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Minr Mafia 21 Rules and Roles. (Question the Host Thread)

How long should the Day and Night Phases be?

  • Day = 48 hrs and Night =48 hours?

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Day = 48 hrs and Night = 24 hours?

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • Day = 24 hours and Night = 48 hours?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Welcome to the U.S.S. Minr! This is a three and a half deck boat. Each deck has something different on it containing 3-6 rooms. (I will post a photo with a layout of what it will look like). The different rooms are as follow.
Top Deck (Deck 5)
Observation deck
The Bridge

Middle Man (Deck 4)
The Recreation room (With games and other stuff)
The Chapel (I demand a divine answer room)
Radio Room (Communication room)

Deck 3
Life boats
Swimming pool
Life vests

Middle Man (Deck 2)
The Mess Hall (Chow is served)
Kitchen (Sounds better than Mess Hall)
Infirmary (Get yourself patched up)

Bottom Deck (Deck 1)
All the cabins (1-10)
Captain's Quarters
Engine room

You all can explore this beauty! But there are certain restrictions such as when you can do certain things!
During the Day phase, everyone can do the following things. But you can only do 2 actions per day.
Explore a room
Travel to another room (You cannot question people in the room you traveled to until the Night phase or the next day phase)
Go to another deck (Costs both actions during the day phase unless other wise stated)

During the NIGHT phase, players that have roles may use one of their powers unless other wise stated.
Everyone else can talk to other people on the SAME deck as they are at night through a PM. No talking on the forum thread during the night phase.


The Win conditions
Innocents win if all Mafia die
Mafia win if all innocents and neutrals die
Neutrals have an individual win: They win if they are not swayed by the storyteller and are alive by the end of the round. If they are swayed, they must help the side that swayed them win.

I will post the roles and what they can do along with the not so professional drawings of the deck layouts. I will also keep this thread open during the game for people to question what some things are such as how does (Enter your game mechanic problem) work or clarifying what something does. You can also ask me in PMs or on the game thread after the round starts.

Below, you may begin asking questions and I will have a separate thread with the Real scenario posted a touch later. And I will attempt to answer your questions as best as I can.

The Basic Rules
1. You may talk to everyone on the Round Thread during the day. At night, please do not post on the Round post.
2. The actions you do such as traveling or murdering will not take effect until the beginning of the next phase.
3. You are allowed to quote me directly from this thread or from the Round Thread, but if it is from PMs or Group Messages, please paraphrase the info.
4. Exploring a room may lead to several endings, depending on where you are.
5. PMing is the same as questioning someone, whether they choose to answer you or how much they tell you, is their choice.
6. Wills must be submitted to be by the end of the current day/night phase, BUT may not be submitted on Day 1 or Night 1. Wills may contain info such as who you think Mafia is and why. They may not give instructions such as kill this person because they are Mafia.

1. You WILL add me to your PMs or groups.
2. The regular Mafia rules apply.
3. There will be no screenshots, videos, photoshop, etc. It makes life easier on you, me, and everyone else.
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Nov 5, 2013
"Mafia win if all innocents and neutrals die"

But... then they're not neutral? The whole point of a neutral role is that they can side with anyone, according to these win conditions, they can't side with mafia therefore they're just innocents with a special condition.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Can we talk to others on different decks than us? During the day phase only?
Can we talk to others in PMs throughout the night phase?
Do we need to add you in PMs?

Are we allowed to screenshot conversations from other people, but just not you (the host)?
Can we directly quote messages from you (not screenshot), or do we have to paraphrase?

What constitutes a "deck"? Decks two and three have the same name, how are they different?
What is "Middle Man Outside"? Is it its own deck or part of another deck?
Does everyone start in different rooms/decks?
Why are decks one and four in different colours to the rest?
Are "Cabins 1-10" considered separate locations or the same location?
Is exploring a room the same as interacting with it? Many of the descriptions imply that those rooms have special functions, is that part of the "explore" ability, a separate ability or a passive effect? (or multiple?)

Do day abilities take effect instantly or at the end of the phase?
What is "questioning" somebody in the same room? Can we not just talk to them in a PM or is it a different mechanic?

