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Minr Mafia 13: Glitches

East and West is the best. West to East is a rotation for the norm.

  • East

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • West

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
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Jan 8, 2014
Here's another challenge to everyone who's active: Read forgot's posts under the impression that's he's mafia. No matter what someone says, reading their claims while thinking they're mafia makes them look suspicious. Now ask yourselves this: Why would a mafia want a neutral dead? If I was mafia I wouldn't be wasting my time trying to take out a neutral that wants nothing more than to be left alone.

By the way:

"I said I thought you were a mafia when we were talking, this makes me think it more. I explained why it was going to be an innocent to bite it and not one of the mafia. They're not going to attack me when they know I'm armed with a Bran Cannon right now. There's plenty of innocents left to sacrifice themselves voting for me."

You accuse me of being mafia, then follow up with a statement that a mafia probably won't attack you when you have a "Bran Cannon." I may have made a mistake, but aren't I one of the few that voted for you? How does this make me more likely to be mafia?

It seems like your strategy right now is to claim that my argument is full of holes then respond with an argument (that's also full of holes) claiming I'm mafia.

As for the part I left out, I left it out because I knew you'd use it against me, but you did anyway :p I still find it suspicious that you were pointing out that an innocent would die, trying to make me change my mind, as if you were certain that I would be worried that another innocent would die... You could have told me another mafia would die, if you are so certain that I'm mafia. It seems to me like you know I'm innocent, but you're trying to get the attention off of yourself. This is yet another reason I think you're mafia.


some guy
Nov 4, 2013
3.) Yeroc isn't dead. Forgot knows yeroc is a very strong player, and tbh would probably kill him if he was mafia, but since he ain't yeroc is still alive
As for dist's reason for voting out zath, I have another theory. The reason that forgot/yeroc didnt get killed is because one of them is mafia. With sren (the other big player in my opinion) being taken out by poison, something that forgot admits to doing, I believe that forgot is mafia.
I don't like the reasoning you two are using. You're trying to base your evidence off of the fact that the mafia didn't decide to be jerks and kill people just for being good at the game (would you be happy if that happened to you?). In fact, I kind of regret going along with the zath thing even when I knew the reasoning behind it.
@TheForgottenUser I think when you said "I doubt they'd vote" he might've thought you were referring to the innocents and not the mafia, because the way you said it in the conversation was kind of vague. And if he did, your words might've sounded like "It'll probably be an innocent that I target (who "bites" it), because I doubt that they would vote for me afterward."
@Mathwiz592 But you're ignoring forgot's point that you kept trying to lynch him even when he requested a rolecheck. Is there an explanation for this?
Given that math didn't seem to care if his suspicions would get him killed, I doubt that he's mafia, but he may still be wrong about forgot. I'm going to think about it for a while, but for now I'll join the afk lynch.
#Vote Vid


Jan 8, 2014
So right now it looks like people are either voting forgot or voting vid. Here's my reasoning for why voting forgot is the better of these two options, assuming they both have an equal chance of being mafia:

If either of them are not mafia, we basically lose nothing. Forgot has not expressed any interest in helping the innocents, and since vid is afk he wasn't going to help us either.

Here's the difference, if vid is mafia, he's most certainly not helping them right now, as he's afk, so killing him off wouldn't make that big of a difference. If forgot is mafia, however, they would lose a player that, on top of being not afk, is also an experienced mafia player. This would be a much bigger loss for the mafia than losing someone that's afk would be.

My point: If you can't figure out whether to vote for forgot or vid, vote for forgot. It will most likely deal a larger blow to the mafia than voting vid would.


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
I also don't see any solid evidence against anyone right now, although I have my suspicions. I'm not sure what to think of Math right now, especially since he didn't tell us the whole truth, just the parts of it that he could use to his advantage, which is an immediate red flag for me.

For now, #vote Vid.


Nov 2, 2013
I also don't see any solid evidence against anyone right now, although I have my suspicions. I'm not sure what to think of Math right now, especially since he didn't tell us the whole truth, just the parts of it that he could use to his advantage, which is an immediate red flag for me.

