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How would you order the 11 black maps in order of difficulty?


IGN: Reppern
Mar 1, 2019
Hello! This is going to be a bit of a different rating chart, as I am going to include overall player rankings of the black maps, as well as my own.

Part 1: Personal Ranking

Going to do a quick ranking because I know people will disagree anyways, so here is my ranking:

(This is coming from a person who has done most of these maps multiple times)

16. Invictus II - Putting this as the highest because trying to compare mazes to parkour is really not doable, also knowing the route makes this practically a 6 minute black map.

15. Outpost - Not many technical / difficult jumps, I consistently get a fairly short time on the map.

14. Rapture - Think of Sheol, but much easier. That's what I think of the difficulty of this map, not including the maze adding to difficulty because black maps tend to be rated by parkour.

13. In Rainbows - Only really problematic section is Azure for me, but otherwise most jumps in the map are just standard jumps, using fmm for the most part.

12. World Tour 3 - I know most people would put this higher, but the technicality of the jumps in Alexandria and Everest and the general length of this map has me struggle on this map more than on the ones above mostly.

11. Redstone Ready - The entirety of cp3 is what makes this rank better than the maps above. The double neos and the quads right before the repeater and the repeater itself are probably what I have had the most trouble on in this map, especially since the repeater has really strange and unfamiliar jumps.

10. Ice Age - Hear me out on this one. The only really difficult cp on this map is cp2, and after that the map starts to go by very quickly, with the last four checkpoints in the same exact area. If you beat cp2 quickly, you are almost guaranteed to beat the rest of the map in about 20-30 minutes.

9. Chaoskampf - I know, I know, I've done this map 12 TIMES, but the second time I beat the map was only slightly longer than the average completions I have had of recently. Once you become proficient enough in trapdoor/iron bar parkour, chimney becomes significantly easier. This rating may be pretty biased though, as I may have just been fortunate enough to learn the ropes quickly on this section.

8. Halcyon - This map is deceivingly hard due to how short each checkpoint is. The map contains numerous different types of jumps, and most jumps do not have an obvious strat.

7. Survivor - This map is an extremely long map with multiple difficult parkour sections, but the jumps are pretty consistently standard block parkour, where usually the most technical jumps were strafe ones. Because the type of jump is almost unchanged through the entirety of the map, It is only eighth due to how easily it can be to get used to the jumps.

6. Sheol - The red cave in this map can singlehandedly take me hours, even after having completed the map before. Failing the sign snipe is devastating, and there are almost no free jumps in that final room.

5. Crimson Planet - I know most players consider this the second or even first hardest map on the server, but I struggled a lot less on my second run of this map than on my first. This map really calls out your bull***t for 1 block momentum jumps if you are not skilled enough at the strategies for them, most prominently throughout cp2, where there are several jumps that only give you one block per jump.

4. Final-E - This rating is likely biased due to me being trash at onejumpers, but this map was very painful for me to do, especially on jumps 21-30. While the first 10 jumps of the map were generally easier, the map just continued to get progressively harder, and I started to realize how hard the map was when I hit about jump 15. I'm sure this map would be much higher in the list for others, but TLDR I suck at onejumpers, so I put it here.

3. Happy Thoughts - This map almost completely consists of effect parkour, with even some parts containing stacked effects, such as nosprint + speed. Trying to figure out the strat for each effect has proved to be very challenging, and remembering the strat for each effect can prove very difficult.

2. Heartless - I have considered this as the hardest map on the server ever since I saw it, but it does not compare to the #1 map, in my opinion. The only reason I put this map as second is because a third of the challenge in this map was not knowing uncommon momentum strategies, most notably the inventory jam strategy that is essentially mandated in this map. The map is still really difficult, however, and not being at peak performance can cause this map to take several hours of suffering.

1. Oculus - This map is HARD. I don't think people realize how many steps further this map took than Heartless did. A double cross neo (yes, it had setup, but it's still a hard jump), an unfailsafed triple neo with a difficult setup for it, cps6-9, and the entirety of cp10 is what makes me believe this map is the hardest parkour map in FFA that we have on the server. Unlike the other black maps on the server (maybe an exception for heartless), there is not a chance that regular Minr players would be able to complete this map without a lot of experience in technical jumps (unless you also play pkc servers regularly). There are so many firsts in Minr parkour maps that have resulted from this map. I felt that luck at some parts is what spared me from several more hours of this map.

Part 2: Overall Rankings

The list below will display the top 10 hardest black maps on the server, rated by the players who have commented previously on this thread. These maps will not be included (since there are not enough rankings on them / not ranked based off of parkour):

Resource Parkour Secret
Invictus II
Fallen City

How this ranking will work is that each map will be ranked by their average ranking on each of the lists that the repliers to this thread have given. The scores will be from 1-10, only including map rankings that were in the top 10 of the above lists. These final scores will not include rankings that have <8 black maps. Here are the rankings:

#10 - Halcyon, with an average ranking of 3.17 (6 rankings)
#9 - Rapture, with an average ranking of 3.3 (10 rankings)
#8 - Redstone Ready, with an average ranking of 3.91 (11 rankings)
#7 - Sheol, with an average ranking of 4.71 (7 rankings)
#6 - Chaoskampf, with an average ranking of 5.64 (11 rankings)
#5 - Ice Age, with an average ranking of 5.7 (10 rankings)
#4 - Survivor, with an average ranking of 6.5 (10 rankings)
#3 - Crimson Planet, with an average ranking of 8.27 (11 rankings)
#2 - Happy Thoughts, with an average ranking of 8.5 (6 rankings)
#1 - Heartless, with an average ranking of 9.73 (11 rankings)

Map rankings outside of top 10:
#13 - World Tour 3, with an average ranking of 1 (2 rankings)
#12 - Outpost, with an average ranking of 1.33 (3 rankings)
#11 - In Rainbows, with an average ranking of 2.38 (8 rankings)
Last edited:


Active Player
Jul 30, 2020

Oh man, there are 15 black maps + 1 on board now and ranking them certainly isn't easy.
I'll quickly give my thoughts on the order of parkour difficulty, and after that, I'll list them based on how long it takes me to do them on average

Order of parkour difficulty:

#16 - Outpost
I would love to put this one higher on the list but it simply doesn't have enough hard jumps for me to do so. A very long and time-consuming map, but the parkour may be the easiest.

#15 - In Rainbows
Again, another long map, but the jumps aren't difficult. The hardest parts are the life/death transitions in the middle. Failing almost anywhere else does not matter.

#14 - Rapture

I'm scared to put this so low on the list as a lot of people struggle with this. However, the checkpoints are insanely frequent and there isn't a section where you can be set back really far (apart from that 1 jump we all remember)

#13 - World Tour 3
This map is a hard one to rank because Everest boosts the parkour difficulty so high by itself. The first many spheres consist of simple jumps that have little failsafes. Everest is a brutal section where almost every fail results in death. This would be lower if Everest had more room for error.

#12 - Ice Age
You might be seeing a trend here. Lots of long maps with long sections of easy parkour. Now you might be thinking that long unfailsafed parts are insanely hard, , but you can learn the strategies for every jump (mainly quads and single neos), take it slow, and you won't be failing a lot. Your fails come from your lack of concentration. And either way, even if this still takes you long to do, you won't be getting stuck because of a jump being too hard.

#11 - Redstone Ready
Not sure where to put this to be honest. Seems like a long map when it's actually quite short, feels like a hard map when the jumps are actually not that bad. That checkpoint with the lava room is actually not that easy though. The ranking is high mainly because of that section. This could very well go way lower on the list though. Either way, it feels more technical compared to the maps lower on the list.

#10 - Oculus V2
Now this map is still on board and changes may be made. However, seeing this map as a whole, I don't think major changes will be made. Unlike its counterpart, this one ranks very low on the list. The amount of onejumps in this map is lower than you'd think, and the endurance-based rooms are similar to other black maps. I would definitely recommend starting out with this map if you want to get introduced to more difficult parkour without the fear of losing hours of progress.

