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You wake up at a crossroads...

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some guy
Nov 4, 2013
This is based off of a game on Minecraft Forum called "A, B, C, or D?" The only difference is that you can post as many or as few options as you want.
Here's how it works: I post the beginning of a story and give a set of options to choose from. The next person chooses whichever one they want (there is no right or wrong), then continues the story and posts their own set of options. I'll start it off with this:

You wake up at the point where two roads intersect, having no idea where you are or how you got there. To the south there is a very steep cliff, to the west there is the entrance to a mine, to the east there is a meadow filled with tall grass, and to the north there is an area covered in fog. Near you there is a sign saying "Only one path will get you out of here alive. Choose wisely. Do you:
A: Follow the north road (foggy area)
B: Follow the south road (cliff)
C: Follow the west road (mine entrance)
D: Follow the east road (grassy meadow)
Remember, the one who chooses is the one who continues the story and posts the next set. Don't wait for my confirmation.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Choice Selection: B

You choose to follow the southern road, trekking up a steep hill. As you reach the top of the bare mound of rock, you realize you've walked onto a cliff. You sit down on the edge of cliff, feet dangling off. As you're swinging your feet, a number of pebbles dislodge and fall to the ground far below. How nice.

A: Eat the lunch you packed
B: Jump


Nov 18, 2013

You jumped off the cliff. The air rushing through your hairs. And then it went all black, only to find this was a dream!
Quickly! You have to wake up to get to school in time!

A: continue sleeping.
B: wake up.


dead ting
Nov 3, 2013

You pretend to be ill and phone the school explaining how you jumped off a cliff. Being the smart people they are they don't believe you and suspect it was a dream. They send policemen out to find you and arrest you for bunking off.

A. Let them capture you.
B. Run away.


loves the culture
Oct 26, 2013
You go outside and already see policemen everywhere. There are two ways of running away, you can:

A. Go through the backyard to the woods
B. Go in the sewer system through the entrance right in front of you


Chicken eater
Nov 2, 2013

As you walk in the sewers there is some fog. You are scared to go in because stories tell that there are terrible creatures in there. You can:

A.Wait for the policemen to go away
B. Go further into the sewers.
C. Go back and tell the policemen the truth


some guy
Nov 4, 2013

Deciding the monsters probably aren't real, you continue into the sewers. As you're walking along, you realize that you never actually woke up. Something strange must have happened when you were falling down that cliff...
Just as the thought crosses your mind, you trip over a rock and fall fifteen feet into a strange, brightly lit room, breaking a leg on impact. At first the
pain is unbearable, but eventually it
lessens to a point that allows you to
think rationally. In front of you there
is a sign saying "It isn't too late to
choose a different path." Do you:
A: Call for help, risking the cops finding you
B: Stay silent and hope someone will find you
C: Look for something to use as a cast (this may involve some painful scooting)
D: Teleport to the start and choose a
different path (or the same one, but with a different approach)
E: Attempt to wake up


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013

You black out from the pain multiple times, but you finally find some bubble wrap and sticks. You are now able to move, and you soon see the light at the end of the sewers. Exiting the sewers, you find yourself at another crossroads. Do you:

A: Climb the active volcano
B: Jump into the huge cave
C: Cross the TNT field
D: Go through the jungle to find the Lost Temple of Kalm-Han


Nov 5, 2013
The temple is made of quartz, there is lots of lava inside. In the temple, you find tape recorders. You listen to them carefully. Do you:
A) Continue on.
B) Go back.
C) Jump in the lava.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
As you turn around to go back you realize that the way back is different then the way you came. You begin to wonder how this is possible, but quickly your attention is taken by zombies that are father quickly drawling towards you. Do you:
A.) Attempt to kill them with nothing but a stick
B.) Run away
C.) Suicide (into the lava)


Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
The prospect of exploring this mystical temple is amazing, even if it is only in a dream. The tape recorders from an explorer name Charles point you in the way you need to go, and you listened to him. As there are broken pillars and lava, you find that "fixing" your leg was the right move after all. After jumping, climbing, scaling, and traversing many obstacles, and after winding through dark and confusing labyrinths, and after decoding cryptic clues that save you from incoming traps, you end up in a red room full of animated skeletons and dead people and giant spiders. You squeeze through the exit hole and are just about to get 4 points, when-

