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Grave Robbers

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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013

Equipping a potion, CornFish glanced at the other players. Who to throw at? The others were quick to form along party lines - even from across the room, he could feel the animosity between Freakworld and CreepaShadowz. Some of the more talented members were lining up banked shots around the sarcophagi in the center. Hopefully they don't miss - poisoned loot is a bit much for an already deadly game.

Setting his eyes upon Jsnick, CornFish took aim and tossed his potion. The others, who were still deciding their course of action, would never see it coming. Reveling in his genius, he shut his eyes for a moment, content. What re-opened them was the sound glass makes when it bounces rather than shatters. His potion had volleyed off some groove in the column and returned towards him. In terror, he looked upon what he had wrought.

The others only chuckled at the over-eager robber. They had all made their throws with accuracy, if at greater leisure. Now they had only to decide their next course of action.

  • You now have 24 hours to PM me whether or not you will be cowering or committing to your throws.
  • I will be updating the first post with how many hearts, potions, and points (both hiding and loot) you have following each round.
  • I changed one rule slightly - if you don't send me a move, you aim at yourself. It gets inactive players removed quickly and doesn't unfairly handicap anyone else. You can still decide whether or not to hide the following move, but I won't be telling you what potion you equipped while you glitched.
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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013

EDIT: I misspelled entrance... I really need to get more sleep.
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Compass Master
Nov 15, 2013
I will accept this blessing of the pillar gods for temporarily sparing me. Thanks, pillar gods.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013

TheForgottenUser sat above the mayhem on a coffer protruding from the stone wall. In their frenzy, he was given privacy - all were focused on each other, not their surroundings. At his leisure, he savored the fruits of the first round.

Of the two that had an unfortunate misfire with their potions, both were bold enough to try and catch it - a failure, if not a harmful one. With a click of his fingers, TheForgottenUser sent some of the loot flying in their directions. They had survived the first round with no casualty.

The next to act had been Ajdj123321, who in a feat of Homeric strength lofted an empty potion at blie4's position. Not to be deterred, he stood his ground, letting the glass shatter about his feet. Meanwhile, he threw a harming potion at Jsnick, who winced in pain, but somehow still managed to toss his own potion at SleeknFoxy, who received a blow from Zatharel as well.

Unnoticed by the others, srentiln threw an empty potion at Ajdj123321, happily collecting his reward without a struggle. Sitting back on his redstone block, both he and TheForgottenUser looked at the chaos unfolding around Freakworld. Both CreepaShadowz and SleeknFoxy threw at Freakworld, who himself had chucked a potion back at CreepaShadowz. Seeing both projectiles coming at him, he botched his shot, strafing behind his pillar. He recieved no loot, but avoided a nasty bruise in his prudence.

  • You now have 24 hours to PM me with what potion you are equipping and who you are aiming at.
  • The first post has been updated.
  • I put 5 units back in the pot because 5/9 doesn't divide nicely. I'll do this for other rounds in the future as well.
  • There are 5 gold blocks and 6 redstone blocks in the sarcophagi this round, worth 130 units total.
  • I couldn't find an easy way to denote what potions were thrown by whom, who hid, what health was lost, and the like in the diagram, so they will be in the notes at the end of each round instead.
  • Moves:
    • creeperTNTman198 threw an empty potion at himself and stood his ground.
    • Ajdj123321 threw an empty potion at blie4 and stood his ground.
    • CreepaShadowz threw a harming potion at Freakworld and stood his ground.
    • Jsnick threw a harming potion at SleeknFoxy and stood his ground.
    • blie4 threw a harming potion at Jsnick and stood his ground.
    • Zatharel threw an empty bottle at SleeknFoxy and stood his ground.
    • srentiln threw an empty bottle at Ajdj123321 and stood his ground.
    • CornFish threw an empty bottle at himself and stood his ground.
    • SleeknFoxy threw an empty bottle at Freakworld and stood his ground.
    • Freakworld threw a harming potion at CreepaShadowz and ran for safety behind his pillar, dropping his potion and avoiding those thrown at him.
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Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
So... going to have to apologize in advance here. I had hoped returning to the server would have been a bit more flashy, but I'll be letting you all down. The update is already a bit late today because of some unforeseen stuff that came up. While I would love to continue and think that the game would be a blast, I won't be able to do so. I'm going to have to cancel the game due to it. Again, really sorry. I hope the first round was enjoyable, at the least.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
and here I had a strategy in mind that I thought for sure would win :/

whatever it is, it's more important than a forum game forgot, just glad you came back :)


Compass Master
Nov 15, 2013
Sorry for whatever made you cut it short, forgot. Glad to see you back at least.