For now, #vote Vid.
I don't agree that there is no evidence. The evidence of his role was clearly presented and assuming its correct forgot poisoned 2 people. 2 random people, if forgot wasn't mafia he would have actually chosen someone with more care.


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Wow man, you are really pushing for me to die. Short of you being the cop (Which I know you aren't, since you think I'm mafia still), I can't see any reason for you to want me gone this badly.
Here's... alone.
Fair enough, but you sure sound like a panicking mafia to me. You're not even giving me a chance to respond to them in time - you made two attacks in a row without letting me defend.
You... mafia?
Firstly, I mentioned that after I had already accused and threatened to Bran Laser you. If you pulled a 180 and stopped assaulting me, it would be extremely clear you were a mafia or a neutral/mafia. Secondly, if my prediction is right, your team has a healer, so you don't need to worry about me killing you. This to me is the clearest reason that you are bad. You're not worried about dying from me because you won't.
I mean, I'm covering my bases pretty well here. It wouldn't look full of holes if you weren't constructing a straw man. Even if it was full of holes, that doesn't make your argument suddenly the truth. That'd just make us both wrong.
As... mafia.
So you purposefully left out information in the hopes that I'd just say nothing? Again, you're not exactly screaming innocent here. Your argument isn't making any sense. I don't know who the mafia is yet, they haven't said anything to me. I'm saying it is way likelier an innocent will die if I'm voted off than a mafia. Your lack of care here is worrying if you really are on the innocent team.
If... either.
Vid has the chance to come back later in the game if he is a mafia and hurt you innocents. It makes sense to kill him off, especially since it sucks when a bad player wins. I'm not helping either side yet because there's no clear advantage yet, and the mafia has yet to contact me.
Here's... be.
Since I am neutral, you will most certainly be losing somebody. Killing Vid doesn't hurt anyone, whereas pressuing me means an innocent will die. Again, your lack of concern is worrying.
My... would.
And now you're trying to gain the support of people who don't want to read all this or aren't that great at the game.

Your evidence and argument is poor. I'd vote for you, but it would mean a better chance of me dying.

EDIT: I gtg for a bit. Please don't take my silence as surrender.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
I'm going to have to back up forgot here. If he was mafia, there is no way he could prove him being innocent by a role check. It would come up mafia and we would just all kill him.

If he is was he claims, he knows a role check would prove this claim.

He could have a power role, so we should be careful.

Btw, I'm not going to vote for vid because it feels like bandwagoning to me but I won't vote nobody because it will counteract vid dying.
Last edited:


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013
you guys know for a fact that forgot is a good player, and he knows how to manipulate people.
I won't go too far into detail but him and distinct are at the top of my list for suspicious people.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Pieceofcheese87 said:
im pretty sure at this point that forgot is mafia. everyone voting for vid is probably on his side too.
I really don't like the ignorance in this reply. People are voting on whether or not they believe is the right move, and to point blame toward them for not voting forgot is, in my opinion, foolish.

My reason for voting for Vid rather than forgot is because I believe that a neutral player is much more valuable than an afk player.


Jan 8, 2014
I can give you a situation where a mafia asks for a role check. What if they have a buddy that's also mafia that is pretending to be a cop, claiming all the mafia are innocent. I've been talking with others, and there are certainly a few of them that have been suspicious.
I'll respond to you later forgot, I'm stuck on a mobile device for the next few hours. Typing is herd


Nov 2, 2013
I really don't like the ignorance in this reply. People are voting on whether or not they believe is the right move, and to point blame toward them for not voting forgot is, in my opinion, foolish.

My reason for voting for Vid rather than forgot is because I believe that a neutral player is much more valuable than an afk player.
Lets ignore the inactivity here, you randomly chose Vid, after a "discussion with frogot" which is similar to what distinct did after a discussion with frogot.



Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
@Spontida10 I'm voting for Vid because he's inactive, and is of no use. Why not find out if he's a mafia member or not?

I find no need to bring hypotheticals into this situation. I explicitly am voting for Vid because he's inactive.
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