#9 - Chaoskampf
This and the next 2 maps form a middle ground of black difficulty. For me it's impossible to order them. I decided to put Chaoskampf in the lowest spot because the map is just a ton of long sections of pretty difficult parkour.

#8 - Survivor
I couldn't separate Survivor from Chaoskampf. Both maps follow a very similar style of parkour. Just don't fail 5head

#7 - Sheol
I don't actually find this map that hard, but I can see how the last room would be horrendous to do. That last room and possibly the room before are completely carrying the difficulty of this map on them. The last room is pretty much doing 2 checkpoints of heartless in a row. Definitely not a map I would recommend starting from.

#6 - Halcyon
I didn't know where to put this. It's so hard to compare this to any other blacks. The style is totally unique. The map has long unfailsafed sections, practically a onejump checkpoint, it just has so many things. This could very well be lower on the list. Remember that if mazes and puzzles were taken into account this would be 3 places lower. I still think this map is harder than the common opinion suggests.

#5 - Heartless
This is the big 5 of Minr. No black map comes even close to the difficulty of these 5 maps. Many people know this as the hardest map of Minr, and yes, it was, until all the harder maps got released... Infamous for long checkpoints with no room for error, this takes the 5th spot. A lot of people will be mad at me, but hear me out. Checkpoint 1 is frustrating, checkpoint 2 is VERY hard (possibly the hardest on the map), checkpoint 3 is pretty easy, checkpoint 4 is doable, checkpoint 5 and 6 are difficult, checkpoint 7 is doable, checkpoint 8 is quite easy and checkpoint 9 is whatever. It's just one jump, nothing you can't do after a lot of attempts. You still have to remember that the difficulty in the long checkpoints comes from simple jumps that you have to chain together. The difficulty in harder checkpoints such as checkpoint 5 comes from the difficulty of a few jumps, but after all, checkpoint 5 is literally 7 jumps. Just throw yourself at it until you make it. Or be smart and ask someone for strategies.

#4 - Final-E
Annoying map to rank. So many hard jumps in this one. The first jump actually made me quit the map the first time I tried it. No other map has ever done that to me. Thankfully, after the first jump the difficulty is toned down quite a bit and it feels like most of the jumps can be done without being traumatized. Again, it's just another map of asking other people for strategies if you can't find them yourself. I had to ask for help (thanks mercata), don't be ashamed if you can't do a jump. I'm sure a lot of greens are willing to assist you on your journey through this one.

#3 - Crimson Planet
Just a hard map. No room is that long, but oh boy are the jumps annoying to chain together. I've always said this map is harder than Heartless, and will stand by my opinion. Similar amount of rooms as heartless has checkpoints, the parkour is just harder.

#2 - Oculus

A map combining onejumps with tough endurance. I can certainly say that this makes people suffer. The first rooms are simple enough for a onejump map, but starting from that big lava cave room, it all goes uphill. That lantern jump combined and the trapdoor neo combined with everything else in that checkpoint is tough. The next checkpoint has the most famous triple neo on the server. The last room is tough endurance with uncommon chain jumps too. Just a hard map, not much to say about it.

#1 - Happy Thoughts

Ever since the release of this, it's been at the top of my list. I SUFFERED with this one. I had to go at it for hours. The speed part is no joke, having 2 4.5 block jumps and everything else. Then we get jump boost, where every jump is failable too. THEN WE GET SLOW FALLING, AND THE TIMINGS GET INSANELY PRECISE. As you finally reach a few checkpoints, you find yourself in a lair with speed and NO SPRINT! And if that wasn't hard enough, you have to do a completely unfailsafed crystal room where failing near the end of it will kill you and set you back to the checkpoint BEFORE the lair! And after that, you reach a checkpoint, and you suddenly have jump boost and are asked to do annoying jumps with it. You also have a no speed part in the lair! And once you get past this, you get a crazy precise last jump, where you won't make it with any wrong strategy. This jump just by far claims the top spot. I did the challenge that required me to do this with a life challenge. It took me ALMOST AN HOUR to do this map with ONLY 2 DEATHS. Knowing EVERY SINGLE strategy and not even stalling in the crystal room. It's just insane how difficult and long this is. Keep in mind I also used all my knowledge on strategies like force momentum, which a new player would definitely not know and would DEFINITELY not be able to make the strategies to work with like 10 different combinations of effects. I don't think there's anything that comes close to this.

Keep in mind that the ranking above was me comparing the actual difficulty of the parkour. Now below comes my personal ranking, based on an estimated average time taken to beat the map (as a bonus, I will add how much I enjoy replaying this map from 1 to 10)

#16 - Survivor
(1-2 hours)

#15 - Chaoskampf (1 hour)

#14 - Final-E (1 hour)

#13 - Happy Thoughts (40 minutes - 1 hour)

#12 - In Rainbows (30 - 50 minutes)

#11 - World Tour 3 (40-45 minutes)

#10 - Crimson Planet (25-40 minutes)

#9 - Outpost (25-35 minutes)

#8 - Halcyon (20-30 minutes)

#7 - Oculus (15-25 minutes)

#6 - Sheol (15-25 minutes)

#5 - Rapture (15-20 minutes)

#4 - Ice Age (10-20 minutes)

#3 - Oculus V2 (10-20 minutes)

#2 - Redstone Ready (10-15 minutes)

#1 - Heartless (10-15 minutes)

Feel free to let me know how mad you are at my list :D


Bird Enthusiast
Mar 2, 2019
#14 - Rapture
I'm scared to put this so low on the list as a lot of people struggle with this. However, the checkpoints are insanely frequent and there isn't a section where you can be set back really far (apart from that 1 jump we all remember)
Honestly, I find Rapture to be even easier than In Rainbows :p


Active Player
Jul 30, 2020
Honestly, I find Rapture to be even easier than In Rainbows :p
just built different
But yeah I do too but I suppose not everyone is that good at the type of parkour rapture has. It could very well be a red seeing as fallen city is one. Just the maze bumping it up to black I think
The singular jumps in rapture are pretty hard though, you really start to see it once you do revelation


Oct 26, 2017

Oh man, there are 15 black maps + 1 on board now and ranking them certainly isn't easy.
I'll quickly give my thoughts on the order of parkour difficulty, and after that, I'll list them based on how long it takes me to do them on average

Order of parkour difficulty:

#16 - Outpost
I would love to put this one higher on the list but it simply doesn't have enough hard jumps for me to do so. A very long and time-consuming map, but the parkour may be the easiest.

#15 - In Rainbows
Again, another long map, but the jumps aren't difficult. The hardest parts are the life/death transitions in the middle. Failing almost anywhere else does not matter.

#14 - Rapture
I'm scared to put this so low on the list as a lot of people struggle with this. However, the checkpoints are insanely frequent and there isn't a section where you can be set back really far (apart from that 1 jump we all remember)

#13 - World Tour 3
This map is a hard one to rank because Everest boosts the parkour difficulty so high by itself. The first many spheres consist of simple jumps that have little failsafes. Everest is a brutal section where almost every fail results in death. This would be lower if Everest had more room for error.

#12 - Ice Age
You might be seeing a trend here. Lots of long maps with long sections of easy parkour. Now you might be thinking that long unfailsafed parts are insanely hard, , but you can learn the strategies for every jump (mainly quads and single neos), take it slow, and you won't be failing a lot. Your fails come from your lack of concentration. And either way, even if this still takes you long to do, you won't be getting stuck because of a jump being too hard.

#11 - Redstone Ready
Not sure where to put this to be honest. Seems like a long map when it's actually quite short, feels like a hard map when the jumps are actually not that bad. That checkpoint with the lava room is actually not that easy though. The ranking is high mainly because of that section. This could very well go way lower on the list though. Either way, it feels more technical compared to the maps lower on the list.

