There's why I disliked your post, you said your game is "more awesome" than mine without even letting me have a go.Yeah but my game is more awesome
100% confirmed
Sorry, don't want to start an argument or something!
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There's why I disliked your post, you said your game is "more awesome" than mine without even letting me have a go.Yeah but my game is more awesome
100% confirmed
Get out nubWhatever, my round is gonna blow you nubs away.
in game interactive...why does that sound so confusing?I'd like to signup to host a round. I actually have an in-game interactive idea to make this fun, but it needs more planning.
That was meBtw, forgot, was it you who used that message board thing for one of your rounds where we couldn't use PM's? or was that someone else?
That is very interesting, just a little note. Every mafia game is different and has different roles so I'm pretty sure those numbers are not completely correct for our games. But it is still interesting and it might be usefull when making your game to balance it a bit out.I was reading the wikipedia page on Mafia, and discovered that people have figured out what number to Mafia to the number of Innocents to give a fair chance 50/50 to each team. This is the extract:
In 2006, the computer scientists Braverman, Etesami and Mossel proved that without detectives and with perfect players the randomized strategy is optimal for both citizens and mafia. They showed that when there are a large number of players to give both groups similar probability of winning, the initial number of mafiosi m need to be proportional to the square root of the total number of players P, that is.[21] With a simulation, they confirmed that 50 mafiosi would have almost a 50% chance to win among 10,000.![]()
If any detectives are added to the game, Braverman et al. proved that the number of mafiosi must remain at a fixed proportion of the total number of players for their chance of winning to remain constant.[Note 3]