After a nerve racking 3 hours, with a surprise visit from the Green Comet, the Purple Comet event has concluded!
Despite rocky beginnings, Crimson got off to an early lead. Hex (Crimson) found a new secret collectible, the Green Star, very early on in Retrograde which game them a 3 point boost.
Crimson managed to hold on to this lead for the next two hours, but with less than half an hour to go, Amber managed to close the gap, equalise, then surpass them with 15 minutes by 1 point. Unfortunately, with about 7 minutes left Crimson retake their lead and retain it for the rest of the game, taking it out 73 - 71.
Special commendations:
thepookabear, who found the coin in The Great Race II but was on the wrong side.
yot_yot5, the independent superstar who got 5 points, and finding the impossible Green Star in PITMON
rebplane, for finding the Green Star at the end of Piston Parkour in Redstone Ready
The four people who ran straight past the purple coin in the FAQ quiz at the beginning when it was announced it had been fixed
Members of Team Amber who acted as decoys for Team Crimson who were hot on their tail in a tightly contested Sky Parkour search
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