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Pokémon GO

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Compass Master
Nov 15, 2013
So if you have heard of Ingress, and hopefully played it for at least a couple of hours, this may be good news.
As of today Pokemon GO has been released, which is a game in the concept of Ingress, made by the same developers (Nianic Labs).

It's more or less like Pokemon, excluding an actual story, but including having to actually walk around to catch your beloved Pokemon.

Because of the game being released today, and some weird screw up with time zones regarding the timed release, some countries can play it right now, some can't. If you can't download it from the App store, there's a working apk you can download on Android right now. (http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/niantic-inc/pokemon-go/pokemon-go-0-29-0-release/pokemon-go-0-29-0-android-apk-download/)

Don't try it if you're on an iPhone, it (shouldn't) work.

Just though I'd share since Ingress was a bit popular for a bit, and if you guys love Pokemon, there's a plus too.


Oct 26, 2013
Downloaded this last night, only thing i don't like about it is the pay to win features it seems to have.


Compass Master
Nov 15, 2013
Nah, honestly the only thing the pay to win thing will help for is letting lazy people do stuff without walking ^.^
I easily got to level 5 by just walking around for an hour, which is where you can do the important gym stuff.

And oh well, as long as you're active you can keep up with most pay-to-winners ;)


Oct 26, 2013
Nah, honestly the only thing the pay to win thing will help for is letting lazy people do stuff without walking ^.^
I easily got to level 5 by just walking around for an hour, which is where you can do the important gym stuff.

And oh well, as long as you're active you can keep up with most pay-to-winners ;)
Well thats my point :-D I could go and spend money and literally get better pokemon than you without doing a thing :-D


Compass Master
Nov 15, 2013
I can't get this yet .-.
If you're using an Android and says "not available in your country", just use the link in the OP
If you're using an iPhone and also says not available, there's some other workarounds you can research :)


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
Got the game the day it came out in the US! There have been a ton of server issues since everyone in the world is trying to play, but they seem to be mostly resolved now. ^-^

My friend and I decided today would be a great day to bike around and explore the local beach-side bike path... for six hours! Needless to say, I caught plenty of Pokémon and had a ton of fun doing it! :)


Compass Master
Nov 15, 2013
I walked around w/ my brothers for a good hour today and the servers crashed right when we got to a big cache of pokestops x.x
I guess it wasn't a complete waste of time - I still got a Pikachu :D


Oct 26, 2013
I drove around in my car using my phone like a sat nav and used other peoples lures, could see a lot of people playing it around the areas.


Compass Master
Nov 15, 2013
I legit just had a run in with a police officer and he explained he and his fellow police friends play it together & take over the gyms on mainstreet.

He may have weakened the defense of my gym, but I effin' love my local PD.

And yeah, walking down mainstreet, I saw a group of like 5 people sitting around a gym tapping their phones, it seems people are already working together for gym takedowns ^.^

I'm not a very social person, but this game's making me want to walk outside 'til my phone dies


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
So the ice cream store I work at is a Pokéstop, and we've had tons of people coming in playing Pokémon GO. It makes for a great short conversation topic, and I bring it up whenever I see it! Last night I finished serving this guy who was playing, when he looks up at me from his phone, eyes wide, and says, "Dude. There's a Dratini right down the road." and RUNS out of the store.

Pokémon GO truly unites people, folks.

That being said, Team Mystic ftw. ^-^


Compass Master
Nov 15, 2013
This game really does bring people together
Someone plopped down 2 lures on pokestops right next to each other in a park in downtown, and like 12 people showed up. Everyone talked and such, had a great time sitting around for 30 minutes talking to other GOers

Also, good find chillers, so far my best pokemon is only a 400cp Jolteon .-.


Jul 7, 2016
I heard that story too about the robbers. I just started playing it yesterday. I only take it when i go running/ jogging for 5 miles . I catch about 6 pokemon a day doing that lol


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
Alright, two more GO stories from me...

I was biking near a local wetland this morning, when I saw a Dratini on the map! Seeing this rare(?) Pokémon, I slammed on the brakes, but my bike's front tire hit a rock. My phone (and me) went flying, and when I picked up my phone, the screen was completely cracked.

The Dratini's name is Galaxy Eater, in memory of my Galaxy S5 (I'm getting an S7 tomorrow anyway :p).

Second, I was at work this evening when a guy comes in with his girlfriend. It's the end of the night and I'm sweeping, but he's making relentless eye contact with me. Wondering who this stranger is, I step over to serve him and call him down. He goes "I have a question for you... Were you biking on the bike path this morning?" I was. "...playing Pokémon GO?" Most definitely. "Are you on the blue team?" I certainly am.

"You're blie4, aren't you? You took over my gym this morning!"

So that's the story of how Pokémon GO broke my phone and helped a stranger recognize me at work. Stay safe, kids.


Compass Master
Nov 15, 2013
Yeah recently I've been wanting to just bike while playing instead of walking through 20 minutes of ghetto to find any pokestops/gyms, but any time I get near my bike I get legit scared for my life because of my recent bike accident x.x I think I'm forever going to have a fear of riding bikes from now on. GG no easy leveling up for me.

And of course, glad it was only your phone that broke and not anything else blie ;s wouldn't be very fun to play PokemonGO with any broken bones
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