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MM9: Reverse

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always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
I think we have to put into account that the innocents can recruit people to the alliance, and since ian knows who the TMM is, he might have been recruited last night.


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
So, upon my new overlord's request, I am here to report that I have been recruited as an innocent. It was pretty obvious I would be anyway. I wish I didn't have to do this, but the true mafia member is Piece. The remaining hunters should take note of this.

I also bring a message from the other innocent(s). You must message me telling me how many bullets you have left. Message me before the day is over, or else my innocent overlord(s) will not know who you are. So yup. Do that pls.


Nov 18, 2013
I might be completely wrong but...

"If he tries to recruit a person who dies the same night, he'll die too."

So does that mean that if we kill Ian NOW, the innocent wont die? If he will, it's pretty logic what to do.


Nov 5, 2013
Ian stood up in front of the crowd.
"The mafia is piece,"he said"I'm in the innocents team and I will restore peace at all cost, even my own life!"
The second he said that, everyone went at him. The poor guy knew what was going to happen, so he didn't move.

It is now Night 4.

Apologies to all of you if I don't manage to update the game in time, as I am on vacation as of tomorrow and I don't know how stable the wifi is there.


Nov 18, 2013
Wait.. that was pretty useless if you ask me.

We killed an converted mafia member, that already told everything he knew to the innocents, and has probably no powers himself. Which pretty much sums up that we wasted a night getting the "true" innocents. Every night one of us gets recruited, and we can't battle that, because if we keep killing the persons getting converted, we are pretty much never able to win.


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013
Heh... At least I died doing what I love... screwing things up for the mafia.

I had that one ready for a while.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
Sorry I didn't post for a while, my password stopped working and it took a few tries for the password reset to actually work. May the best team win.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Considering there's nothing going on, do we just lynch someone in the hopes that they're innocent?


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
Assuming that there are 5 innocents and 6 not, we have to.

Innocents win if they outnumber us, and if we lynch a traitor, it'll be 5 v 5 going into the night. Of course, if they either recruit another traitor or have the other hitman (I can verify because Electro told me he never killed anyone right before his lynch) kill someone, they win. However, if we don't lynch, all they have to do is perform both actions and they'd still win. Though the odds are against us, the only way to hold out at least another night is to lynch an innocent. If we hit the recruiter or the hitman, we will have the best chance of winning. Else we might be in the same situation or worse during the next day.

There was a thought that whoever was sending out anonymous messages was innocent, and this is likely true. Also, someone pointed out that they were spoken as if English was not their first language, and there are two people that I know are playing that fit this bill. I do not think this person is either the recruiter or the hitman, as giving an extra power to them would be a bit OP. I could see it used with a detective, since I don't really see much use in the power Zath described for the detective.

Beyond that, I've got nothing for who either the hitman or the recruiter is, but a guess must be made.

#vote LordSpectilas
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