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Minr Music Playlist 2

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off the rails!!
Jul 26, 2019
23. My Romance - Joey Defrancesco, Guido Basso, Vito Rezza, Lorne Lofsky "One Take, Vol. 1"


Aug 16, 2016
25. Surrender - WALK THE MOON

one of my favorite songs of all time - great to scream out your car window


Nov 5, 2013
30. Temptation 7" Version - New Order

one of my fav, sounds like coming home at 3 am still full of energy and maybe infatuated


going outside is for casuals
Jul 27, 2019
31. Elephant by Tame Impala

Unreasonably catchy. The kind of song that seems alright when you first hear it but you're singing along by the tenth listen.
"Well, he feels like an elephant
Shaking his big grey trunk for the hell of it
He knows that you're dreamin' about being
Loved by him"


Nov 18, 2013
32. Requiem by Obadiah Brown-Beach ft. Serge Liberovsky

I have a bit of a dilemma since this one is only on youtube, and another one I wanted to post is only on spotify, but I guess that eventually balances out.

It's getting more often that games are putting out stellar music, and I like that trend. This song completely caught me off guard lmao.

I can recommend the game (arknights) for anyone who's looking for a fun tower defence and pretty good story (although it contains a bit of grinding to get your units up at times).


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
36. Second Skin | The Gits

I don't use spottify, so appologies if it's not there.

An awesome punk song from a great vocalist who was stolen from the world by scumbags.
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