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Minecraft Trivia

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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Modding and texture packs mean whatever block I darn well please.

What's the national sport of Minecraft?

EDIT: It's boxing...
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Kitty #2
Apr 12, 2014
You don't lol. But... You can spawn a Wither and kill it for a nether star. Or you can go to the resource pk. Lol

How to tame a kitty? :eek:


May 4, 2014
By killing over and over duh.
actually you're wrong. Overkill is achieved by dealing 9 hearts of damage in one hit with a sword.

There are 4096 pixels in a mine craft block.

How does one activate a beacon?


Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
Well.... You place it. (But make sure there is a tunnel to the sky for the beacon to go through. You can have the beacon go through glass too)

Easy way to get lots of wool.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Mass murder other players and take their stuff.
Use one of Dis's many automated farms.

What's Cobblestone's favorite music?


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
That was a good one.

If x=8, how many hearts do 6 enderman, 89 chickens, 1 billion silverfish, and .409 of an enderdragon have combined?


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Let's do some math shall we?

Setting up the Equation:
(6 * endermanHearts) + (89 * chickenHearts) + (10^9 * silverfishHearts) + (.409 * enderdragonHearts) = totalHearts
Substituting in variables:
(6 * 20) + (89 * 2) + (10^9 * 4) + (.409 * 100) = totalHearts
Simplification Step 1:
120 + 178 + 4, 000, 000, 000 + 40.9 = totalHearts
Simplification Step 2:
4, 000, 000, 338.9 = totalHearts

But let's go a step further. Let's say 8 is the damage you inflict upon all these mobs.

Setting up Equation 2:
4, 000, 000, 338.9 / 8 = totalHits

But there's a problem with this. We don't want any trailing decimals. There's no way to hit a mob .11267 times. Now, we could just round up, but what kind of mathematicians would that make us? (hint: bad ones)
So we use a ceiling function, which gives us the smallest whole number greater than the quotient of our two numbers.

Using Ceiling Functions:
]]4, 000, 000, 338.9 / 8[[ = totalHits
Simplification Step 1:
]]500, 000, 042.3625[[ = totalHits
Simplification Step 2:
500, 000, 043 = totalHits

EDIT: Oh look, I got jumped while doing maths. Was going to make a program and stuff. :(


Nov 18, 2013
Alright, so air can differ from very bright to very dark, as plato for instance writes that "So it is with air: there is the brightest variety which we call aether, the muddiest which we call mist and darkness, and other kinds for which we have no name...."
In the case an horse can swim through the air, we are probably talking about a pegasus, which is white. In the case a taiga also has snow, we have a double white factor. The air gets its color by the current state of weather, so in the case it was bright that day, we can assume that the air was close to "aether" that day, and if it was dark, we could assume that it was somewhere in the middle that day. Each of these colors have no name, and hereby I can't really say what color it is.

What is red and isn't lava?


Nov 5, 2013
A redstone block, red wool.

What's the name of the newest passive mob added to the game?


Nov 2, 2013
Let's do some math shall we?

Setting up the Equation:
(6 * endermanHearts) + (89 * chickenHearts) + (10^9 * silverfishHearts) + (.409 * enderdragonHearts) = totalHearts
Substituting in variables:
(6 * 20) + (89 * 2) + (10^9 * 4) + (.409 * 100) = totalHearts
Simplification Step 1:
120 + 178 + 4, 000, 000, 000 + 40.9 = totalHearts
Simplification Step 2:
4, 000, 000, 338.9 = totalHearts

But let's go a step further. Let's say 8 is the damage you inflict upon all these mobs.

Setting up Equation 2:
4, 000, 000, 338.9 / 8 = totalHits

But there's a problem with this. We don't want any trailing decimals. There's no way to hit a mob .11267 times. Now, we could just round up, but what kind of mathematicians would that make us? (hint: bad ones)
So we use a ceiling function, which gives us the smallest whole number greater than the quotient of our two numbers.

Using Ceiling Functions:
]]4, 000, 000, 338.9 / 8[[ = totalHits
Simplification Step 1:
]]500, 000, 042.3625[[ = totalHits
Simplification Step 2:
500, 000, 043 = totalHits

EDIT: Oh look, I got jumped while doing maths. Was going to make a program and stuff. :(
Sir, you got your totalhits wrong. You devide the total hearts by 8, assmuing you could kill (8/2=) 4 chickens with one hit.
So you need 3 strikes per endermen, 1 per chicken/silverfish, and 6 for the enderdragon.
(6*3) +( 89) + (10^9) + (6) = 1,000,000,113 hits. (almost twice as much because of the silverfish)


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Trick question, there are no passive mobs in the game, only mobs that claim to be passive.
Now you're probably thinking,
"Well clearly things like sheep, cows, bunnies etc are passive," well you'd be wrong. Ever tried stabbing a cow? Before it dies its gonna lash out at you.
And don't even get me started on horses.

Now i assume you meant bunnies. Well, as demonstrated in monty python bunnies are vicious carniverous beasts who will defend their territory. I wouldn't call that passive.

And silverfish have lass than 8 hearts so they would be dead actually

How many different materials can be farmed in mc?
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Nov 2, 2013
carrots potatoes, wheat(+seeds), flowers, grass, bones, arrows, gunpowder, rotten flesh, snow, rabbitstuff, bacon, steak, chicken, feathers, wool, leather, iron, gold, (emeralds through villagers) , mushrooms, pumpkins, melons, enderpearls, golden swords, (all blocks through wither farm), so.. Basically everything.

new question!
hoe much memory do you need to play Minecraft (at minimum)

and sorry, I'm on my phone. Lots of typos. You understand me.
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