving humanity is all that worth it. There are a few things that give it a relatively high factor of the good side of the scale, though. Not to worry.
The first interesting thing is the idea that artificial intelligence will be able to create immortality and manipulate anything, like making an iron weight into Apple pie, that type of stuff. I feel though there is a specific limit where no new knowledge can be gained: the maximum point at which anything new to learn simply doesn't exist. Also, the computer will probably hit a state where it thinks it knows everything, but doesn't.
GameTheory said:
But hey, that's just a theory, a Game robotics? Theory
I like the website you found, Zath, as it gives many new interpretations on the Robotics view on technology. It explores the field which, quite frankly, not many like to touch on due to its unknown future in the science. Also helps the number of illustrations the content had.

Secondly, on the note of communication, I feel like the technology itself is useful, but the way society is using it is breaking the walls down on it. The way humans are hard wired also doesn't help, as most believe it's better to blame than be blamed. In short: technology itself isn't much of a problem; it's just the way people choose to use these things are a bit endangering.

Thirdly, while many people strive to be "Garage Innovators to Multimillionaires", the likelihood of such an event means winning the lottery seven times is greater odds. I'm evenly divided with this point: I feel people are lazy and "will get it done sooner or later", but also the few successes that due occur are exceptional and life-changing.
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The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
As long as we don't end up in the Matrix, AI is fine.

btw who the fuck thought it was a good idea to pollute the air to block the machines off from the sun in their continuity?


Nov 18, 2013
Speaking of the matrix:

The likelihood that we, humans, will ever create minds or simulations that match or exceed our thinking-power is very great. Many scientists believe we will have an enormous amount of processing power available in the upcoming decennia. This, combined with a really complex system of data manipulation and transmittion may very likely end up us being able to simulate the human-mind. Doing so, we are able to create a complete new universe with all sorts of beings that match, or even exceed, our current intellect. If we combine this, and those fancy brain-to-comuter type of things that we are also heavily developing, we may be able to live in a different world, or simulation.

If we ever reach that, isn't it likely that this world is also a simulation?

Artificial Intelligence will show many great uses in almost ALL platforms. We might even still live when a certain device is created that allows the human brain to learn everything we learn in the course of our school in a matter of minutes.

Like what the author of zath's pages illustrated:
Send a man from 1750 to this age and he will die from seeing all the changes, but send a person of 1500 to 1750 and he'll find it mostly 'interesting', but won't die. We cannot even comprehend what will happen in our upcoming years, and I'm very excited to see what humanity invents, uncovers and discovers in the years of my lifetime.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Let's hope this debate doesn't break down like the last one did...

Before even begining to read the other posts, I'm going to put down my view of this topic, as it is one that I have been contemplating for years:

  • Technology has one very simple purpose - to make life easier. Whether it's the easier cooked meal or the easier way to kill people en-mass, technology does this.
  • The very first key breakthrough I will touch on in technology is agriculture, with humanity starting to grow its own food.
  • Since farming took over a major portion of our food needs, malnutrition began to increase, as people chose the easiest crops to tend rather than sticking to the variety that came from hunter-gatherer society (the Bayaka people, who remain hunter-gatherers to this day, are better nourished than mist "modern" people)
  • Modern pharmacology does far more harm than good, and often there is a natural remedy that works without side effects that your doctor legally cannot talk to you about in the US because of FDA regulations.
  • While we all enjoy the computer and are able to communicate with others we otherwise would never even know, it often becomes an excuse not to go outside.
  • With how integrated we have made electronics in our daily lives, if something were to cause them to cease functioning (such as a global electro magnetic pulse), many if not most people would instantly become helpless due to lack of knowledge of how to complete vital tasks without the tech.
While I acknowledge that our current society could never exist were it not for technology, I feel it encourages a state of stagnation that could very easily be our undoing.


Aug 8, 2014
First of all, I thought I might make a point for us to follow about technology, WE control the technology, that means we do not let it control us.

Technology has been helpful these past years, but it can also tear us down too. Technology in my own opinion is something that can help us to an extent, but sometimes it will go too far for us to control. We need to control our humanly temptations of picking up our electronics and checking it every single minute of every day. I have seen it in both teens and adults and it is a sad thing to observe.

When you go picking up your devices, you are letting temptation win, so to close my opinion I want to say a wonderful statement.

You control technology and technology doesn't control who you are, what you believe in, and it doesn't control your life.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
We need to appoint someone the TL;DR person, because I am getting a headache from this.


Aug 8, 2014
I do Agree creeper, I am getting tired of this discussion.

How long do we have to debate on this topic?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Until everyone agrees to stop discussing it. I think everyone here has the same general opinion (tech itself is neither good nor bad, it is how it is used), it's the nitty-gritty of it that we will disagree on. Personally, I don't find the nitty-gritty of this topic worth trying to convince people of, so I'm up for another topic whenever
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