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    Our server is home to over 600+ challenges, each designed to keep you engaged and entertained for months on end. These challenges have been created, tested and curated by our green membership community, who are true experts in all things challenges! Our community is made up of some of the most dedicated and skilled players, who have completed our Hardcore set of challenges and continue to create new and innovative experiences for our server.

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Minr Puzzle Competition 2020 - bigger area, better prizes and the best puzzles ever!

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Nov 5, 2013
hi, friends, I hope you're having a good day.

Today I am happy to announce the


You've been expecting this, haven't you?

Well even if you haven't, here it is! Once again, we're back with a large superflat area where you'll be able to build anything to your hearts content - as long as it's a puzzle! Mixed puzzles are allowed, but the majority of the map must be puzzle!

Here's everything you need to know.

The building area opens on June 1st and closes on August 31st 2020. Extensions for scripts and minor tweaks will be possible for up to 2 weeks after the closing date.

From writing this post (May 28th) to the competition start date (June 1st), the building area will not be open. This is your time to fully flesh out your ideas on paper or in message with your friends.

  1. Do not modify other builds without permission. This is still griefing. You WILL get caught and you WILL get banned.
  2. All entries must be within the Puzzlecomp 2 area, otherwise they are not eligible for prizes. This area can be accessed at /warp puzzlecomp2
  3. If you need help with scripts, you can ask any op to help. You can also ask for large worldedits but please, be reasonable. Don't ask for us to WE you a 5 block line of diamond blocks, that's why we've given you creative.
  4. All members of the server Green+ are eligible for prizes, except the judge panel.
  5. Judges may enter, however their maps will not be taken into consideration for prizes.
  6. Judging will be based on 2 criteria: Aesthetics, which refers to how a map looks, and Gameplay, which refers to how a map plays. Each will be judged out of 10 points, and then combined to give a final score out of 20.
  7. Judges reserve the right to act as a pseudo-board, allowing maps to pass directly into FFA if the judging body deems it allowable and giving the map an altering cycle which, when completed, will allow the map into FFA. Board members can still give a map an altering cycle when it is set to approved if they deem there are still necessary changes that need to be made.
  8. Teamwork is allowed, but the prize will have to be split by the team.
  9. If at the end of the competition, you'd like your map copied and pasted somewhere else, ask an op.
  10. Builds that were started AFTER January 1, 2020 can be imported into the area for this competition. Please ask an op to do this. Exceptions to this are possible and will be reviewed on a case-to-case basis - message me (Zath) if necessary. If an exception is made, the reasoning behind it will be made publicly available on this post.
  11. Please ensure all puzzles have proper reset mechanisms built into them (ask an OP or board member if you need help conceptualizing how to do this or help setting it up)
  12. Most importantly, have fun! Make fun maps with your friends or alone. This is what MINR is all about!

We're being extra generous with prizes this time around, so please take that as an encouragement to enter with your best effort.

As usual, prizes will only be awarded if 6 separate eligible people (or teams) enter the competition.

1. First Place
  • 50$ worth of Steam games (or any other game platform, talk to Hex when you win)
  • A special title exclusive for this placement
  • A special hat exclusive for the top 3
2. Second Place
  • 20$ worth of Steam games (or any other game platform, talk to Hex when you win)
  • A special hat exclusive for the top 3
3. Third Place
  • 10$ worth of Steam games (or any other game platform, talk to Hex when you win)
  • A special hat exclusive for the top 3
Everyone Who Enters
  • A special title with our eternal gratitude for entering <3
These are the losers that will judge your maps:
  1. rickyboy320
  2. spolendina
  3. TheHexer
  4. chayos



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Cool dude
Nov 6, 2019
We have to build in the area then right? because i already had a puzzle map that i was building and was wondering if i could enter that.


Nov 5, 2013
We have to build in the area then right? because i already had a puzzle map that i was building and was wondering if i could enter that.
Was it started before or after January 1st 2020?