#10 - Oculus V2
Now this map is still on board and changes may be made. However, seeing this map as a whole, I don't think major changes will be made. Unlike its counterpart, this one ranks very low on the list. The amount of onejumps in this map is lower than you'd think, and the endurance-based rooms are similar to other black maps. I would definitely recommend starting out with this map if you want to get introduced to more difficult parkour without the fear of losing hours of progress.

#9 - Chaoskampf
This and the next 2 maps form a middle ground of black difficulty. For me it's impossible to order them. I decided to put Chaoskampf in the lowest spot because the map is just a ton of long sections of pretty difficult parkour.

#8 - Survivor
I couldn't separate Survivor from Chaoskampf. Both maps follow a very similar style of parkour. Just don't fail 5head

#7 - Sheol
I don't actually find this map that hard, but I can see how the last room would be horrendous to do. That last room and possibly the room before are completely carrying the difficulty of this map on them. The last room is pretty much doing 2 checkpoints of heartless in a row. Definitely not a map I would recommend starting from.

#6 - Halcyon
I didn't know where to put this. It's so hard to compare this to any other blacks. The style is totally unique. The map has long unfailsafed sections, practically a onejump checkpoint, it just has so many things. This could very well be lower on the list. Remember that if mazes and puzzles were taken into account this would be 3 places lower. I still think this map is harder than the common opinion suggests.

#5 - Heartless
This is the big 5 of Minr. No black map comes even close to the difficulty of these 5 maps. Many people know this as the hardest map of Minr, and yes, it was, until all the harder maps got released... Infamous for long checkpoints with no room for error, this takes the 5th spot. A lot of people will be mad at me, but hear me out. Checkpoint 1 is frustrating, checkpoint 2 is VERY hard (possibly the hardest on the map), checkpoint 3 is pretty easy, checkpoint 4 is doable, checkpoint 5 and 6 are difficult, checkpoint 7 is doable, checkpoint 8 is quite easy and checkpoint 9 is whatever. It's just one jump, nothing you can't do after a lot of attempts. You still have to remember that the difficulty in the long checkpoints comes from simple jumps that you have to chain together. The difficulty in harder checkpoints such as checkpoint 5 comes from the difficulty of a few jumps, but after all, checkpoint 5 is literally 7 jumps. Just throw yourself at it until you make it. Or be smart and ask someone for strategies.

#4 - Final-E
Annoying map to rank. So many hard jumps in this one. The first jump actually made me quit the map the first time I tried it. No other map has ever done that to me. Thankfully, after the first jump the difficulty is toned down quite a bit and it feels like most of the jumps can be done without being traumatized. Again, it's just another map of asking other people for strategies if you can't find them yourself. I had to ask for help (thanks mercata), don't be ashamed if you can't do a jump. I'm sure a lot of greens are willing to assist you on your journey through this one.

#3 - Crimson Planet
Just a hard map. No room is that long, but oh boy are the jumps annoying to chain together. I've always said this map is harder than Heartless, and will stand by my opinion. Similar amount of rooms as heartless has checkpoints, the parkour is just harder.

#2 - Oculus

A map combining onejumps with tough endurance. I can certainly say that this makes people suffer. The first rooms are simple enough for a onejump map, but starting from that big lava cave room, it all goes uphill. That lantern jump combined and the trapdoor neo combined with everything else in that checkpoint is tough. The next checkpoint has the most famous triple neo on the server. The last room is tough endurance with uncommon chain jumps too. Just a hard map, not much to say about it.

#1 - Happy Thoughts

Ever since the release of this, it's been at the top of my list. I SUFFERED with this one. I had to go at it for hours. The speed part is no joke, having 2 4.5 block jumps and everything else. Then we get jump boost, where every jump is failable too. THEN WE GET SLOW FALLING, AND THE TIMINGS GET INSANELY PRECISE. As you finally reach a few checkpoints, you find yourself in a lair with speed and NO SPRINT! And if that wasn't hard enough, you have to do a completely unfailsafed crystal room where failing near the end of it will kill you and set you back to the checkpoint BEFORE the lair! And after that, you reach a checkpoint, and you suddenly have jump boost and are asked to do annoying jumps with it. You also have a no speed part in the lair! And once you get past this, you get a crazy precise last jump, where you won't make it with any wrong strategy. This jump just by far claims the top spot. I did the challenge that required me to do this with a life challenge. It took me ALMOST AN HOUR to do this map with ONLY 2 DEATHS. Knowing EVERY SINGLE strategy and not even stalling in the crystal room. It's just insane how difficult and long this is. Keep in mind I also used all my knowledge on strategies like force momentum, which a new player would definitely not know and would DEFINITELY not be able to make the strategies to work with like 10 different combinations of effects. I don't think there's anything that comes close to this.

Keep in mind that the ranking above was me comparing the actual difficulty of the parkour. Now below comes my personal ranking, based on an estimated average time taken to beat the map (as a bonus, I will add how much I enjoy replaying this map from 1 to 10)

#16 - Survivor
(1-2 hours)

#15 - Chaoskampf (1 hour)

#14 - Final-E (1 hour)

#13 - Happy Thoughts (40 minutes - 1 hour)

#12 - In Rainbows (30 - 50 minutes)

#11 - World Tour 3 (40-45 minutes)

#10 - Crimson Planet (25-40 minutes)

#9 - Outpost (25-35 minutes)

#8 - Halcyon (20-30 minutes)

#7 - Oculus (15-25 minutes)

#6 - Sheol (15-25 minutes)

#5 - Rapture (15-20 minutes)

#4 - Ice Age (10-20 minutes)

#3 - Oculus V2 (10-20 minutes)

#2 - Redstone Ready (10-15 minutes)

#1 - Heartless (10-15 minutes)

Feel free to let me know how mad you are at my list :D
My only problem with the list is Ice Age, I get clapped on it so often, and I can't cut this down to under an hour. Although I do agree the frequent CP's does make it easier, the jumps themselves are actually quite brutal and can take me quite a bit of time to complete them :S


Active Player
Jul 30, 2020
My only problem with the list is Ice Age, I get clapped on it so often, and I can't cut this down to under an hour. Although I do agree the frequent CP's does make it easier, the jumps themselves are actually quite brutal and can take me quite a bit of time to complete them :S
hard to order the lower black maps since I don't find any of them harder than the order, I'm pretty happy with my top 10 but the ones below can honestly be in any order


off the rails!!
Jul 26, 2019
Thought I'd finally give my 2 cents now that I've played em all. I am not including any black droppers, mazes, or puzzles, since those are much more subjective and harder to be able to throw them into the mix. Every category is based on a subjective rating from 1-10. Thanks to Average, Kitty, Carfty, and Shpeckly for their insight.

Length per section is quantifying how many jumps there are per failsafed section, meaning onejumps would be lower and endurance parkour would be higher.
Number of sections deems how long the map is, which though can sometimes not make the map objectively harder, rather means the player is forced to dedicate a lot more time to the map - sometimes in knowing that the map only gets harder as they progress through it.
Strat and tick knowledge required essentially attempts to trivialize the map's difficulty by implementing the use of strategies, and the proficiency required by someone who'd be approaching the maps from a strat based perspective. Though it's true many of our players have beaten a lot of these maps with close to no strats, it is objectively true that a better understanding of strats and ticks would allow a player to much more consistently and easily be able to get through new parkour.
Consistency needed tries to measure how lucky/consistent a player needs to be with certain strats. This number likely increases in endurance parkour where there is a higher likelihood the player needs to perform a lot of jumps in a row without failing.
Level of technicality quantifies how overall difficult a map is by it's use of higher level technical parkour. Onejumps and segmented parkour that puts a small amount of brutal jumps requiring strats back to back would receive a higher score than outpost's cp1.

