I made it because i'm a poopiehead scumbag.
Ill admit the cieling jump room is pretty dumb though.
Ill admit the cieling jump room is pretty dumb though.
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I'm gonna give it another go later, just answer me one thing though...I made it because i'm a poopiehead scumbag.
Ill admit the cieling jump room is pretty dumb though.
*bites lip and looks away* Uhhhhh........ noI'm gonna give it another go later, just answer me one thing though...
Does it get worse?
Mushroom isn't even that hard. Ravine and desert are the killers.#mushroomgalore
Thanks buddy, defiantly will try out those maps, thanks for the recommendationsOk, so I watched the ~37 minute video, and here's my thoughts
rmanimals's speshul thoughts:
1. Use shift. Much like the others have said, ladders are significantly easier with shift.
2. You might want to do a different map. I'm not discouraging you from finishing it, but I feel like you should do a yellow map more. The jumps seemed to be giving you lots of trouble (understandable, as 80% of all minecraftians hate ladders). Also, the map gets even more difficult as it progresses, with desert being paingiver1000.
3. Make sure to turn volume down for when you get to second half. You'll see what I mean soon enough
4. Recommended maps:
Doodle Jump
Monkey Trumpets <-- Tons of fun
Funkytown (It's easier than the red wool rating makes it seem like)
Winter fun
Space mission
The Great Race 1 & 2
5. Recommended rageroid maps:
Rubix Cube
Planets (Don't film the starting maze bit)
The Portal <--- Breaks the boundaries of unfairness
Wool Endless
Four Seasons
6. That video was great (even though rmanimal refuses to ever use his volume)
Haha thank youWas expecting a 12 year old and was pleasantly surprised.
+5 for being British