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Minr Mafia 13: Glitches

East and West is the best. West to East is a rotation for the norm.

  • East

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • West

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
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Oct 29, 2013
I'd like to retract my vote then.

We do still need a target though, and I have not been swayed in my belief that Forgot is not a mafia. I suppose I'll make my vote by the end of today, but for now:

#vote math
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Jan 8, 2014
Sorry if you wanted to keep this a secret freak, but after asking freak why he was voting seemingly random people like that he responed with:
"I'm trying to bait reactions, of course, and so far it works quite well."
Although he does not seem serious, he is helping, and I do not think voting him off is a good idea.
I also find it surprising that rather than vote nobody forgot targets another person. I think he has been pretty aggressive this game, but that just might be because he's been the cause of half of the player kills so far...


Active Player
Jan 4, 2014
After reading Math's posts, his points seem pretty conclusive but I'm going to let this all play out for a few rounds first, there's too many fuzzy areas for me to make a conclusive decision.

Was going to vote Freak off but now I want to see if his annoying posts tactical baiting will actually come to anything :p

#unvote Vid
#vote Nobody


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
i stand by everything ive said. forgot is mafia, and anyone that cant see that needs to realize the truth.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
Forgot, I disagree that freak has been a "village idiot." I can see the tactics behind his posts, and I understand that he is baiting reactions. It is odd, however, that he has declined to share any of his ideas or personal opinions with anyone. For example, when I messaged him this morning asking why he insisted on voting random people, he answered
"Yeah man you know sorry I'm busy keeping up the justice in town n shit I'll post a list of all the mafias in the thread shortly."
While comical, and I did get a laugh out of it, there are a couple possibilities about his shenanigans:
1. His role requires him to act strangely like he is now, giving him some sort of buff or reward for being trolly. (Based on the bran muffin fiasco, anything seems possible at this point)
2. He is mafia and is simply attempting to either confuse people or draw attention from issues that are being dealt with
3. He is mafia and he is trying to make himself seem harmless or dumb to get people to overlook him.
2 out of those 3 possibilities have the word mafia in them, and based on the understanding I have of people's roles so far there are only a couple options left for who the mafia members can be among players, freak being one of them.

Short term, math seems like the best lynching option #vote mathwiz
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Nov 3, 2013
#vote mathwiz592

Judging by what has happened this past day, and what my take is on it, you seem very suspicious to me. By what your saying, it seems like you're trying to speak as different rolls by the way you type. It seems like sometimes you're typing very aggressively, and other times very passively, then sometimes just letting it go, and being a neutral. I think that is a pretty big red flag to me.


Jan 8, 2014
If one is innocent, or passive, one does not have to speak passively. The case is the same for aggressives and neutrals, if we knew what you were based on the way you typed it would be much easier to find the aggressives.


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
I've been contacted personally by a few players now and I now have reason to believe that Math is mafia.

#vote Mathwiz592


Chicken eater
Nov 2, 2013
After a lot of reading and a little bit of prosessing, I decided to vote for forgot. Not for the reasons math mention but for a couple others. First of all doing nothing does not help any innocents so you either vote for math or forgot or someone else. Second of all if we let forgot live and he is neutral then the odds of him killing an innocent is much higher than him killing a mafia. Of course I have to take in account that he is not stupid and will not use it blindly but for me he is not helping a simple bit. So far he has killed a neutral which for me is not a big deal but he also killed a innocent which does affect me.

I read it rather quickly so if I missed some information please correct me

#lynch TheForgottenUser
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Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
#vote theforgottenuser
Voting off a neutral is as useful as voting off vid, and there is the chance that no matter if forgot is mafia or neutral he may end up helping the mafia. I'd rather not take a chance and let forgot continue.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
I've put a lot of trust in people in this game, especially Distinct. If you're wrong on this, there's no way I can trust you anymore.

#Lynch Mathwiz592


Jan 8, 2014
Many people who are in my contact list on skype can confirm that my skype name is Mathwiz592, notice that the name in his screenshot is Mathwiz.
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