I hope this list makes sense! RPKS has a section list of 20 half as a joke, and also to put it somewhere where it makes sense on the list due to how much effort is required to put into it.

MapLength Per SectionNumber of sectionsStrat + Tick Knowledge requiredConsistency NeededLevel of technicality
Oculus v23563724
In Rainbows5545625
World Tour 36834425
Redstone Ready5556526
Ice Age5656527
Magisterium: Ash6857632
Oculus v34786833
Lost Soul6857834
Resource Parkour Secret32034434
Crimson Planet6887837
Happy Thoughts81076738


Found Paddle
Nov 22, 2020
In order from easiest to hardest (Not including mainly maze/puzzle maps):

In Rainbows
Haydon Falls
World Tour 3
Oculus v2**
Redstone Ready
Adventure of the Wool Valley
Oculus v3**
Crimson Planet
Lost Soul**
Ice Age
The Refinery**
Happy Thoughts

Each of these rankings does not take mazes or puzzles into account but I will discuss them when appropriate.
**These maps I need to replay to give them a proper explanation since it's been a bit since I played them.
In Rainbows:
This map simply comes across to me as the easiest black. Cp 2 is the only checkpoint that was any difficult in my opinion and even that difficulty doesn't compare to the other maps on this list. I think with one final L/D section after amethyst this would move up some but even then, cardinal and amethyst are two of the easiest sections of the map.

Haydon Falls:
It was a dilemma putting this above In Rainbows, but I think it comes down to the technicality of the jumps. 95% of IR has some sort of easy jam or hh technique that can be used. Haydon does not have that. Many of the jumps require awkward momentum or turns that aren't 100% strats to most players. Even with those tricky jumps this map doesn't hold up to the rest of the blacks. I feel there is a decent gap from this map to the next black.

World Tour 3:
This map is a one and a half world map. Almost all of the difficulty comes from Everest and some sections of Alexandria. The only realistic death spots before cp1 is in the jungle with some hh timings but even that is only like 5-10 minutes into the map. Alexandria's hardest jumps are fully fail-safed and the ones that aren't, aren't overly difficult. Everest is a different animal. It still stands as one of the hardest sections of parkour that I've done. It has almost zero room for error and makes you pay for all of your mistakes. Its difficulty does not however stand as enough to push this farther up the list. The puzzle in this map makes for a nice nostalgic touch and the mazes are a nice break from the parkour which is part of why this is such a fun map to play.

While this is many peoples easiest black, I think it doesn't get the credit it deserves. For the most part it is a one cp map. The first cp is as close to a joke as a cp gets in a black map. Cp 1 and 2 however are brutal. While the lava cave parkour is fairly easy it is also extremely long. One slip off of a slab you didn't notice, and you have to make the 10-minute trek once again. The rest of cp 1 is fairly difficult as well. With awkward neos and ladder grabs it makes for a solid section of parkour. Cp 2 is a one jump section with transitions that can be punishing. Finally, cp 3 is just as forgetful as cp 0 with a triple neo slapped on for fun. If cp 0 and cp 3 had any difficulty I would move this map further up the list, but I think the middle of the map carries it enough to be placed here.

Redstone Ready:
Probably another unpopular placement but hear me out. Almost all of this map is easy transitions and fail-safed hard sections. Cp 0 is two double neos with a bunch of pretty easy ladder jumps after. Cp 1 is a few hard jumps on top of the piston and then a lot of easy block parkour through the sky. I haven't personally done sprint parkour, but the no sprint section can be done almost exclusively through jamming and hh timing. Cp2 is decently hard. The iron trapdoor is probably the second hardest in the map in my opinion but it's also at the start of the cp. The fence section is hard until you get how to do fence parkour and then it's a breeze. Cp 3 is the hardest in the map by far. It's mainly easy parkour with a left-handed cross neo and 3 straight double neos in the middle. Repeater is far and away the most difficult part of this map to me. The ladder grab and then the fence to fence jump have made me cry more than once. The end is a stressful series of jumps across the top of the map that ends in a fail-safed 5-.5. All in all, definitely a difficult map but nowhere near the top of the difficulty scale.

Basically a one jump map with a maze thrown in. Cp 3 (I think) has the most painful jump I've ever done. The little neo around the fence took me hours to hit. It's a one jump that takes more than luck because odds are you'll end up having to do each jump more than just once. As an addition the maze is one of the best built mazes I've ever played. I enjoyed every second of it and I think it serves as a great break from the rest of the map.

Adventure of the Wool Valley:
Honestly I don't have a ton to say about this map. It's nicely fail-safed but has a ton of technical and hard jumps to pull off. The snow room triple made me want to die on the inside but not nearly as much as when I failed the jump directly after it. All in all, it isn't nearly long enough to be higher on this map but the jumps themselves are hard enough that I think it fits in here.

The parkour in this map is difficult and that's a fact. The lava cp was painful but a few of the cps were also really easy. I don't feel super sure about where to place this one but I think this spot works best in my mind.

Crimson Planet:
This map is hard, but not as hard as it gets credit for. The first two cps of this map are definitely hard but they are also relatively short. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only place you could realistically die in cp 0 is the last jump of the inside magma room. Cp 1 definitely has it's fair share of hard jumps but the only non-fail-safed area can be done more or less by just jamming throughout. Obsidian room is hard once again but it's short enough to not be annoying and once again fail-safed. Cp 2 is definitely the hardest section of the map but much of it's difficulty is forced. What I mean by that is none of the jumps are overly hard they just come with an annoying precursor. The section right after cp 2 starts with that triple jam jump. This is not a difficult jump, just annoying. Its followed up later with a fence squeeze jump, once again not hard just annoying. Lava cave has no difficult jumps and is in my opinion the most overrated section in terms of difficulty. Every jump can be done with fmm or hh timing. The spikes section after was difficult. There's no getting around that this was the most painful section for me. Finally the last room is difficult but also very short. It's basically just hitting the triple neo-.5. This cp is definitely the reason it stands in the top half of black maps but it does not carry it to the top of the list at all.

Ice Age:
This was up until yesterday by far my favorite parkour map I've ever played. It makes a map extremely difficult but in a way that makes you want to just keep trying. The beginning is trivial but once you get to cp 1 it really begins to take form. The valley where cp 1 and 2 are in is probably the most difficult in the map. It's full of precise jumps with little to no fail-safe. Lot's of tick timings instead of the fmm and hh timing jumps that have dominated the previous blacks. The cps before the cave are fairly easy in comparison to the rest of the map but give a little break before the difficulty rises again. The cave has one of the harder jumps in the map with the little ladder chain jump. All the jumps in this room are extremely precise and have zero forgiveness. The triple neo doesn't have optimal momentum but it is just one jump and you just have to get lucky. I can't speak for no sprint and piston but regular parkour and ladder were fairly easy(in comparison to a black map) and were a nice peaceful way to end the map. Ice age has sections of difficulty and endurance that push it to one of the harder maps on the server.

The Refinery:
Basically an easier cataclysm with some one jumps in my opinion. It might have fallen further down this list if I had played it 6 months ago as I was a bit rusty going through this but still its sheer length makes it difficult. The dropper is basically free. Cp 11 and 12 were by far the most difficult sections of the map and took me a couple days. It's made harder by the fact that you can't call into the map due to the dropper. Overall a very difficult map with length only rivaled by cataclysm.

Happy Thoughts:
The top three of Minr! Happy thoughts is very close to topping Ice Age as my favorite parkour map. It almost lets you feel like you've started learning to parkour again without all the strats you've relied on throughout your parkour career. There's no getting around that this map is hard. Almost every section is punishing and you end up playing most sections 4 or 5 times through just to move on. A lot of very hard parkour can be painful and makes you suffer as you go through but this map is not the case. You struggle but you enjoy the struggle because of the new level of creativity thrown in. There's not a good way to describe the difficulties of Happy Thoughts you just have to play through to understand.

