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Great 90's RTS, Outpost 2: Divided Destiny

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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I know, I know, I've made more than a few mentions of this game before. That's because it's one of those games that, despite dated graphics, is still a lot of fun to play.


What is it?

The back story of the game in a nutshell (and I'm combining some of Outpost 1 storyline to fill in blanks):
An asteroid at least as big as Apophis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/99942_Apophis) was on a direct collision course with Earth. Two options were followed be separate groups: one group chose to try to destroy the asteroid, while the other chose to evacuate as many people as possible to find a new home. As can be predicted by science, the destruction attempt only turned one very large object into several not as large objects, all of which would cause a full-on planetary extinction event. The other group fled to the stars, finding only worlds that they had no chance for survival on. When they got to the point where they would starve if they didn't find something soon, they came upon a mars-like planet that had nearly no air and settled on it. As humans have for all of history, there came a splitting of ideals. One side wanted to transform the planet into a new Earth, the other wanted to adapt to the new environment and leave the planet as it was. When the terraforming project commenced, the communication satellite was disabled in protest.

The game itself is centered around the side that you choose and surviving. The very first level, you are evacuating the colony because of some nasty side effects of the terraforming project. As the game progresses, you learn that there was a problem that caused the creation of a bacteria that can "melt" organics. The end goal of the campaigns is to evacuate the planet.

There are also "colony games" which are single-map games in which you are given a specific goal (I usually try to delay it as much as possible to just have some fun building the colony up) as well as multiplayer. However, as can be expected with a game this old, if you want to do multiplayer you have to set it up well in advance with other people. Most of the community are the original players (like myself) who now have other responsibilities.

If you are interested in giving it a go, you can always ask me to set up a multiplayer game. I'm very far from the best player, which makes me ideal as a learning opponent :p


Nov 5, 2013
Might try it.
Also, question:
Why is MM5 hosted on one of this site's pages?


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
GREAT QUESTION!!!!oneoneone

A little history to explain:

As I said above, I am one of the original community members for Outpost 2 (OP2). The community has gone through 3 changing of hands, 2 of them by force. When the third community 'host' took over, I had a website on geocities (which no longer exists) and was teaching myself HTML, but wanted to go into PHP. The site owner (who was the main admin/host of the community) offered to host me for free as we were both long-term members of the community and, at the time, my site was oriented specifically around OP2. When the final hostile takeover occurred, I was again offered free hosting on the community server as I was not only one of the original community members, but I was also forum staff.

and that is why my website--where all the MM5 files are--is a sub-domain of the outpost 2 community website.
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