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Minr Mafia 14 - The Unknown

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
on a serious note, yeroc is mafia and heres why:
1. Yeroc used the agree rating on piece's post.
2. Agree has the same number of letters in it as Yeroc. (5)
3. MAFIA has 5 letters in it.
4. Piece also has 5 letters in it.
5. So Yeroc (5) agreed (5) with piece (5) and is mafia (5).
6. There are 5 fives in the above post, which also happens to be post five.



Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
on a serious note, yeroc is mafia and heres why:
1. Yeroc used the agree rating on piece's post.
2. Agree has the same number of letters in it as Yeroc. (5)
3. MAFIA has 5 letters in it.
4. Piece also has 5 letters in it.
5. So Yeroc (5) agreed (5) with piece (5) and is mafia (5).
6. There are 5 fives in the above post, which also happens to be post five.

Say the words "Illumanti" and "Mafia" out loud. D they sound the same? No
Do they have the same meaning? No...
So are they the same thing.

This is Minr Mafia 14, not Minr Illumanti 14. :)


Jan 19, 2015
I'm active electro, just taking in some of the chaos surrounding everyone.
I choose not to mention myself as to not get into trouble.
With the way things are going, people are pointing everywhere, from Halex to me. Unless we find out who the mafia are, voting anyone is the worst bet possible. I don't need people going berserk over those that vote others, as long as we all keep voting no one unless someone is proven mafia, I feel it'll play well. We've already seen freak die, so definitly no one else should even vote a player unless proven.
Note to Electro: Why do you choose to vote me? It's like voting bob for not speaking every day.
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some guy
Nov 4, 2013
I'm active electro, just taking in some of the chaos surrounding everyone.
I choose not to mention myself as to not get into trouble.
With the way things are going, people are pointing everywhere, from Halex to me. Unless we find out who the mafia are, voting anyone is the worst bet possible. I don't need people going berserk over those that vote others, as long as we all keep voting no one unless someone is proven mafia, I feel it'll play well. We've already seen freak die, so definitly no one else should even vote a player unless proven.
Note to Electro: Why do you choose to vote me? It's like voting bob for not speaking every day.
I don't think you read the post where I voted you and gave an explanation for it. You claimed to know your own and ricky's alignment after night 1, which is impossible for anyone other than the mob boss to pull off. Also, I get the argument about not voting until someone is proven mafia, but actually proving that can be harder than you might think. Sometimes it's necessary to go off of the leads that you already have.
Again, if by some big coincidence I'm wrong in voting you, feel free to message me or defend yourself in the thread.


Nov 5, 2013
I don't think you read the post where I voted you and gave an explanation for it. You claimed to know your own and ricky's alignment after night 1, which is impossible for anyone other than the mob boss to pull off. Also, I get the argument about not voting until someone is proven mafia, but actually proving that can be harder than you might think. Sometimes it's necessary to go off of the leads that you already have.
Again, if by some big coincidence I'm wrong in voting you, feel free to message me or defend yourself in the thread.
While I'm still following my own reasoning on the no vote, I still want to know why you just avoided Electro's question and just reiterated the reasoning in my own post rm.


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013

More suspicions and trickery have arisen in the last night. Some players have discovered their true identity, and are using that to their advantage. Some players are also forgetting to ask questions and discovering nothing. Good for them!


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013

It was Electro's turn to ask a question that night. Most people had already done their actions, so he was alone. He quietly asked his question "Is cory old?" But there was no answer. Everyone had completed their action that night, except for one person. As soon as Electro heard rustling in the leaves, it was too late.

Electrounderwear, the Lying Henchman, has been shot by the rebel!


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Lying henchman has the power of lying, which means that the first response about them per person is false.
Night 1:
"Do I have power?"
ElectroUnderwear, the supposed Bartender, has been BS'ed by the host!
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