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Jungle gold idea

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That Greenie That Doesn't Really Do Anything
Jun 20, 2015
I was making an organized list of all the maps i havent beat and i came across jungle gold. Realizing i have beat jungle gold 2-4 i went to the jungle spawn. I found one of the golds and when i clicked it it said something along the lines of "You havent clicked the cp you get no points invalid time" So naturally i tried to do it again and got the same alert. Idk how to fix this but my proposition is that we officially make jungle gold a purple maze map. Benefits of this is that 1. Blues or whites can have access to the jungle gold. 2. It may stop this glitch from happening 3. It will make getting there/ getting the points mich more convinient. Tell me what you guys think. (I am on a quest for all the points so if they dont work ill be in trouble :p)


Boring Turtle
Jan 5, 2014
I'm pretty sure people's jungle gold points got removed when Ricky did the points recalc for everyone. Not completely sure though.


Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
This situation is much the same with the 2014 Chinese Spawn Jade Temple. There is still a working point sign there (worth 2 points) that does not work as you require a checkpoint (which cannot be done without needing to warp to china-spawn as far as I know). At first glance this is okay, seeing as the alternate version of jade temple does not allow the player to set checkpoint there, but this situation should still be dealt with as players who completed these point signs previously continue to have these points when others are unable to get them.

I do feel that these spawn points should either be removed or have no value (Regardless of the fact that I still haven't found jgold 2) because the lower ranked players do not have access to it, much like what was done with the valley maps (which are now worth nothing).

It seems that the recent china spawn was taken note of and was void of any value, but the other spawns should be dealt with as well.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I agree with sleek. I've always felt that limited-time content with permanant rewards was BS, as it punishes you for either being unable to log in at that time or not knowing about it.


That Greenie That Doesn't Really Do Anything
Jun 20, 2015
Honestly the only reason i made this post is because i still only have 2/5 of the points in jungle gold. Im not sure if they were cleared or not so feel free to catch me up


That Greenie That Doesn't Really Do Anything
Jun 20, 2015
If the points arent already removed i think we should remove them or make a map out of it. Just my opinion though


CEO of Organized Chaos
Jun 8, 2015
As there has been no reply to this, in a while, and im very interested into getting all the points (considering i have 4 maps to beat left) May i make a temporary solution to delete the jade temple points as well as the jungle gold points for now until someone happens upon time to better sort the situation out. Also i would like to mention that there are 2 jade temples out there and both of them give 2 points respectively if you did not already know this. So make sure you find the other one.
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