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Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

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The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
You may now talk normally as if it were day Phase. Unless I have told you not to talk.


The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Day 4: What's That?
Everyone yawned and got out of bed. They decided to walk around and face the day. As they walked around they saw the shadow of a large object in the distance. Questioning it, they also began wondering what it is. It ain't normal what ever it is. Everybody but Swimmy was wondering it.

Swimmy the innocent tourist is dead. (Have fun watching)

Also, during the night, Ninjaman's will was found. It read the following.

My Will:
I have a slight suspicion that The_Fire_Ghoul is the mafia storyteller, as he asked if I was neutral

Day 1:
Persuade Edan, returned false (as of end of Day 1, he is innocent)

Day 2:
Persuade Grave (on something I was told), returned … (unless mafia storyteller, he is innocent)

Everyone was shocked at the news.

Here's the standings for Day 4:

Deck 5 Observation: Yeroc
Deck 5 Bridge: Picklesthecheeta
Deck 4 Chapel: Gravebound, Pro_Luma, Zatharel
Deck 4 Rec Room: The_Fire_Ghoul, and Stu
Deck 4 Radio Room: Rebplane, Ninja_Cat_ and Red_Eyed_Cat
Deck 3 Boats: Rmanimal
Deck 1 Cabins: Ajs and Jayspk
Deck 1 Engine Room: Edan456

You are now heading towards an unknown thing due to an event that happened on Day 3. You will encounter said thing SOON.
You may now return to 2 day actions.

You have until 8:15pm GMT on August 9 or 3:15pm August 9 EST to submit day actions.

The talking and voting may begin. Have fun!
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May 13, 2015
Lol guess I'm mafia because I asked ninja if he was neutral. Curses! You guys got me good!


Mar 26, 2014
I have heard from a credible source that swimmy was killed by a neutral assassin, under command of Fire.
There is no reason whatsoever for fire to instruct a neutral to kill an innocent, unless Fire became mafia.

#vote The_Fire_Ghoul


May 13, 2015
I'll start from the top. At the end of the last day phase, I thought that, because during the day you can only use items and actions on those in the same deck as you, that the one who planted the bomb had to have been either Grave, swimmy, or Red (I've been told now that the bomb may have been a "plot device" and not planted by anyone at all, but this was my thinking before swimmy's death). I suspected Red the most, so I asked swimmy to kill Red because I (and many others before his death) thought swimmy was an assassin, as he had claimed. After some hesitation, he admitted he can't kill anyone because wasn't actually an assassin. He then went on to explain that he had actually been a mafia tourist the whole game until the end of the last day phase when he very conveniently got converted. The discussion ended there because Gwen reminded us we can't talk, a rule which I hadn't known had been changed until that point. I couldn't ask him any more, so I had to go on what he told me, which was that he lied to us almost his entire life in-game that he was assassin, and that he happened to be converted by ninjaman at the end of that day.
Swimmy's claim was super suspicious to me because--1: If swim had claimed inno the whole game, how/why did ninjaman know or suspect that he was mafia? (I understand now that perhaps Grave knew (and said nothing publicly about it?) and told ninjaman at some point, but I didn't think at the time that there was any way ninjaman could have conveniently known swim was mafia and have said nothing about it) 2: Apparently swimmy had lied to us all about his role the whole game, which is bad and obviously very incriminating. With these things in mind, I highly suspected that swimmy was still a mafia tourist, and that he knew had to make an excuse for lying to us about him being assassin, thus I thought he claimed he had been mafia the whole time except for right then to dodge around that potential backlash for lying. I figured since he also knew there would be no way to confirm this claim with ninjaman dead, that he made the claim to get in the clear. So I asked red to kill swimmy, which he did.
Swimmy's death is not Red's fault, it's mine; I asked him to do it. I had my reasons and suspicions detailed above as to why, and it seems ninjaman actually was informed at some point about swimmy possibly being mafia, and converted him last day phase. Last night I didn't think ninjaman could have had any informants that would have told him (and not everyone publicly) that swimmy was mafia, thus I figured the odds of him actually converting swimmy that day were really low. But as it turns out there was an informant for ninjaman and I was mistaken. Should I have waited longer and discussed more with him and others? Certainly, and I apologize for not doing so and for making a hasty and reckless decision, but it was not one made out of malice.

With my defense being stated, if I may please,

#vote nobody (for now)
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Mar 26, 2014
After some deliberation and a good talk with fire, I believe this is a mistake. Canceling my vote, and urging others to do the same.

#vote nobody

Pro Luma

I Like Anime but Not All Anime Just Some Anime
Feb 18, 2014
#vote nobody
tho if creep is not back tommorrow suspect fire just saying
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