A painful(in a good way!) map if there's ever been one. This map is extremely long, you make a lot of progress in a few hours and then realize you've only beaten like 1 or 2 cps which is not even 10% of the map. There's too much in this map to discuss here but it is full of extremely difficult and long sections of parkour. Jumps that may be the signature jump in another black map simply serve as the main jump for one cp. It makes you earn every cp and rewards you with yet another section of grueling parkour. The sheer length(I know length is bad to compare but its length in addition to things) and insane difficulty of some of the jumps place it as one of the hardest maps I've played so far.
P.S. any board members out there can we get this map to be pure since its extremely annoying not being able to call people into the map. I get that there's a dropper but like so does heartless.

Damn what a map this was. The king of Minr and it could not be more deserving of the title. Completing this map topped the feeling of every map completion besides jigas for me. There is not another map that is more infamous, though thrice is gaining ground, in existence on the server. This map was hard. Every cp and every jump was difficult. There are no easy sections to catch your breath on it's precision and perfection at every moment. The only cp that might warrant a breathe is cp 8(I think, whatever is before the bf neo) and even that cp has it's fair share of difficult jumps. I will admit that this map is greatly helped out by the fact that every jump has a strat and there's probably more videos of heartless out there than any other Minr map. Even with this assistance I think this map sits atop all others that I have played.

Just as a quick addition a ranking of black mazes from easiest to hardest!
Invictus II
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Prima Luce
Sep 5, 2021
I only have one black map completed but I think I can still add one that I think I'm close to finishing. Easiest to hardest, here we go.

2. World Tour 3 <---- only finished black map

1. Thrice

What did you expect from me?


Aug 15, 2020
Since I'm beginning to beat black pk maps I figured I would attempt to make a list! Although not as thorough as, say Mercata's list in including the style of the maps, I'll rank my shortlist along with a couple sentences as to why the map landed where it did.
From Easiest to Hardest
World Tour 3
In Rainbows
Bowser's Airship
Rapture (pk-only)
Haydon Falls
Redstone Ready
Ice Age
Oculus V3
Crimson Planet
Adventure of the Wool Valley
Gearburn: Alone at Night
The Refinery

Evergreen: Copy+Paste from the change thread - The timed parkour, the reason so many people think this is black, is comparable to Outpost cp2 in length; however, the jumps are mostly easier. Yes, it is timed, but it's never really that fast. The rest of the map at its absolute hardest points seems comparable to ember island, although easier. The Vine pk was the only section that stood out, but most of those were pretty easy with about 5 hard jumps. Overall, when the section that is considered to be an extreme difficulty leap is comparable to a single checkpoint from the easiest black map, and the rest is high orange to mid red, I can't justify the map being black.

World Tour 3 - So, it's been a while since I've done this one but overall it's not too difficult. The first couple of worlds are pretty easy and the only black difficulty aspect comes with the progress loss that comes with a fall high on the jungle cliff. The Chinese level, the volcano, and the desert building are pretty on par with any high red (such as FCY). Alexandria was likely the hardest level in my playthrough, although it has little-death potential and I think I would have an easier time now. The Everest pk is very much what I'm good at, so while it took me a while, it doesn't raise the difficulty enough for this to rank any higher on this list. (After replay I feel this deserves to be a bit higher up but I don't really feel like moving it)

In Rainbows- A long relatively easy map with little checkpoints, a theme that will be very common among the lower blacks. Overall, each section is pretty well failsafed and not too hard individually. The only punishing parts of this map are the transitions in the main column that will set you back a very long way if failed; however, as long as you are consistent at single neos, 4bc, and 3+1s it shouldn't pose much of a problem. The final Amythest room is probably the hardest of the map, and still, every jump can be done with fmm after the end rod pillars (which are pretty easy, just long).

Bowser's Airship - This maps difficulty comes not from the toughness of jumps but rather some of the unique mechanics. Don't get me wrong, this map does have some seriously hard sections but most of it is due to unique gameplay, and as a feel parkourist, it wasn't too difficult to adapt to the map.

Rapture - Each checkpoint is unbelievably short with maybe 10 jumps max and like, one hard jump per cp. Maze took me longer than the parkour and the maze isn't that hard so... idk... its low and easy but definitely a harder "first black map" than some. Its nice seeing an easier black map that values skill over endurance.

Outpost- Long, endurance map with little checkpoints. Tree sections which seem like the hardest is surprisingly easy with easy-medium transitions and rooms that aren't too hard. Lava section is very very long, but all the jumps are easy enough with pretty good momentum. Start to cp1 and cp(3?) to end sections are basically negligible in terms of difficulty. Castle is really probably the hardest section with the weird back-gapped triple neo which is really the only jump in the map that a strat aside from HH and fmm helps a lot.

Haydon Falls - Very similar to Outpost. I don't have too much to say. Checkpoints on average were definitely a bit harder and shorter than Outpost, but still an endurance map.

Patience - A one jump map, so kind of hard to place, how much does time commitment place into difficulty? I don't know, but it's only twenty jumps, and definitely easier way easier than Final-E or Bingus. Obviously, each jump is failsafed so no room to lose progress. For the jumps, there were really only 3 or 4 that took me over 5-10 minutes, unlike most other one-jump maps.

Sheol - This one is a weird one. Way easier than I felt it should be. If I had to do a black parkour in under an hour to play minr again, I would probably pick this one. There are four fairly short sections with low death potential (other than the second one, but that's short with no jump harder than a cross neo, and the first section is pretty short and easy with good setups for all jumps anyways, even if you do die. The next room has a couple of hard jumps but all are failsafed pretty solidly with none that would take too long to do. And the final lava room is definitely the hardest and longest with the least failsafes, but for some reason, the 2nd half really fell into place for me I first tried it, so this placement is more of where I feel it should fall than my experience with it. I'll be honest, I think I got a little lucky on that last part, although everything that came before it was easy.

Redstone Ready - Double neo endurance sim. But for real, nothing in this map is that challenging other than the redstone (repeater?) in CP3. That one section has about the difficulty of the rest of the map combined. The rest has medium jumps and semi-long endurance. Nothing special, which puts it around the low-middle in difficulty.

Halycon - The long jump to the flower pot in the first checkpoint was probably the jump I struggled with the most in any map outside one-jumps. That thing was brutal, but after that, the maps seems to get a lot easier. Each checkpoint is fairly short likely averaging 15-20 jumps but hard(ish) although nothing hard enough to bump this any higher than low-mid black.

Ice Age - This one also confused me. Just looking at the jumps, this map definitely looks easier than I found it. Definitely fixed my inconsistency in four blocks and made me better at double neos. In general, the big rooms were surprisingly difficult, especially checkpoint 4, man that was tough, for not even having that hard of jumps. Then after a subsequent, a triple neo, and then an easy parkour section (at least the ladder one was). The transitions between rooms seemed to have much harder jumps (ice cave, water cave, etc.) but I found these to be the easiest parts of the map.

Oculus V3 - One-jumps seemed easier than others in the series. Sky section had that one pane-up like jump that was pretty hard, but it was early and once you got the turn down, it wasn't too bad. The rest of sky had some missable jumps, but not too hard. Then the blimp took me way longer than it should have. No singular jump in it is that hard, but it's a lot of 2t and HH to do in a row without messing up once.

Crimson Planet- Shorter sections with pretty difficult parkour, no real death potential except for one room with fairly easy jumps and to get back is the easiest section of the map with easy turn jumps and just a test of consistency with fmm. All the sections in the first half weren't too hard and were pretty short. The section before the obsidian room before CP2 was when it started to get hard, with the second half of that section being difficult, then the obsidian room which just had a bunch of headhitter jumps (not HH) and was short, then the previously mentioned easy section with death potential after, into the final section. The second half of this section was easy, but the first half had a couple brutal jumps that took a while to learn the feel of, but were early on so it wasn't too bad falling on these, and the final room was had three or four semi-hard jumps but they all had fantastic momentum setups and in terms of difficulty was negligible (as I forgot about this section until after I added crmp and took me less than 5 mins).

