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Return of the Minr Toilet Tour: 2023 Edition!


Nightmare Connoisseur
Jul 20, 2020
(See 2022's Toilet Tour post!)

With the rise of Skibidi Toilet and sez's down under "bog ratings," 2023 was truly a year for toilet reverence unlike any year we've ever seen. What a time to be alive!

If I had an end-of-year stat dump for my day-to-day life like Spotify provides for our listening habits, "The Bathroom" would be in my top 3 rooms for overall time spent for the 37th consecutive year of my life. My own bathroom being such a mainstay in my life, I have a television installed in it with a Google Chromecast so I can keep watching HGTV bathroom reno on the big screen. You're welcome for the #IBSLifehack. Please buy my merch.

As we look back at all of the maps in 2023 on Minr that included a toilet, we see a decline in the percentage of maps with restroom accommodations, down from 20% in 2022 (13/65 maps) to 10% in 2023 (4/40 maps). While there's no single factor to explain the Year Over Year decline, you could argue that the majority of 2023's maps were more abstract in nature without as many traditional, contemporary buildings where one might expect to find toilets. Fewer though they were, every toilet in 2023 was special and deserves to be celebrated — as a critical reminder to keep the toilet density high for future years.

In chronological order by release date, I'll be rating all of the toilets found in maps from 2023 by the following criteria:
  • Interactivity: Can you interact with the toilet? Its immediate surroundings? Are there moving pieces?
  • Graphics: How evident is it that the toilet is indeed a toilet? Has it been detailed sensibly?
  • Integration: Does it make sense for the toilet to be placed where it is, and is it somehow integrated sensibly into the experience?
  • Surroundings: Is the toilet surrounded by the supplementary accoutrement one would expect, typically of a bathroom setting?
But before we begin! As two bonuses:
  1. We had one final map that was released between my 2022 post and the end of the year that contained at least one toilet (Don't Look Back), which is included first in this year's tour
  2. ⚠Our very own bog-minded BoggledToggo added a secret bonus toilet to Jump Jumble! I was unable to find it, so the first person who does find it is encouraged to leave a guest review as a reply below, but please keep its exact location as secret as possible so others may have the joy of discovery. ⚠

Don't Look Back
A toilet hidden away in a maze may not rate high on "Accessibility," but the thoughtfulness of including humane and modern bio-waste disposal for the ghostly prisoners(?) trapped in this mausoleum truly deserves an applause. This is a classic cauldron design with a self-trapping lever, a beloved staple of Minr for its community building potential.
  • Interactivity: 8/10
  • Graphics: 5/10
    • This year, I'm elevating the classic cauldron design to a 5 from a 3 to celebrate its recognizability and staying power.
  • Integration: 5/10
  • Surroundings: 4/10
    • While fairly bare-bones in the number of restroom accessories, the dank prison atmosphere does suit the minimalism.
AWARD: The Ultimate Toilet of 2022


Arkham Asylum
The gender neutral restroom accommodations in Arkham Asylum are exceptionally thoughtful with their privacy doors and the sheer volume of toilets as it relates to the number of occupants in the space (and the visitors). Not pictured is the adjacent shower area and sinks, but it should be noted how remarkably immersive and complete this experience is.
  • Interactivity: 6/10
    • There were no special regions to allow for interacting with the toilet lid mechanism, but slamming the doors open and shut quickly is a treat.
  • Graphics: 7/10
  • Integration: 8/10
  • Surroundings: 10/10
    • The carefully considered surrounding details make for one of the best public restrooms on Minr of all time.
AWARD: The Nuttiest Toilet of 2023


Jump Jumble
In the Jump 15 area, a lone toilet can be found up the stairs in a side area, hidden away in something of a closet — presumably the sole accommodation for all of the hotel employees and guests. In my estimation, that makes this the most essential toilet in this entire collection of populous jumps. While privacy and details are lacking, its importance cannot be overstated.
  • Interactivity: 2/10
    • Though non-interactive, there's something darkly poetic about a door that won't close and isn't even fully flush to the wall if closed.
  • Graphics: 4/10
  • Integration: 3/10
  • Surroundings: 3/10
    • Credit is due for the view of the city square (and its monument to the creator).
AWARD: The 2023 Most Worthy of Bingus


Lake Park
It's not every toilet that acts as an essential NPC to a map, but Lake Park gives us a memorable example of how the seemingly mundane restroom spaces that we take for granted have been there for us the whole time, bridging us from tree-to-tree as we parkour through life. The courteous "Please Knock" innovation to the signage is something I hope we'll be seeing more of from future creators.
  • Interactivity: 9/10
    • It's quite satisfying to be able to visit the classic toilet trap design with the ability to trap and untrap yourself without assistance.
  • Graphics: 5/10
  • Integration: 8/10
    • Without this restroom building being integrated into the parkour path, there would be a giant toilet-sized hole in the map (and in our hearts).
  • Surroundings: 6/10
AWARD: The Most Self-Sufficient Toilet of 2023


Christmas Isles
Without spoilers, I can safely say that this is my favorite toilet of 2023. With partial spoilers, I can say it is well worth your while to locate this toilet and interact with it to plunge deeper into this delightful yule log of a maze. Even without the exciting integration into the gameplay, the original design and surrounding details alone would have propelled this to the top of my list.
  • Interactivity: 10/10
    • No other toilet in 2023 is as rewarding to flush as this one.
  • Graphics: 8/10
  • Integration: 9/10
  • Surroundings: 10/10
    • The mirror banner in particular is a rarely seen element, and it really ties the room together here.
AWARD: The Supreme Toilet of 2023


Did I overlook any other 2023 toilets? Let me know down below in the replies! And a special shout-out to my lovely toilet-hunting assistant, ShovelGang, as well as those other intrepid souls who joined me in being trapped in the Don't Look Back toilet. When it comes to toilet accommodations, there's always room for one more!

What was your favorite toilet of 2023?


Oh good lawd he boggled
May 12, 2022
Jump Jumble toilet missed nee naw nee naw

(If you find it, dm me :) you'll know why)
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Chicken Nugget Extraordinaire
Jun 8, 2021
Thank you so much for the amazing title of The Supreme Toilet of 2023!!! I’m gonna make sure to include toilets in any maps I might make in the future !!! This is only the beginning


New Fish
Nov 11, 2023
I can't believe I am in the very famous minr toilet tour 2023 edition. This might just be the greatest thing that has happened in my life!