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
If you started it after January 1 2020 you are allowed to import the map (it says this in the rules). You have 2 months to import piece, just a sript a day ez


Music Enjoyer
Apr 21, 2020
Finally! I've got an idea ready to roll!
Quick question, though. Will we later be able to take our completed puzzles and publish them as maps(with aesthetical upgrades added, of course)?

Edit: It seems I missed something in the rules. My apologies!
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Bird Enthusiast
Mar 2, 2019
Finally! I've got an idea ready to roll!
Quick question, though. Will we later be able to take our completed puzzles and publish them as maps(with aesthetical upgrades added, of course)?
pretty sure we're making maps for the puzzle comp


Nov 5, 2013
Finally! I've got an idea ready to roll!
Quick question, though. Will we later be able to take our completed puzzles and publish them as maps(with aesthetical upgrades added, of course)?
You're already making maps though.


Apr 30, 2017
A few quick notes for competitors:
- I will start adding heads to the competitors list once the competition gets going a bit, and when maps are in development.
- Don't be afraid to build large, we will expand the plot outwards if it gets tight for space.
- The entire underneath of the plot is empty, so there is a huge underground space for building in addition to the open air space.


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
One other note:
Multiple map submissions ARE ALLOWED! Don't restrict yourself to one map. You can only get prizes on your highest placing map, though, so you can't place both 2nd and 3rd, for example.


Tree Hugger
Mar 1, 2020
Big ol' thing of questions:

1. If I have a map that would work aesthetically best with a clear sky/natural surroundings. (Instead of looking at all the other puzzlecomp builds) Would this entail having the map copied and placed somewhere in Theta for actual publishing? (I know it kind of says this in the rules but I just wanted to clarify)

2. In the rules it says,
All entries must be within the Puzzlecomp 2 area, otherwise they are not eligible for prizes.
Does that mean that we can build a puzzle for the comp and submit it, but if it wins 1st, 2nd, or 3rd it simply cannot gain prizes? Or can we not submit a map at all that isn't within the building area?

3. How final is a submission compared to regular submitted maps? Could we submit a map and make major changes to it after submission? Only small aesthetic changes? Only bug fixes?

4. (Kind of building off the last question) Are we allowed to review maps that are submitted so the map maker can make changes? Only informal reviews?

5. How do regions work in here?

6. Could someone briefly explain what exactly a "reset mechanism" so we can reference it in here?

I probably had a few more but my mind is blanking. I haven't participated in a Map Competition before so I figured this might help others as well.

Thanks y'all!


Nov 18, 2013
Big ol' thing of questions:

1. If I have a map that would work aesthetically best with a clear sky/natural surroundings. (Instead of looking at all the other puzzlecomp builds) Would this entail having the map copied and placed somewhere in Theta for actual publishing? (I know it kind of says this in the rules but I just wanted to clarify)
Yes, but preferably not: there are various ways working around this (see bop)

2. In the rules it says,

Does that mean that we can build a puzzle for the comp and submit it, but if it wins 1st, 2nd, or 3rd it simply cannot gain prizes? Or can we not submit a map at all that isn't within the building area?
I think we'll handle this on a case-by-case. If your build is importable, do so as early in the process as possible.

3. How final is a submission compared to regular submitted maps? Could we submit a map and make major changes to it after submission? Only small aesthetic changes? Only bug fixes?
its not final, you can do anything after we've judged it

4. (Kind of building off the last question) Are we allowed to review maps that are submitted so the map maker can make changes? Only informal reviews?
the board won't handle them, but if you want you can review a comp map.

5. How do regions work in here?
same as everywhere else

6. Could someone briefly explain what exactly a "reset mechanism" so we can reference it in here?
say you have a lever that opens a door, you don't want a second player finding an open door after a first one has completed the map, so you reset the lever somehow.
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Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
We can also copy in pieces of natural terrain, if this is what you want to use as the basis for your build.


Jan 18, 2014
I have a proposal that if 1.16 comes out within the next to months, that the deadline is extended a week or 2


Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
You have just a little over a month to finish your builds for Puzzlecomp 2! Even if you haven't started, there is still enough time to create and submit something! All participants will be awarded a participation cosmetic, and there are big cash prizes as well as exclusive cosmetics for the top 3 entries!
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