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Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

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Boring Turtle
Jan 5, 2014
Waitwaitwait a second, I never signed up but uh, my name is uh, on the list. Not participating btw, too lazy to reply to the forums most of the time, don't give me a role pls o_O


Oct 29, 2013
I'm here, and I'm rather willing to propel my foot forwards towards the behind of this thing they call the Mafia game. I'm in!


Sleepy Forest Girl
Feb 7, 2016
Fine I'll be part of this. I still don't like the forums and I'm still going to be like just active enough ah well

(I actually don't want to but apparently people like me (which I didn't think was possible) so I guess I'll be do.... some shit.... and die n1...... fun.)


Sleepy Forest Girl
Feb 7, 2016
Hey me again sorry for any inconveniences but I don't want to partake anymore sorry I just can't. I'll probably stay and finish mazecomp stuff then I'll quit minr for a while.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Sign Ups are CLOSED!
I'll send out PM's by 3am (est), the first day will begin once all PM's are sent, and will only last 24 hours. It will serve as a day to confirm your pm and ask any questions. No voting allowed

Let the games begin soon™
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Day Text.png

The stage is that of a medieval kingdom, similar to but not quite the same as what we think of when referring to the medieval era. There are few who hold power, and many who wish to gain it. The hierarchy provided to you is strict, but not insurmountable. Things can change and so can people. Everyone has something they seek, whether it be to see the unjust persecuted or to have others join their twisted view of the world. You all will encounter many strange people along your journeys, and while many will be kind, earnest people, some will be two faced in their ways and be tricking you into doing their bidding. Never take someone at face value, for even your closest friends could turn out to be enemies.

The King whom you are all loyal to is named Rmanimal. Long may he rule?

All Role PM's have been sent (I believe)
Please confirm in the thread that you have received your role.
If you have any questions you may ask me here or in your PM and I will try to answer them. Day One will end at 12am (Midnight EST) tomorrow.
There will be no voting today, that will start on Day Two, once some information has been gathered.
Good Luck to all, and remember to have fun!
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Nov 5, 2013
Distinct asked me to ask in this thread so I am:

How does royal blood work and who has it? Can it be gained/lost?


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
I figured this would be a bit confusing for some people so here goes.
Royal blood is something innate to the roles who have it, meaning only they will have it. Its only useful during the phase intended to elect a new king.

In this phase there will be two rounds for people to step up and put their name in to become king.
In the first round only those with royal blood may step up. This means they have to be one of the roles that have royal blood denoted in them as a passive ability. Should someone be converted to the cult, they will retain their royal blood.
In the second round anyone may step up. This means literally any player in the game could become king.

Should the player who is voted to be the next king be Innocent, the king will be a good king.
Should the player who is voted to be the next king be Neutral, the king will be a neutral king.
Should the player who is voted to be the next king be Cult, the king will be an evil king.

The new king will have any abilities that the old king did not use up, but will be giving up their class in exchange for the king class. So if for instance you were a drunk, you would not be able to debauch people anymore, but you would be able point the finger.

I hope that's clear enough
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