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Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

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Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
Cause the inno storyteller converted grave from mafia to innocent.. sem was the mafia storyteller


Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
Grave was converted from mafia into innocent, by the innocent storyteller.

Who is on the same deck as him.


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
So, I always thought the rule was that night actions could only be used on those on the same deck as you, yet gwen has confirmed that both assassin and captain can use their night roles on anyone on the ship. She also said storyteller could use their day phase sway on anyone on the ship. Honestly confused out of my mind right now with it. If certain roles can use their night phases on anyone and some cannot it really needs to be noted somewhere.

Also, assassin is an innocent and neutral role only, so creepa most likely was not murdered from a different floor by an assassin.


Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
Wait so if chef or whatever can kill someone on any floor, then that means that it's possible that NONE of us are the killer and this is all due to a misunderstanding of a rule?

Honestly, I'd be downright miffed if this is all because we don't understand the rules. Sorry Stu if a chef on another floor could have killed creepa.

But that begs the question: Gwen, please explain how this mafia game actually works.


Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
Alright, so in that case only people on the same deck can be storytold and literally anybody could have killed creepa, meaning the odds that it was one of Fire Zath Stu or Me much smaller.

so uh yall wanna hold off on that lynch because this was all one big misunderstanding of how the game works thanks.


New Fish
Jun 22, 2018
What's even happening anymore lmao
#unvote pickles
Edit: apparently deadlines past damn
Edit Edit: apparently we're all good now
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Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
deadline is past when gwen says deadline is past.

and i think because since this is all due to a misunderstanding of the rules the unvotes should go through but maybe im just a little bit biased.


Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
#vote nobody

goes without saying, but I realise I hadn't done this so I should to help Gwen with tallies.


May 6, 2016
You have until August 3rd 10pm EST or August 4th 3am GMT to submit your actions.

#Unvote PIckles


The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Day actions and votes are now locked in.
You may talk normally until Night Phase is released.


The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Night 3: Normal Please!
Team_Flamingo and Ninjaman sat down to enjoy their fancy feast of meatloaf and mashed potato. They began hearing some beeping noises which they knew wasn't from their phones. Digging into this wonderful looking meal, Ninja hit something hard in his potatoes. Picking it up, he saw the digits counting from 5. Not having time to register what this meant, they both looked at each other before the bomb went off. BOOM!

Team_Flamingo the innocent tourist is dead. (Nice having you)
Ninjaman10p the innocent storyteller is dead. (Hope you had fun)
Feric the innocent tourist stepped out of the round. (Have fun on your real cruise.)

Deck Standings:
Deck 5 - Yeroc, Swimmy, and Pickles
Deck 4 - Red_Eyed_Cat, Gravebound, Rebplane, Zatharel, Stu, Ninja_Cat_, Fire, and Pro_Luma
Deck 3 - Rmanimal
Deck 1 - Jayspk, Edan456, and Ajs

Everyone was suddenly looking at Pickles suspiciously. They attempted to vote, but to his relief, the nobody vote outnumbered the Pickles's death vote.

Nobody 4+
Pickles 1-2

They all turned into their bunks for bed hoping that the next day nothing special was going to happen and this nightmare cruise would end soon.

You all have until August 5th at 8pm GMT or 3pm EST to submit your actions. Good luck!
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