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
Totally fine Forgot, don't worry about it. :) It's been an absolute pleasure just to hear from you again!


Lord of the Creepers
Nov 2, 2013
While I wish your stay could have been longer, I feel honored you returned for even a few days and attempted to bring another of your great forum games to us. I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.
Live long and prosper


Nov 18, 2013
(Shameless hijack)

The Catacombs filled with a bright light and a very loud noise.
A laugh followed.

"Muhahaha... You should have never shown your presence to me."

The Sacrophagi collapsed.

"I have killed the being that was buried here. With that, I have taken all his valuables."

"Though, it does seem you guys are having fun fighting eachother...
You know what? I'll continue what he has started..."

The Sacrophagi completely turned to dust.

"Hmm... Seems like the loot of this round is lost forever...
I'll put some valuable items in these boxes, instead.", the mysterious interferer said as he was throwing some boxes down.

"From now on, each round there will be the default loot, and 'bonus' loot.
You can decide to go for the bonus loot. This will put you in the MIDDLE of the room, and will cause all the potions crossing this field to hit you.
The other rules still apply."

"Tonight the bonus loot will be the 'Potion of Nightvision'. This potion will grant you the
ability to anticipate a members move, and throw an appropriate potion.
If you wish to attack a target with a Potion of Harming, and the target hides,
you'll be throwing an empty bottle instead."

"The default loot will remain unchanged; 5 gold blocks and 6 redstone blocks."

  • You now have 31 hours to PM me with what potion you are equipping and who you are aiming at. (31 hours to recalibrate the times with my timezone ;))
  • The default loot this round are 5 gold blocks and 6 redstone blocks. (130 Units)
  • The bonus loot this round is a Potion of Night Vision.
    • A Potion of Night Vision makes you throw an empty bottle when your target hides.
    • You decide to drink the potion in the first phase ("aim phase")
    • The rest of the game remains unchanged. You still have to throw a potion.
  • Shameless hijack of what seems to be a very interesting idea.
    • (Do note that I do not fully know the plan Forgot originally had for this game, so I'll figure something out on the fly. I can still update the main post, so that will remain the location you can check for a stats overview).
Additional notes regarding bonus loot:
  • You decide to go for the loot in the second phase ("throw phase").
  • Whenever a player goes for the bonus loot, all potions that cross the middle will hit this player instead.
  • Whenever for example CornFish throws a potion at SleeknFoxy, the potion will not cross the middle, and thus not hit the players going for the bonus loot.
  • Whenever CornFish throws a potion at creeperTNTman, blie4 or anyone between these, the potion WILL cross the middle and damage whoever is in the middle, instead of the target CornFish originally had.
This gives us four sides.

Bottom, Top, Left and Right, each containing 4-5 players.

Bottom contains Freakworld, SleeknFoxy, CornFish, srentiln and Zatharel.
Top contains creeperTNTman198, Ajdj123321, CreepaShadowz, Jsnick and blie4.
Left contains SleeknFoxy, Freakworld, creeperTNTman198 and Ajdj123321.
Right contains srentiln, Zatharel, blie4 and Jsnick.

Throwing to a player that is in a completely different group than you, will cross the middle.
Zatharel (Bottom Right) throws a potion to Ajdj123321(Top Left), will cross the middle.
Zatharel (Bottom Right) throwing a potion to SleeknFoxy(Bottom Left), will NOT cross the middle, as
they have a group in common. However, if SleeknFoxy was going for the loot, and Zatharel aims a potion at SleeknFoxy,
everyone going to the middle will be hit by Zatharel's potion, due to splashdamage.

Everyone going for the bonus loot will be always granted this bonus loot.
You do not divide this loot or have a chance to not get this loot.

Current positions:
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Nov 18, 2013
Extending this phase by another 24 hours. If at that time the majority of the players haven't send their moves, I'll assume they do not wish to play anymore.


Nov 18, 2013
5 out of 10 players have replied. Not sure if it's worth to continue with half the players we originally had.
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