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Regarding Sofaloafer

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Minr Admin
Oct 28, 2013
Yesterday we received news from family members that one of the server's prominent members Martin Reed, better known as Sofaloafer, has passed. Sofa, as well as two of his children (detroyer75 and Twiggster [AKA frikaaaay]), were regulars on the server. He was one of the earliest staff members, and served as an administrator from 2011 onwards. While he did not build any maps on the server, his name can be seen in the credits of many maps, as he helped numerous players put the finishing touches on their projects.

/warp sofa has been created next to his home on the server. A board has been setup for greens and up to leave messages in his name.

Further information is in his obituary, which can be read here.
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The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
I don't even know what to say... I can't even imagine what his kids are going through right now...

He was probably the friendliest person I met on this server, and I think all of us who knew him will hold some memory of him in our minds...

god... that's super upsetting....


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I don't even know what to say. I've always had a great deal of respect for sofa and was glad that he was part of the minr family. if det or frik do still visit from time to time, please accept my deepest condolences. Your dad was a great guy to everyone and will be dearly missed.


Oct 26, 2013
I had the privilege of talking to sofa a last year. He was cruising around his old builds and his mansion. I'm glad i got to chat to him one last time. My condolences to his family, especially Detroyer and Twiggster who were both very active members of the minr community along with sofa himself. He will not be forgotten in RL and he will not be forgotten here, those that knew him will miss him deeply and his creations on this community will go on living for thousands to see.
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Nov 5, 2013
I remember someone telling me some time after he left that they recall him mentioning something about health problems... I've never been a fan of second-hand information so I didn't quite take it as seriously, although I did worry about it for a short time. One of my primary concerns was that it could potentially come to this... I guess it did...

I'm not... very good at this, am I? I did not quite know him other than the occasional chat and the fact that he read my logs after HC completion, but he was genuinely one of the nicest people I've ever met around here...

You know, one of the lines of my chat logs he asked me about was said during my time in Pixel Parkour, more specifically in the Pokeball Maze he himself had built:
"Where do I send hatemail to Sofa?"
It was in a joking manner, and I think he understood that, but there were more instances where I wasn't quite the best towards him or his family members later on if I remember correctly. But what I really remember is how calm he was about all of it. In the times I had seen him on the server or on IRC, he never once appeared to be mad at anyone, or rather anything. He was so nice and calm that it felt practically impossible for him to not be.

That chat line, which has been sortof my tagline for the last few years, it really stings now... So as I said, I did not quite know him but...I think I'm damn sure I'm going to miss him...

I would also like to add a thank you to the family for informing us. They did not have to tell us anything, but they chose to. I really can't imagine how they feel right now...


May 12, 2014
Even though it's been a while since i've been really active, this hit me :(
I remember sofa as a great guy who was always ready to help whoever asked for it.

It's always sad when someone passes, but this seems like it was not expected and way too early.
My condolences to all family members.


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Oh my god.

It's been ages since I last saw Sofa (he was a regular around the time I was in HC), but I clearly remember holding him in high regards. I legit thought for a while he was the server owner, I have no idea why in retrospect, but it probably had something to do with his apparence as an admin who genuinely cared about this community. One of the fondest memories I have about him has got to be the time when Henni and me (while in Aquarium) were talking about how the admins would check our logs when we complete HC.

A while later (I ragequit HC and reeentered HC1, mightve been a bit later on in hc though), I vivdly remember Sofa suddenly speaking up, while reading Henni's logs, being like "Hi Freakworld", because I literally wrote "Hi Mods" into a conversation with henni.

I also distinctively remember that Sofa once did have a map up on the board (I swear by my dear life that that was a thing), though I don't remember at all what happened to it.

It's been literal years since I saw either det or frikaaaay as well (I think I talked to you, det on TS once though, you probably dont remember I think), but I still want to offer my condolences to you, and of course to the rest of the family.

Sofa was a great person, and I think everyone on the server agrees with me here.

Rest in peace.


That Greenie That Doesn't Really Do Anything
Jun 20, 2015
I cant really make that long a reply about this... I barely knew the guy and still shed a tear last night. I wish that his kids arr okay and i hope he passed peacefully. Ill always remember you even though we never really talked... ❤


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
Sofa was one of the nicest people I know, but what I admired most about that was he also upheld the rules of the server. He would talk to anyone regardless of rank, but was the first to punish those who stepped outside the rules. I have very fond memories of working with him on our map "Monopoly", which he worked so much on it became his map as much as it was mine. He had no obligation to help a new green attempt to build a hugely ambitious map, but he dumped tons of time into that thing because he wanted to. He was also almost always online the IRC, and was always willing to just have a conversation. Those memories are probably what I will miss most. He was a great man, and we will all miss him.

My condolences to his family members



Ronald McDonald
Dec 13, 2015
Not going to lie, I teared up.

I've never met anyone online quite like Sofa. He was always there to help you out, and cheer you up. I think everyone who knew him thought very highly of him. I used to hop on, smiling when I saw that Sofa was on as well. He always knew how to help me out in all of my troubles. I could write out an essay on everything he did for me, and this community. Unarguably, he was the nicest man on this server. I'll never forget some of the memories I made with him.

To his kids, if you guys read this message, I feel deeply for you. Your father is a great man.


Oct 28, 2013
He was an excellent guy and among the nicest people out there. I hope for the best for his family.

I accidentally stole his waterfall the first day of becoming green building my house. He was totally cool with it and I ended up using it as an initial entrance into one of my few maps. It faced his mansion and I was really happy it did cos it usually meant he could fly around and talk with those in it.

May have only known him over the internet years ago, but he was nothing but a positive influence in my life. Rest easy.


May 10, 2014
I remember Sofa always having a kind word for everyone who logged on and limitless encouragement for anyone frustrated but their build.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again.
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Rest easy my friend, you have earned it.


New Fish
Dec 29, 2013
I am very sorry to hear that sofaloafer has passed away. I have many fond memories of him during the early days of minr when I was most active. He was an asset to the server and in my opinion he will be impossible to replace, truly a great mate. I would often be on my last legs deep into the night when he would log on (due to our time zones being so far apart) but I always made time to have a chat before I logged off.
May he rest in peace.
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