Distinct :(

You try to run away, but the brace you made earlier is not doing a great job. Every other step sends a jolt of pain up your body, and blood is dripping out, forming a trail behind you. The zombies want the source of the blood, you realize, and there's no way of escaping them. But you continue to run, until you reach a large pit with chains hanging from the ceiling above. Do you:
A: Try to rump-slide down the pit so you can get to the bottom (it's steep, but this might be possible)
B: Lunge for the chains, hoping you can use them to swing to the other side
C: Try that magic shit where you look away from the zombies and turn around and see something entirely different


Nov 18, 2013
You tried to look away and back again. Appearantly it wasn't working! So you tried to lunge for the chains. You climbed the chains like Donkey Kong to find that there is no way to get to the other side. The zombies were coming closer, and outside there was a loud sound from the cops: 'IF YOU'RE INSIDE THERE COME OUT!!'. Due to the sound you let the chains slip to end up falling again... to figure you were actually still in the sewers.

A: do you show yourself to the cops
B: try to run again..
C: try to make a plan.
D: jump in the sewerwater to hide yourself.

Edit: replaced 'he' with you
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Something clever
Dec 13, 2013

You decide to take the best option and jump in the sewer water. You sit there. Watching. Waiting. The cops and the zombies eventually pass, leaving you in silence. All the sudden, you hear something.. rushing water. Then it hits you. You forgot it was halftime during the world cup finals!

A. Stay in the water and hope you can survive the barreling water.
B. Try to get on the sides of the sewer.
C. Realize you're divergent and fall through the sewer


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
You stay in the water, bracing yourself for impact. And all of a sudden, it hits you. Darkness. Darkness everywhere.

You wake up in a hospital, and look at your surroundings. A nearby sign says "Coma Patient 47A: John Doe". Your wrist bracelet tells you that you came into the hospital three days after the sewer incident. You try to get up, and realize you can't. You reach for the crutches next to you, and limp your way out of bed.

A. Ponder why there are no nurses, and its so silent...
B. Go out the door of your room.
C. Be a parkour pro and jump out the window.
D. Press the button to call for a doctor.


Nov 18, 2013
You tried so hard... to open the door of your room but it didn't work. The door was locked. Until something bashed against the door. The first thing you thought: "ZOMBIES!!! They can get through that door no matter what!" So the next thing you do was barricading the door with all the things there are in the room. Quickly enough you hear screaming and you watch out of your window and see the world going to hell... luckily you are in the hospital right??? Well... food will be running out soon.. What will you do?

A: Scream for other survivors to notice you.
B: Wait as long as possible in the hospital.
C: Jump out the window.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
A. Unfortunately, your screaming only attracts more zombies to your door, and several mutant cyborg zombies manage to use their supernatural powers to break in. You continue to flail and shriek, but one of the zombies still manages to remove one of your arms and begins munching on it.

A. Grab the nearby syringe and stab the zombie in the eye
B. Offer the zombie your other arm and hope it will leave you alone
C. splash a nearby cup of water in the face of the closest cyborg zombie
D. Roll under the zombie and make a break for the hallway


Nov 5, 2013
That obviously failed. You have now died, and you are in the first circle of Hell, Limbo because you didn't go to school. You meet someone named Virgil. Do you:
A) Cry a little
B) Cry for hours
C) Cry, but talk to Virgil
D) Accept your fate and talk to Virgil


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013

While you attempt to talk to virgil all he hears is random words inbetween sobs so he leaves and you're left alone. After waiting for what seemed like an hour, but could have been more or less for you have no way to tell time, you decide to:
T.) Set up camp and survive
U.) Find someone else in the first circle of hell
V.) Find virgil
W.) Attempt to kill yourself... In the afterlife...
X.) Attempt to enter the second circle of hell
Y.) Get up and walk around aimlessly
Z.) Continue sitting there
I friggin did this on my iphone #getrekted


some guy
Nov 4, 2013

You get up and walk around for a while, only to find out that you are actually in Hell, Michigan. Realizing that you wasted an hour crying over something that didn't even happen, you begin to cry some more.
A: Cry until you drown in your own tears
B: Measure the width of the sidewalk
C: Do some crazy bike stunts
D: Try to find a place to stay
E: Insert action here


Something clever
Dec 13, 2013

You find out it's 3 feet wide.
A. Use that knowledge to create a machine
B. Stab a random stranger
C. Hug yourself. You haven't done that lately.
D. Fly in the sky
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