Neutrals...? (Above)

Do the 10 Commandments of Mafia apply? https://forums.minr.org/threads/mafia-general-rules-and-tips.318/


The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Thank you all for your patience, my life is in over drive right now.

You all asked good questions. I will attempt to answer them to the best of my knowledge.

Q: Are Neutrals the same as innocents?
A: I will redefine what neutrals are and their win condition

Q: Can we talk to people on different decks/levels?
A: No, you may not. Just your level

Q: Can we talk to people during the night phase?
A: I will say yes, pretend you have some miracle power to do that.

Q: Do you need to add me to PMs?
A: Yes, please do.

Q: Are you allowed to do screenshots?
A: I will say do not screenshot, photoshop, video, record, etc during this Mafia round. That way it will save us the headaches of asking the questions of is it legit and things like that.

Q: Are you allowed to quote me (the host)?
A: If it is from the thread like this or the Mafia round thread, yes. If it is from your Role or group PM, then no. Please paraphrase that info.

Q: What constitutes as a deck?
A: You can consider the deck as a floor/level/story. Basically a fancy name for giant room with smaller areas to explore.

Q: Middle man Outside, is it different or is it it's own thing?
A: It is part of one of the decks, but I will probably make it one separate level to make everyone's life slightly easier.

Q: Does everyone start in different rooms/locations?
A: Yes, at the beginning and end of each round, I will tell who is on what deck and what room along with who they are stuck with.

Q: Why is Top and Bottom deck different colors than the rest?
A: It is just to set apart that you are down at the very bottom or the very top of the ship. It was kind of done for my benefit.

Q: Is cabins 1-10 different rooms or are they just one location?
A: For the purpose of this Mafia round, they will just be considered as one location.

Q: Is exploring the same as interacting with something?
A: I'll say yes and a touch later when I make the edits to the rules, I will clarify what they both are.

Q: Do day abilities take effect instantly, or do they take effect at the end of the day.
A: I will also clarify this when I edit the rules.

Q: Is PMing someone the same as questioning someone?
A: I will say yes, I will modify it in the rule change.

Q: Do the Mafia rules apply?
A: Absolutely

I will clarify Neutrals when I do the rules change.
IF this is your first time playing Mafia, please read this thread. https://forums.minr.org/threads/mafia-general-rules-and-tips.318/



The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Now, the moment you've all been waiting for!


The Captain
Day Phase
Captain's Command - Two votes when weighing in on a lynching (Useable every other day phase)
Night Phase
Loyalty check! - Can check someone's alignment
Retirement - Can step down and be replaced by somebody else (choose wisely)

The Chef
Day Phase
Nothing special, no powers.
Night Phase
Poison Power - Can poison somebody, but can only be cured by the doctor or death.
Poison will kill someone if the doctor does not cure them in 2 day phases.
Dinner! - Can attempt a murder

The Doctor
Day Phase
Save Me! - Can save someone from poison
Night Phase
Save ME - Can save somebody from death (such as themselves)
You may not save the same exact person every day. You must wait 2 day phases before you can save that particular person again.

The Radioman
Day Phase
No special powers except your personal vote on who to lynch.
Night Phase
Teleport - You can get people to your level. (costs the night phase action)

The Priest
Day Phase
Rebirth - Can Resurrect 1 person per 2 days (Only works IF you are in the chapel)
You may not resurrect the same person twice. You can only revive each person ONCE.

The Storyteller
Day Phase
Power of Persuasion. (You can attempt to sway people to your side. Essentially changing people's alignments)
Night Phase
When you sway someone, you will not know their role. As a rule for fairness, people who get swayed from Mafia to Inocent, you will not remember who is Mafia. If they go from Innocent to Mafia, they will not remember the roles of every innocent. They will retain the memories of the tourists though. Storytellers may not sway each other. Also, Storytellers cannot sway people on the same side as themselves. They will get a return message.
The Detective
Day Phase
Nothing special.
Night Phase
Show me! - Can check people's alignments
What do you do? - Can check a person's role.

The Assassin (Neutral and innocent Role)
Day Phase
Nothing Special
Night Phase
Murder someone

If you are a tourist or passenger, you do not have a role with special powers. To make you feel better however...

Tourist or Passenger
Day Phase
You get the power of voting to lynch somebody.
Night Phase
You get the power of talking to people on the same floor as you.