Adventure of the Wool Valley - One jumps were on par with Final-E. First room was filled with hard jumps but thankfully wasn't too long, making it not too bad. Second room was easier and I almost first shot it until I walked off a jump after the big neo. Desert room was pretty strat-heavy and surprisingly hard to get to the one-jump cave, and then the part after that was easy, but man the pressure to not miss those. The last room took me a loooong time. While no jump was exceptionally difficult except arguably the triple -1, making all the moderately difficult jumps in a run to get to the triple was not easy.

Gearburn: Alone at Night - The main thing about this map is its length and the jumps being so unique. All the jumps count and most of them are likely nowhere else on Minr. This certainly makes this map seem very hard but the reality is most of these jumps are unique turning jumps. Throughout this map I used ticks a shockingly small amount of times, way below most blacks, and most jumps avoided clunky momentum setups and felt nice to do. Checkpoint length is the main reason this map falls outside a podium place. Every single time I even started to feel like "I better not die here, it'll be hard to get back" there was a checkpoint without fail (other than maybe cp17). I mean the average cp likely had less than 10 jumps per. Sure, this map had some tough unique sections, but the choke potential was always so low and I never really got stuck on any cp so due to how long this took, I feel an obligation to place it somewhat high, but in reality, most of this map is a fun cruise that shows off hard parkour in a way that is never frustrating.

Final-E - This one was hard to place as well. Definitely by far the hardest one-jump map on the server. The beginning isn't too bad, a couple of brutal jumps, but more that shouldn't take too long. But by the end of the map, it requires some intense tick and strat knowledge [triple jams :( ] I don't really want to place it this high since every jump is essentially failsafed, but the sheer difficulty of a couple of them causes me to see no place for the map other than among the hardest on the server,

Cataclysm - Contains Shorter sections with advanced jumps. More tick timings than TRF but less odd turn jumps. Also the Checkpoints are a good bit longer. Really fun map with great parkour, but that's about all I have to say for the difficulty of the parkour. Dropper is also free as with TRF. No jump was individually super hard but there were enough semi-hard ones in every checkpoint to move this close to the top of the list. However, I was never stuck on a single CP, I was always making progress. The middle was a bit of a lull in difficulty, but blended well with the harder 2-4 and end sections.

Oculus - Man, this map has some hard sections. The one-jumps are pretty much all harder than those in final-e, but what really makes this map stand out are cps 5-7. Neo hell is an easy room followed by the first cp of real hell which is easy, but then the next cp of hell has one of the hardest jumps I've ever done (or maybe I wasn't doing it right). The next two cps in the cave are also brutal, with the first having just enough hard jumps to make it hard, followed by a fairly long checkpoint (although easy) for oculus standards (10-15? jumps) with the final one being the infamous unfailsafed triple neo that doesn't even have the typical momentum. 8 and the first half of 9 are pretty easy, but then the last room of the map comes. This room wasn't too hard, but the amount of times I choked the final jumps is absurd, and no videogame has ever drove me so clinically insane as this last room. This map doesn't have the sustained difficulty of many of the higher or mid blacks, but when this thing gets hard, it gets really hard.

The Refinery- Man, what a great map. It strayed away from a common flaw among black maps with long endurance of 4 blocks, double neos, etc. Lots of funky type turn jumps and advanced stats (although almost always failsafed or the first jump of a cp). Checkpoints 1-10 and 13-14 aren't very hard but carry a sustained difficulty that makes this map one of the hardest already with just how much hard parkour there is. Then there's cp 11 and 12. These checkpoints are brutally long (although sectioned) with some of the most difficult jumps on the map. I think I did choke a lot on some of these rooms, (the last of 11 and the first of 12) but this map is still a beast in difficulty, yet never feels frustratingly hard or unfair.
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Slaying Burgers
Oct 9, 2021
Welp, since I have beaten a fair amount of black maps I guess I should make a list. How I'm going to do it though is that I'll be dividing them up into map types since I don't really know how I would compare a puzzle map to a parkour map. If the map has multiple map types I'll list it in multiple categories, comparing what the category focuses on. That being said, 1 is the easiest and so on:

1. Outpost
2. Haydon Falls
3. World Tour 3
4. Survivor
5. In Rainbows
6. Patience
7. Bowser's Airship
8. Halcyon
9. Final-E
10. Happy Thoughts
11. Oculus

1. World Tour 3
2. Survivor
3. relikviya

1. World Tour 3
2. The Magic Tower

1. Survivor

If you have any questions as to why, please ask me here or on Discord, I'll happily answer why I put a map where I put it. (I'm way more active on Discord, fyi)
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Oct 21, 2022
Done every black parkour besides Final-E so heres my list

1. Affliction
2. The Refinery
3. Happy Thoughts
4. Astral Upsurge
5. Box 16
6. Cataclysm
7. Lost Soul
8. Chaoskampf
9. Thrice
10. Heartless
11. Ragnarok
12. Mag Ash
13. Survivor
14. Adventure of the wool valley
15. Sky Runner 2
16. Patience
17. Oculus
18. Sheol
19. Crimson Planet
20. Evergreen
21. Rapture
22. Halycon
23. Ice Age
24. Redstone Ready
25. World tour 3
26. Outpost
27. Haydon Falls
28. Bowsers Airship
29. In rainbows
30. Dimensions


From Earth
May 20, 2022
From easiest to hardest out of the ones i've beaten

World Tour 3
Haydon falls
In Rainbows
Redstone Ready
Ice Age
Crimson Planet
Gearburn: Alone at Night
Gearburn: The Saviour

for most the map it really isn't too bad, and honestly I found it barely harder than psyche, and without the vine parkour I think I would call psyche harder than this

World Tour 3
this map really picks up near the end, the mazes and puzzle both don't raise the difficulty for me in any significant way

cp1 does need a lot of endurance, and there is that one jump in that one tree but other than that this maps a breeze with how much I've played it

Haydon Falls
I feel like if I played this again I would only feel like its easier, not really any sections in particular that jump out to me, just feels more consistently hard than Outpost

Pretty short, nothing was that bad, thank you jab for having a speedrun that shows how to do the jumps, can't lose much progress at any point, the tower is kinda hard, always felt like i was making progress, again thank you jab

Didn't struggle much except for a few jumps, felt like I was making progress pretty much always, the lanterns weren't that bad, the vines weren't that bad, just a really good low black parkour

In Rainbows
somehow I beat this before learning what fmm was and quite frankly that's a miracle

the parkour by itself would rank lower than Evergreen but I had to learn how certain mechanics worked that I was not familiar with and the pathfinding is a significant challenge although not enough to go much higher for me

Redstone Ready
definitely a step-up, lots of double neos, and that last checkpoint really feels painful

Ice Age
cp1 and cp2 carry this one, I expected the difficulty to pick back up near the end and it never did luckily

a map so nice they named it thrice, and you don't even need strats for this map? sign me up

Crimson Planet
lava room isn't even the worst part its the part directly afterward, the very last room was surprisingly easy for me and I don't know if I got lucky, I'm scared to replay this one

very short but god this is too technical for me

the transitions isn't even what makes this so high, I'm just bad at the caves, probably my favourite map on minr

Gearburn: Alone at Night
very long map, very hard map, cp16 was painful, the trapdoor jumps were painful, cp28 was painful, outside of that there wasn't anything that left me stuck for ages, whereas cataclysm it felt like every checkpoint besides cp1 and some in the nether section would leave me stuck for ages

Gearburn: The Saviour
this map is brutal, at the time I felt this was the hardest section, after replaying cataclysm should definitely be higher

this was a fluke
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Jun 12, 2020
Here is my ranking of the black parkour maps from easiest to hardest (Including only the maps I have beaten).

