• Welcome to Minr.org

    Server IP: zero.minr.org 

    Java Version: 1.21.3

    Who are we?

    Welcome to one of the oldest Minecraft servers and communities in the world! Zero.minr.org dates back over 14 years and has been consistently providing endless hours of fun and excitement for players from all over the globe. With an uptime of 99%, you can count on us to be here for you whenever you're in the mood for some challenging minecraft parkour, puzzles and mazes.

    Our server is home to over 600+ challenges, each designed to keep you engaged and entertained for months on end. These challenges have been created, tested and curated by our green membership community, who are true experts in all things challenges! Our community is made up of some of the most dedicated and skilled players, who have completed our Hardcore set of challenges and continue to create new and innovative experiences for our server.

    At our core, we are strongly committed to fair play and against any form of pay-to-win features. We have been privately funded since our inception, which has allowed us to provide a level playing field for all our players, free of any hidden advantages. This dedication to fair play has resulted in a thriving community where everyone has a chance to excel and showcase their skills.

    So why not join us and become a part of something truly special? Who knows, you may even have what it takes to create a challenge that will remain on our server for years to come. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, we look forward to welcoming you to our server.

    For more information about zero.minr.org click here.

Mafia General Rules and Tips


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
Hey all! In recent years, Minr Mafia has faced several problems. First, the queue system has caused a ton of stagnation, and it has often been confusing as to who gets to host next when the next person up is inactive. Since the start of 2019, there have only been 3 games ran (4 if you include Gang Wars). Second, there is currently an absurdly long queue. Third, the community is at one of its highest engagement points ever, and I would say that because of Discord community engagement is much higher than when Minr Mafia started (I can't necessarily quantify this but 30 player rounds didn't used to happen lol) Finally, people really seem to want to play Mafia!

To fix these concerns, we are implementing the following system for future hosting of Mafia:

1. The current queue will stay as it is.
2. The person at the top of the queue is allowed to start their Mafia game whenever they choose to, but please leave at least a month of downtime between the end of the previous game and the start of your game (and it would generally be a good idea to gauge the community's interest in playing another Mafia game if you intend to start your game early).
3. Otherwise, if it has been 3 months since the last Mafia game, we will send out a call for a new Mafia Host.
4. The person who gets to host the next Mafia round is the person who replies to the call first, BUT people higher up in the queue take priority.
5. The host deciding period will last 1 week OR until the person at the top of the queue claims the spot.
6. The host must start their game no more than 1 month after they have been decided on as the host, which is to say that they should have the game officially started by the 1 month mark, not just announced. This is to ensure that there is ample time between games.
7. After someone has hosted a game, they are removed from the queue and may re-enter it.
8. You are only allowed to be in one position in the queue.

I.E. A queue of 3 people:
1. Bob
2. Susan
3. Milton
We send out the Mafia hosting call, and Milton is the first to respond. A few days later, Bob sees the call and decides he wants to host Mafia. Bob then replies to the call, and the round of Mafia runs with Bob as the host.

This should solve any uncertainty that has came with Mafia hosting in the past, and will also respect people who have signed up in the queue but have gone inactive.

We may end up tuning the specifics of this in the future (I.E. turning down how often it happens based on community involvement/interest) but this is what we're going to use into the future. I hope that this will prove helpful for future hosts and participants!

Please sign up to the queue in this thread. I will make a separate thread where hosting calls will be sent out.
HERE: https://forums.minr.org/threads/mafia-queue-and-hosting-calls.5210/
To use the hosting calls thread properly, please reply to the hosting calls thread when there is a call for a new host if you're interested in hosting, even if you're low in the queue. If no one else above you replies to the call, you get to host it!
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Space maps are the best ones.
Dec 11, 2020
Do we need to sign up to participate? Hosting is way too far from now lol


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
Do we need to sign up to participate? Hosting is way too far from now lol
Not here, this is just for hosting. You will be able to sign up when an actual round has started (take a look at the other Mafia threads to see how that goes)


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
2. The person at the top of the queue is allowed to start their Mafia game whenever they choose to, but please leave at least a month of downtime between the end of the previous game and the start of your game (and it would generally be a good idea to gauge the community's interest in playing another Mafia game if you intend to start your game early).
3. Otherwise, if it has been 3 months since the last Mafia game, we will send out a call for a new Mafia Host.
Note that I have amended the Mafia hosting rules to allow the person at the top of the queue to host whenever they choose to (but please leave a decent amount of time between the last game ending and yours starting.)