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Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

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The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Day Actions and votes are locked in.
You may talk normally as if it were Day Phase until Night Phase is released. Meaning, you may talk to everyone until I post the Night Phase scenario.

As a quick note, please do not respond to your PMs until Night Phase is posted.


The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Night 2: The Welcoming Darkness

Everyone went to bed and crashed immediately into dreamland. Before they all went to bed, they quickly and quietly went to Sem's room. They all looked at him with a glare.
"You're Guilty and are Mafia." They chanted.
"No! I'm not." Sem protested
They all took a vote and a sound 11 votes counted him guilty. Then, they stabbed him in the chest. With his dying breath, he said the following.
"You are making a mistake."

SemAelse the Mafia Storyteller is dead.

Welcome to Night 2: Here's the Deck Standings.

Deck 5: Yeroc
Deck 4: Zatharel, Stu, Pickles, Pro_Luma, The_Fire_Ghoul, and Creepa
Deck 3: Rmanimal
Deck 2: Gravebound, Team_Flamingo, Ninjaman, Swimmy, and Rebplane
Deck 1: Ajs, Red_Eyed_Cat, Feric, Edan456, Ninja_Cat_, and Jayspk

Also, due to an unfortunate Engine Room event, you will also be bathed in darkness in the next Day Phase.

Night will end around 3pm EST or 9pm on August 1
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The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Day 3: The Dark Day
Everyone yawned and woke up. They began attempting to turn on lights, but to no avail, they couldn't. Some decided to yell and some decided to punch the wall in hopes of gaining light. They all failed. Everyone began roaming around, but Creepa never woke up despite the commotions. Deciding to check on him, they found him dead in bed without a will.

CreepaShadowz the innocent tourist is dead.

Mourning the loss of their friend, they decided to start the day. Here is the standings for Day 3.

Deck 5 Observation Deck - Yeroc
Deck 4 Rec Room - Stu
Deck 4 Chapel - Zatharel, Pickles, and Pro_Luma
Deck 4 - Rec Room - The_Fire_Ghoul
Deck 3 Boats- Rmanimal
Deck 2 Mess Hall - Gravebound, Team_Flamingo, Rebplane, swimmy1212, and Ninjaman
Deck 1 Cabins - Ninja_Cat and Jayspk
Deck 1 Engine Room - Edan456, Feric, Red_Eyed_Cat, and Ajs

You all are bathed in Darkness and all actions this Day Phase take TWO action thingys.

You have until August 3rd 10pm EST or August 4th 3am GMT to submit your actions.

Let the talking and voting begin if you so desire.
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Mar 26, 2014
Hello fellow cruise people, as you all know I claimed I was mafia, and I was. However, I've been converted to innocent (yay!)
On the other hand - I have now been poisoned. (not so yay!) Any help with this will be appreciated, since I'll die in two days' time.
If you don't believe my claim, feel free to have me checked by either rmanimal or our captain, who also has an ability like it.

Happy cruising!


May 13, 2015
Hello fellow cruise people, as you all know I claimed I was mafia, and I was. However, I've been converted to innocent (yay!)
On the other hand - I have now been poisoned. (not so yay!) Any help with this will be appreciated, since I'll die in two days' time.
If you don't believe my claim, feel free to have me checked by either rmanimal or our captain, who also has an ability like it.

Happy cruising!
Can whoever the storyteller is confirm this? If no one does, then as far as I know you're still mafia, Grave.


The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
To clarify what is happening this day phase.
You may only do one action this phase unless you are changing decks.
You may talk normally as if it is a regular day phase.
I restricted your actions, not your talking abilities.
Good luck

Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
I am not the storyteller, but I am in contact with them, and can confirm that Grave is now indeed innocent.


Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
#Vote Stu

Of the people on the floor with Creepa the night the poor man died, Stu is the only one other than fire that I don't know their role.

And fire seems like a pretty good guy.


May 6, 2016
I don't think Stu is mafia. Just because someone is on the same floor, doesnt matter much. you can kill people on other floors.


New Fish
Jan 24, 2018
How? What role can do that?

Only chef, which whould only work if they off the bat poisoned thhem (unless I am missing something)

I will withhold my vote until greater evidence or a leter time, however


May 13, 2015
I don't think Stu is mafia. Just because someone is on the same floor, doesnt matter much. you can kill people on other floors.
Actually no, at night you can only target those on your floor.

Pickles also doesn't know anyone's role for certain except for Luma's. Zath could have lied to me and him, and pickles himself might be lying as well.


May 13, 2015
Also, even if they are telling the truth, people can find items with which they can kill, like Sem did.


May 6, 2016
I know I've been accused of delaying for suggesting this before but I truly believe Stu to be innocent. I ask that no one else vote him up so I may check him tonight. I don't think there is enough concrete evidence to hang him. He has even voted to hang mafia members. That may not enough for some people, but I'm sure my results would be.


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
Ran a bit of a test on stu with the support of fire and rm by claiming mafia to him. He spilled to fire just now with this message:
"Just a little heads up, I've been talking with swimmy and he claims mafia, if anyone here wants to talk to him about that , just putting that out there in case y'all vote me out
Not trying to distract from me getting voted, just needed to let others know"

Pretty safe to say he's not mafia.


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
Sorry for double post, shouldn't edit for a vote probably.

Based on the fact that the vote has pretty much come down to Zath or Pickles (due to Luma having been investigated) and the fact that two mafia are dead (Priest and Storyteller) and one swayed innocent, I don't think it would be much harm to get a vote rolling on one of these two, like pickles did with stu.

So, #vote picklesthecheeta
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