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Favorite song

Apr 16, 2014
Like the title says, what is your favorite song?

mine is probably

Clean version for appropriate reasons.


Nov 2, 2013

Beware, its semi-dutch, i love this song because it shows that music doesnt known any borders. Everyone likes music, and likes to share it, even if they have no clue what the other person actually sings about.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
I've always been into songs that pump you up and this is probably my favorite. I almost always listen it while playing games or parkour.
But this one also pumps you up but it more inappropriate:


Nov 5, 2013
Dist, I like that song and Fall Out Boy in general. =p
Anyway, favorite song would be
This has been my favorite song for a very long while. If you look in the music section of the forums, you'll find a post by me with this song.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Don't have a favorite song, but definitely favorite artists and albums.

Coldplay with Mylo Xyloto and Ghost Stories

Imagine Dragons with Night Visions EP

I also enjoy electronic, dubstep, Drum n' bass, and house.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Most stuff I listen to is from video games. I could elaborate for hours about my favourite songs, so, for sanitys sake, here is a selection:

Oh, and also, this has to be my favourite "normal" song:

(It's actually the only Vevo song not banned in germany IIRC)


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
This has been my favorite song for around half a year now, I usually like that electronic music genre, but this song is just great.



Nov 5, 2013
If we're talking about songs I like, here:

If you haven't noticed, Muse is actually my favorite band. I also think that their newest album isn't as good as the other ones, that's actually why I only bought the old ones.

I also like Linkin Park but too lazy to add some videos.


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Favorite song of all time:

To not take up too much space, here are other favorites in certain categories in no order:

Top 3 video game songs:
Sonic Adventure - Lost World Act 1 (Tricky Maze)
Mother 3 - Memory of Life
TBA 2 - Jungle

Top 3 "normal" songs:
Coldplay - Lovers In Japan
Linkin Park - In The End
Seal - Crazy

Top 3 DnB songs (because those who actually know me would see this coming):
dBridge - Inner Disbelief
Goldie - Inner City Life
L.A.O.S. - Harmony

Top 3 songs that didn't fit within those categories:
Hiroshi Watanabe (Quadra) - Get It By Your Hands
Loose Ends - Hangin' On A String (Frankie Knuckles remix)
Kat C. (who is a friend of mine) - Leaving

Most of those songs are great alone, and yet some become more powerful when being mixed. If you wonder why some songs seem a lot less than others, it's because I have various reasons to listen to music. I guess I should mention my favorite DJ mix: London Elektricity's 2008 Essential Mix.

Also, Freakworld, I'm sorry but you'll probably be able to open just 3 of these :p Know that I strongly approve of Escape From the City and Viva La Vida.