Side Note: Both sides will have these roles, EXCEPT for Captain and Radioman which is a role that can be swayed.

MAP coming in the next 24 hours.
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Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
Cured by doc and death ? Is death a role, or is it death ?

And neutral roles ?

And does proest have a night action, maybe chatting with the diseased?


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Where will the main discussion be happening if we can't have it in the main thread? Or will everything just happen in PMs?

Are there any people will standard roles/have no abilities?
Are the Captain and the Radioman both guaranteed to be innocent at the start of the game?
Will both sides have all of the roles? If not, can there been any duplicates?
We'll know the role and alignment of everyone who dies, right?

When the captain retires, does he lose his role, or gain the role of his successor?
How does poison work? How long does it take to kill them?
Is the Radioman's SOS just a message to another level?

Do the mafia know who their partners are? If so, is the Storyteller guaranteed to be mafia? If it's innocent, and they convert a mafia, they'll just tell everyone who their partners were and the game would be over instantly.

The mafia can potentially revive their own team...?


Aug 29, 2015
You say the Mafia also has the same roles.
Can we have a number or range of Mafia so we know what we're up against?

Do we have wills? If yes, what are the rules for them? (When we can edit, when they are read, etc.)

(Night Actions-- You said you'd clarify, so here are some specific roles I'm looking at)
-Do Priests revive immediately during the day, or only the next day?
-Do Storytellers sway as soon as they use their day ability, or that night?

Does Storyteller know the role of the person they sway?

This is really just a paragraph about Storyteller scenarios. You can skip over this if you want, it just says it's really, really powerful. In particular, Storyteller is broken if there are duplicates or if Mafia is close to equal to the innocents. If there are two Priests and they make it to the chapel, Storyteller can sway them onto the same side, letting them revive each other. This is a stalemate until the rest of the people figure out what to do, regardless of if they are targeted. Same with doctors, they are infinitely protected. If a Storyteller sways another Storyteller, they can sweep the board and capture all of the other team. They can also achieve a majority Mafia this way (depending on the starting Mafia amount). They can basically take out any person and use them.

The Chef is the only killing role, besides Neutrals?
Why would the Chef poison instead of instant-kill?
Can Mafia win without a Chef?
Does Mafia start with a Chef or generic killing role?

Why would the Captain ever step down?
Does the Captain's choice still get to do their night action?

Can we use actions on people who are not on the same floor during the night/day phase?
If your target is teleported off your floor, or you are teleported during the night, does your action go through?
Can the Radioman teleport themself?

Can't Doctors just heal themselves every night, creating a stalemate?
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The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Okay, you all ask fair questions and I will answer them one by one
Q: Poison is cured by Doctor or death? Is death a role?
Poison is cured by the Doctor or if you are lynched. (Either by vote or Mafia lynch or murderer role) Death is not a character role.

Q: Neutral roles?
A: Neutral roles are the ones that can be swayed to either side. Captain, Radioman, Storyteller, and Priesf are neutral roles.

Q: Priests do not have a night action.
A: No special powers such as talking with the dead or diseased.

Q: Where will the main discussion be?

A: I will probably have the main discussion at day. (I will fix this)

Q: Will there be people with no powers abilities?
A: I forgot to mention this. If you are a passenger/tourist, you don't have special powers.

Q: Are Captain and Radioman innocent at the start of the game?
A: I cannot tell you that. When the round begins, you will not know the alignment of the Captain or radioman.

Q: Will both sides have the same roles?
A: Yes

Q: Will the alignment and role of the player be revealed upon death?
A: Yes

Q: If the captain retires, will they gain the power of their successor?
A: I will say no.

Q: What does poison do and the time it takes to kill.
A: Poison will reduce the number of actions from 2 -> 1 per day. The person affected will have 2 day phases before dying at the start of the night phase.

Q: Radioman SOS is it just a message to another level.
A: I will redefine that when I redo the chat things.

Q: Will Mafia know who their partners are?
A: I will say no, just like everyone else, they will not know who their allies are. You will be placed in random groups.

Q: Will storyteller be Mafia?
A: I cannot tell you that info.

Q: Mafia can potentially revive their own?
A: Could you clarify this question?