-The only hard drop really is drop #2, the map is short and it's only really black because of the search aspect.
Outpost - If you know how to do 4 block jumps you should be able to beat this map with relative ease. The length of the checkpoints makes it slightly difficult but none of the jumps in the l/d sections are particularly tricky.
In Rainbows - Same deal as Outpost, except this time fmm is a requirement. Some of the sections are also a bit trickier than in Outpost
Bowser's Airship - Very easy black map; it has a wide variety of parkour types so it could be tricky if you are not a well-rounded parkourist.
Patience - The easier of the one-jump maps, Patience does not actually require that much technical knowledge to complete. The honey jump and the chained neo in particular were difficult but other than that the map was not too hard.
Evergreen - Personally I think this is like the easiest black map. It felt longer than Outpost, but all of the parkour felt easier. I only put it up above the other maps because people struggle on the timed section at the end (I beat it relatively quickly so I don't know why people think it's so hard).
Redstone Ready - For more experienced parkourists this map is really easy, but for people just getting into beating black maps, I would not recommend it. You need to be good at lots of neos, long endurance sections, and just relatively tricky jumps overall. Definitely is harder than a lot of people make it out to be.
Rapture - Hard map as there are a lot of jumps that are very unorthodox. The sections are short and it learnable which is why I put it in the easy section.

Final-E - Definitely a hard one-jump map, but if you are persistent and ask people for help on the problematic jumps, it is doable.
Magisterium: Ash - This might make me sound like a hypocrite, but this map is getting bumped up specifically for the timed section at the end. The rest of the map would maybe be a high easy at best, but the timed section raises the difficulty significantly. It is harder than the Evergreen timed section, and it is also laggy as all hell. I literally had to download Optifine to even have a chance at success.
Ice Age - Checkpoint 1 and 2 are the majority of this map, the rest is not bad. The endurance sections are horrifically long with tons of neos and 4 blocks.
Sheol - Definitely a difficult map, don't let the short length fool you. I would say this map is on par with Ragnarok's difficulty except just much, much shorter.
Chaoskampf - Magnets section is extremely annoying, the nether section is difficult, and God console is God awful (hahaha I'm so funny?!?!?). Anyways the combination of this does not make for a great time (also headhitters in a transition, really?).
Crimson Planet - Could be debated to be high black. The parkour is pretty straight forward, very fair except for the lava room (make sure to practice it before hand on a singleplayer world or something). Just plainly put difficult parkour, not much more to add.
Box16 -The parkour is very unorthodox, the puzzle aspect is hard, and the l/d sections are annoying. The difficulty also jumps around as you progress through the map so you never really know what to expect.
Resource Parkour Secret - The parkour alone in some of the sections cracks low-mid black, but the time and effort required to find everything is what raises the difficulty here. Some could argue for high black honestly, some could argue this is a search map and not a parkour map. Whatever the case it is still difficult.

- Very difficult map saved by the practice mode in the last two areas. Seriously if you are struggling use the practice mode; it makes it feel like a geometry dash level in a way. Anyways with enough practice and strategies, this map is doable.
Ragnarok - I hope you like endurance parkour because this map has not one but two 100-jump sections! Not to mention the rest of the map is also extremely difficult.
The Refinery - Such a long map that they needed to add a checkpoint saver to it. CP7, CP11, and CP12 are the problem CPs, but the rest of the map is also very, very difficult.
Affliction - Take Refinery level difficulty and make it a rankup! With no practice mode! Sound like fun? No? Well good luck :)

Bonus: Maze Rankings
- Completely mappable, the only thing that makes it black is literally the time that you need to spend mapping it. I would recommend getting a big group and everyone contribute to some group map sheet or something.
Relikviya - The first section of the maze is red at best, but the glass maze really makes it difficult. Luckily the maze is quite progressive and as long as you run around a bunch you will most likely find the end.
Axiom - HUGE maze, lots of gimmicks, make sure to keep track of where you've been (if you can haha). The one-ways in this map really contribute to how difficult it is.
Invictus II - The king of mazes, good luck trying to even figure out where you want to be going.
Vertigo - The hardest maze at the moment, the gimmick of it makes it really difficult to keep track of anything. Not to mention the path to the end is confusing in and of itself.

Also just gonna mention here that The Magic Tower is far above any of the red puzzles I have beaten. It's so difficult it shouldn't even be in FFA tbh.


Jan 19, 2015
It was honestly difficult to even write this list considering the large amount of time it has been since beating some of these maps (e.g. Redstone Ready and Outpost, where I completed them around about the same months they were published 5 years ago). These are my personal takes, so some of the maps on this list will be incredibly skewed in different directions. Also, when I say something is easy here, I mean it in the sense that it is relatively easy compared to the standard black difficulty version of it.

39. Sheol
This map is incredibly short for a black map, and none of the sections themselves are that long compared to other entries. If you've played through a lot of black maps, this will be one of the easiest to re-complete despite the death potential.

38. Resource Parkour Secret
Most of the parkour itself in this map is pretty easy to complete; there's maybe only a few hard secret sections to complete and those are about orange in terms of parkour. The hardest part of this map is being able to find all of the secrets, but since I've built parts of resource parkour, helped script it, and played it a lot before theta came out, this map is also easy. The most challenging aspect for me is that it takes a lengthy amount of time to actually get all of the "collectibles"required to complete it, making it harder than sheol.

37. Outpost
Probably the first pick people expected to be low on the list, Outpost is really easy. The main area that might be difficult is the trees section due to having the most setback potential anywhere in the map. The alternate routes that dot a large part of the map also make some sections easier if you know of their existence.

36. World Tour 3
This map is similar to Outpost in that it is probably one of the most accessible black parkour maps on the server due to its design. Most of the map up until Krakatoa is at most orange difficulty parkour, and only Everest feels like parkour for a black map. The secrets if you are going for the 100% map are also not as difficult as the Everest parkour to complete, but require a keen eye for some of them.

35. Dimensions
The most difficult aspect of Dimensions is puzzling out the drop you're meant to do rather than the execution of them (except maybe the first drop). The main reason why this isn't even lower on the list is due to how easy it is to spend a long time wondering what to do in the final drop of the map.

34. Patience
The biggest requirement for this map is Patience. Because it is a one jump map, the setback potential is nonexistent. The obstacle to worry about is experience with many of the strategies the map uses in its jumps.

33. Adventure of the Wool Valley
This map is fairly short but contains many precise jumps. The hardest part about this map oftentimes is getting muscle memory for a section, since with it the fact that most of the sections are short but unforgiving becomes clearer. I might not recommend this to someone starting out with black parkour, but it shares a similar property with sheol that playing a lot of black maps disproportionately makes maps like this one easier.

32. Haydon Falls
This map is probably one of the picks that would fluctuate most in placement for me. I didn't find Haydon that difficult, and many of the transition sections felt like they were included to make the trek back when failing more grueling than difficult in and of themselves. It is much longer and a level above AWV in terms of the brutality of the setbacks, but this map overall isn't too bad.

31. Bowser's Airship
Bowser's Airship's difficulty comes from the varied parkour you'll be doing when playing through this map and its length. The hardest section of this map is probably the timed cogs area, but overall none of the other parkour styles give much trouble.

30. relikvyia
relik is an interesting map when it comes to grading it. It's difficult to explain much without literally giving away hints, so I'll just say this isn't too bad of a time commitment to complete. It's also really relaxing to just move around this maze.

29. Box16
This map is hard to grade because a lot of the difficulty I had with it came from playing through the map multiplayer. Some of the search areas, especially near the end of the map, are evil when it comes to figuring out the path. The parkour itself is also pretty technical, but, especially because I've played through many harder maps before this one, playing Box16 was pretty smooth sailing aside from a few jumps from a personal perspective.

28. Lost Soul
This map was rough to complete when it came out. It is similar to Haydon where it is both unforgiving and technical for the majority of the jumps.

