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Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

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Active Player
Apr 13, 2017
I don't think that there is enough information to vote for anyone yet. I will wait until day2 when Gwen checks pickles' alignment. For now I will #vote nobody.


Aug 29, 2015
I don't think his word is good enough to save him, since he also claimed to be fool before.

I also don't think we should take Gwen being an investigative role for granted. We have nothing to go off of here. I don't think she's lying, but I'd like to ask people to be skeptical.

I'm sticking with voting for pickles.
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Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
She did; she said Ninja was not a cult member.

also fyi to all of you who didn't see it when it was on the server, I had claimed fool before ever getting my role, so that was the joke if nobody got it.



It's all good
Apr 10, 2016
I get it was a joke. But claiming fool after the game begins made some people suspicious I think.


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
I agree with lom, I'm also sticking to my vote. You could easily be joined up.

Edit: Only 7 hours left, would be nice for some others to chime in.
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
The debates began, and no side seemed to make much way. That is until, suddenly, there was a voice inside everyone’s head.
It seemed to be a psychic that said:

"So far everything has been peaceful. People have been doing their normal daily routines Which is waking up and eating breakfast then going outside to walk their dog while humming Christmas (or whatever holiday they celebrate) songs. Then they talk about who they think about who they think the cult is. After that they go home to play on minr of course. Remember even if you have bad luck and are getting a lot of votes or get killed and you still want to help you're team, don't lose hope you can still help them win. Good luck to everyone. "

What could it mean?


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Night Text.png

First to arrive in the courtroom was Ninja_Cat_. On that fine morning he had come with an open mind and some pep in his step. Upon entering the court room he sat down and was startled to find that there had been reports of a that strange cult from across the kingdom, had made its way to the capital. Startled, he immediately called in everyone, from the King down to the lowest commoner, and made an announcement:

"Beware! The Cult of Mirthas has appeared in the capital! They will try to trick and deceive you with their words, but do not be fooled! All they can promise is empty lies!"

In the back there were some who smirked, for they did not believe the cult could possibly be worth worrying about. As they began to walk away, they overheard someone talking, but couldn't quite make out what they said:

"They al... ...ow about us?" said one
"..... we di.... cover our en... ...y well" said another
"It doe... ..." said either the original one, or a third.
They sounded too similar for the group to properly distinguish, but one thing was for certain, this Cult was going to be a bigger issue than they had realized.

Throughout the whole day, the town bickered and panicked about what they should do. Some suggested a hasty vote on the town troll picklesthecheeta. Others defended him saying he'd done good work for them in the past, and that there was no way he could be a member of this dastardly cult. Some remained silent, whether from fear or acceptance remained unknown.

Two votes for picklesthecheeta
Three votes for nobody
One vote for everyone

Therefore nobody dies

Side note: A tie means nobody dies as well

There were whispers among many of the people in the court, things that couldn't quite be heard by anyone but those who they were intended for. But just as quickly as the day had begun, it had ended, and with the sun setting and the temperature dropping, everyone had to venture home to keep their families safe, and their minds sane.


Night Two officially begins now. It will last 24 hours as per usual, make sure to get your night actions in, and don't be afraid to use your actions. You all have plenty of charges, and only a finite amount of time to live. Sorry for the delayed update, I forgot what time it was. Please do not talk in the thread during the night :)
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Day Text.png

As soon as the sun was fully set, the people went to work. Some had jobs that began during the night, where they wouldn't have to fear others knowing about their mischievous deeds. Some felt like the only way to better the world was to set out and provide justice themselves, and what better time to do that than during the night when all the creepy crawlers come out to play? And then there were some who just favored the night. Born into the night, molded by it, they barely even saw the light of day. Whatever the reason though, the town was almost as active during the night as it was during the day... almost.

However, here begins the sad tale of Bureine. They were born into a nice family, raised to be an upstanding citizen, but they never were all that well off. Bureine always looked up to the upper class, for they seemed so elegant and sophisticated. This was the beginning of Bureine's downfall however. For their whole life, they had to work and train to become like those they had admired so. However, Bureine took it too seriously, and so day in and day out their worked on their manners, their presentation, and their speech, until they were virtually indistinguishable from those upper-class folk. It was then Bureine realized, that there would always be an insurmountable difference between the upper-class, and themselves: Money. Upper-class folk had money, and they didn't need to work for that money, where as Bureine did. This difference was taken in stride though, as Bureine became a butler for some of the richest people in the town. But as time went on, the knowledge that they'd never be quite as good as those born into power slowly corrupted their mind, until they finally couldn't take it anymore. And so, they got a rope, hung it up across the ceiling, and took their own life.


Their will was blank, for they had nothing to leave for anyone else. Such a tragic tale.


Day Three Officially begins now! This day will be a normal 48 hour day, but I am changing how the voting system works:

Lynching now requires a minimum of 5 people to vote for the person, and you cannot vote for nobody. To vote, just do the standard #vote (name) but if you wish to withdraw your vote for someone please comment with #withdraw (name).
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Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
Bureine sounds possessed. Because the Butler has no kill attacks (just poison), so he wasn't switched by a ritualist.

Also you spelled Bureine wrong.


Aug 29, 2015
It would appear that a possessor has killed Bur, I agree. There doesn't seem to be another way for someone to kill themselves, unless he just left.


Jan 19, 2015
Alright, let's get things rolling
Someone tried to attack me tonight. Who?
+Watch for any people who have abruptly stopped chatting. Likely thing is, they're already dead

Other technical thingies:
Innocents remaining - Probably 14 or 16
Neutrals - 2 or 3?
Mafia - 2 - 3 - 4

yeah this game is just - complex
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It's all good
Apr 10, 2016
So the cult did not kill anyone? Only bur died (from inactivity). But rman was attacked by someone. Rman do you know if you were attacked by a neutral?


Aug 29, 2015
It's tough to tell if people suddenly stopped talking, since not many people started to begin with.


Jan 19, 2015
Sending guard protects someone at night, and it can defend anyone (including myself)
If the knights defended against an attack, it will notify me. It can only state that it defended against someone, it doesn't state how many people attacked or the role/type of person that attacked.
The main reason why I assumed only one person attacked was due to the earliness into the game.


Aug 29, 2015
I haven't seen Gwen yet. She claimed an investigate role, and said she'd investigate pickles. I'd like to see the results of that.
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