Q: Can I tell you how many Mafia there are?
A: No, just for gameplay and not wanting to ruin the plots either.

Q: Can you have wills and what are the rules?
A: Yes, you may have wills. The rules will be as followed. (I will put this into the rules themselves)

1. You cannot submit wills on Day and Night 1 to me.
2. Your will can contain who you think possible Mafia are and why.
3. Wills must be submitted before the phase is over.
4. Wills cannot contain who has what will. Example: Gwen is the Captain and she is Mafia, KILL HER!

Q: Clarification of Priests
A: Priests if they decide to revive a person, they will be back in on the next day phase. For fairness, Priest/priests may not revive the same person. Basically, you can only revive each person once.

Q: Storyteller clarification
A: Story teller abilities take place on the next phase. Meaning, if you sway a person during the day, the persuasion will change them on the next day phase. Story tellers will not know the role of the person they attempt to sway. (I will set the storyteller rules under the roles post.)

Q: Is the chef the only killing role?
A: I will be adding 1 more killing role called the assassin which all sides have. So there will be a neutral killer.

Q: Why would the captain step down?
A: I gave this as an option IF the current captain thinks it is for his best interests.

Q: Does the Captain get to do their night action?
A: I will say no, because the rest of you have to vote for who you want to be captain.

Q: Clarification on Doctors
A: Doctors may not heal the same person every night. They must wait 2 complete day/night cycles before they can heal the person again.

(Lom, The last three questions I will not answer because I have to do quite a few changes before we start the round)

I will incorporate all of this into the appropriate posts hopefully before I post the real scenario. IF you have questions, please ask them. I would rather you ask me the questions, instead of just assuming things. Thank you for the patience.


Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
Gonna be honest, tourist passenger isnt good. Nobody wants to do nothing.

And what I meant is that neutral is meant to be neutral. Youve made it into an even worse innocent


Aug 29, 2015
When you say "cure," it's kind of confusing. "Cure" means you're no longer poisoned and you're fine. You've made it sound like getting lynched saves you. Can you clarify? You still die when you're lynched and poisoned, right?

What are "neutrals?" Usually in Mafia, neutral roles are NOT innocent OR Mafia, and have their own special win condition. You've made it sound like the neutral roles can be EITHER innocent or Mafia.

Are there Mafia that don't have any special actions/roles?

Finally, can Storytellers sway anybody, or just the "neutral" roles you've listed?
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Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Gonna be honest, tourist passenger isnt good. Nobody wants to do nothing.
Actually, having people without special roles can be a good thing. It helps with game balance. Plus, you can still do a lot, talking to other people, plot with them, etc. Every past round (except 12 and 20) have used the regular roles, its not a bad thing.


The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Pickles, I added people without roles just because I don't have the time, power, or energy to create and keep track of 15-20 roles. Also, if this is their first time doing Mafia, having no roles might be beneficial for them to get a feel for what Mafia is.

YEs, you do die if you are poisoned.

I will give the rules of Story teller momentarily. I will say that there will be at least one person per side who will not have a role. This just reduces the stress of trying to keep track of everyone.

Even if you don't have a role, you have the power of talking to other people. :)


May 6, 2016
So Mafia wins if all innocents die, but also if all neutrals die. . Usually neutrals can choose which side to align with so this is just a tad different for me and I just want to make sure I understand. It seems like they really can't align with mafia if it's mafia's goal to kill them. Does that mean that they only get the choice to vote with innocents or just choose to do nothing? Sorry if this is covered somewhere. I have 3 tabs open with info from this game, so everything seems a bit jumbled atm.
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The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
If you are neutral and are not swayed by when you die, you win. Consider the neutral roles something of an individual win instead of a group win. If you all do not get swayed, more power to you.

I took out the SOS ability.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
If you are neutral and are not swayed by when you die, you win. Consider the neutral roles something of an individual win instead of a group win. If you all do not get swayed, more power to you.
The Storyteller
The person who you attempt to sway does have the option of saying no. You best try and make up a really good story to convince them.
Since you can reject any alignment changes from storytellers, does that not mean that neutrals have a 100% chance of winning?


May 6, 2016
But mafia still need to kill all neutrals to win? Seems like factions are really going to have to be strategic with this game in terms of using neutrals.
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