27. Oculus
This one is strange to place on the list due to its gradual transition from a one jump map to having longer sections with what could be considered one-jumps in them. The hardest part of this map by far is the first half of the giant cave (the one that ends with an unfailsaved triple neo).

26. In Rainbows
In Rainbows is pretty fun, with the main gimmick being that transitions are pretty easy to fail on. The hardest part of the map for me was the orange section due to the plummeting framerate property of the lava, but overall the difficulty comes from trying not to fail transitions or the two internal sections you can die in.

25. Halcyon
This map is relatively simple, the main difficulty stemming from its somewhat unorthodox jumps sprinkled throughout the map.

24. Magisterium: Ash
This map majorly involves avoiding any form of damage, making it similar to Heartless in that any mistake is pretty much an instant death. The jumps, to compensate, are mostly only difficult at the beginnings of sections rather than the ends until the fortress that marks the second half of the map. The fortress itself is mostly short sections of fairly difficult parkour.

23. Vertigo
This map is by far one of the most variable I've seen in terms of how long it takes to complete. I got dealt a pretty good hand and beat the map in around four hours, but for most people this map will probably rank way higher on the list (for perspective, World Tour 3 took longer for me to beat than Vertigo).

22. Evergreen
Evergreen is forgiving for the most part. The most difficult aspect for me was the timed section at the end of the map, but the rest of it is pretty standard black parkour. The other major section to give me issues was the glowberry vine section where you need to do 19 or so transitions between them.

21. Final-E
This map is the same story as Patience in that its a one-jump that does not have any major setbacks in it. The main reason why this map is much higher is due to the difficulty of each of the jumps themselves; especially in the final five jumps if you do not know the strategies for the jumps you can be permanently stuck in an area. Make sure to ask others for help if this comes up.

20. Ragnarok
Aside from being gorgeous, Ragnarok's parkour design is pretty standard for a black map. The hardest part of the map might be the riddle at the beginning more than any individual jump.

AXIOM is a very well-designed maze that almost functions like three seperate mazes on top of each other. Especially the third maze is extremely difficult if all you're doing is aimlessly wandering around, and was the only section I needed to perform some type of mapping.

18. Chaoskampf
One of my favorite maps. Because of its mixed styles, what is difficult can majorly vary depending on your map type preferences. Personally, the most difficult part was the leadup to the chimney, though it is easy to get stuck in spots such as the maze and god puzzle.

17. The Chainweaver
This map is pretty smooth in difficulty in the puzzles leading up to the second half of the map. After that, the hardest puzzles were probably blue 2 and blue 3. The remaining non-red puzzles, including the final one, aren't terribly complicated to complete. For the red puzzles of chainweaver, spamming a few different chains and then making educated guesses can solve puzzles for you.

16. Rapture
Rapture is basically the embodiment of a map that has only technical jumps in the parkour sections. Even though it gets easier with more experience playing black maps, the parkour is still difficult to say the least. Nothing can save you from the maze, either.

15. Astral Upsurge
The effect parkour for this map makes it extremely difficult to get far into for the first long while. Once you get the hang of the specific effect for a section though, it becomes much easier to make large amounts of progress. If you are bad at jumps that involve mid-air turns, do not play this map.

14. Affliction
This map, much to my surprise, is not in my top ten. It was absolutely brutal the first time trying to get to sky, but the transition parts that can lose you progress up until that point are actually much easier than any cave section in the map. I remember getting super demoralized when I failed sky the first time... but managed to both get back and beat the section in slightly over an hour. Figuring out the jump techniques is rough, but the muscle memory will absolutely stick.

13. Survivor
This map is basically the start of the "tough but suffer" tier of maps. Survivor is probably one of the longest maps on the server due to the maze and volcano sections, and there's no section of the map that could be considered relatively easy for a black map. A true guantlet.

12. The Refinery
This map is similar to Survivor in that it is incredibly long, though in Refinery's case the map is longer but slightly less challenging in individual sections. Checkpoint 12 is definitely the hardest section of this map.

11. Redstone Ready
It might be bias of some sort, but this map was and still is difficult to beat, even among other black parkour maps. Especially because this was my first or second ever black map to beat, the difficulty of it felt much harder than it likely actually is. Until I have a reason to beat it again though, it will be close to the top of this list.

10. Enigma
This map is essentially the most difficult map-able maze on the server, and it's mechanic of transporting players up and down a large number of floors makes it basically required to map. The time commitment needed to map this maze makes it into the top ten for me.

9. Heartless
This map was a behemoth, especially when it was first released. The most infamous jump in the map is likely the 3 up neo that is required near the end of the second checkpoint, and, even after this jump, the map doesn't get much easier. Major time commitment.

8. Invictus II
If I was not playing this map with a large group, this might've been even higher on the list. Despite being a bit easier to conceptualize than Enigma, the map is absolutely brutal when it comes to navigating it. Even if you think you're on the right track in one area, you might absolutely forget something and start back basically at square one. Great maze.

7. Ice Age
This map is hard to beat in several areas. The biggest obstacle in the map is likely the beginning portion of checkpoint 1, where you need to perform a massive jump and get to a cave while dealing with frequent choke jumps. While I went with the piston path at the end, most will probably find the normal path easiest.

6. Happy Thoughts
Happy Thoughts is Astral Upsurge on another level. You are required to perform frequent precise and/or technical jumps, with some still lengthy sections. Weirdly, the hardest area for me was the no-effect cave climb near the end of the map, but it's not surprising to be stuck on the speed section that occurs early in the map as an example.

5. Cataclysm
While not the longest anymore due to Gearburn, Cataclysm is still incredibly lengthy and has a high-end difficulty threshold for its jumps. Be warned: this map does not contain a progress saver.

4. Sky Runner 2
This was the second-to-last black map to beat that I had left. The constantly changing speeds as you progress through the map make it incredibly difficult to actually get muscle memory for many of the sections since you'll more often than not be running off a platform without jumping once the speed is high enough due to how fast you run. The most difficult single jump in the map is the slime jump in the second-to-last transition.

3. Crimson Planet
This map is technical, lengthy, and has a large amount of death potential. This is I think the only map I've played where I essentially save scummed the final section by logging out and doing the jump in singleplayer a few times before logging back in. Challenging.

2. Thrice
I got stuck on this map more than any other. I only beat the red section after maybe 7 hours or so, and the black section would've been way worse without the practice mode that got added. If you have a different method to parkouring this will probably be lower on the list, but for me I absolutely struggled with this.

1. The Magic Tower
Since it is the only black map I haven't beaten, it is technically the hardest for me. I haven't even gotten to level 8 yet. Sadness :(


shut up and drive drive drive drive drive drive
Jul 15, 2022
For mixed parkour, I'm only taking into account the parkour parts.

20. Resource Parkour Secret
Search is by far the hardest I've ever done, but the parkour (including the non-secret parts) is probably orange.

19. Outpost

18. Sky Runner 2

17. Box16

This search wasn't as hard as that of RPKS for me, but the parkour is still very hard, especially in 4-D. The parkour itself felt high red, though.

16. Redstone Ready

15. Bowser's Airship

14. Evergreen

13. In Rainbows

12. Rapture

11. Magisterium: Ash

Uh oh, controversial opinion time! This was my 2nd-most-recent map at the time of writing this, and I genuinely found everything up to the final tower low black, with the last part being, well, about mid black for me. I don't really get why people consider this so hard. Most of it just felt like endurance, and even then there's fairly frequent checkpoints. I will say, I find this FAR harder than In Rainbows and very similar difficulty-wise to the following couple of maps, and I could realistically put this one or two spots higher.

10. Adventure of the Wool Valley

9. Patience

8. Halcyon

7. Astral Upsurge

6. Crimson Planet

5. Happy Thoughts

4. Affliction

3. Gearburn: Alone at Night

2. The Refinery

1. Candyland
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