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Minr Mafia 13: Glitches

East and West is the best. West to East is a rotation for the norm.

  • East

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • West

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Zath reasoning:
Main reason I didn't tell anyone: its just a lead, its not that much proof or anything

Zath has commented many times how new players "fear kill" the best players. From a logical stand point you would want to remove the best players from the start of the game. Being as almost everyone thinks yeroc and forgot are gods at this game, they should have been killed forst round. But they were't. Ricky was. Zath has even said that he wouldn't do a "fear kill" because it ruins the game to him, and so the kill on ricky and not forgot or yeroc makes me think him.

Last time I had a hunch it turned out to be right but i was dead before i could do anything - that happened in henni's game. I was pretty sure forgot was mafia but wasn't 100%. That all being said this game is about guessing and if I have even a remotely reasonable guess then I think I should follow it and so that is what I had planned to do.

Defense for why I'm not mafia: What kinda mafia member would be stupid enough to draw that much attention to themselves round 1. That's asking to be killed.

Defense for forgot: Because I know most of you plan to kill forgot now, I'm going to share his PM:
"You are... Bran Muffins?


On a more serious note, you are bran muffines. You will be able to poison someone two times. However, bran muffins are long lasting. Each time you inject someone with a bran muffin, it will take 1 day cycle to kill them. For example, if you poison someone at night, they will die the next night. You can poisons someone at any point in time, even during the day (No, you won't get caught. I'm not an a**hole.)

Win Condition: Survive

If you wish to create a private conversation, I ask you add me to it. kthx."

This seems too legit to be fake, and being as how being able to kill 2 people of your choice is a pretty powerful role, I'd be willing to bet that he cannot do anything anymore, making forgot basically useless in terms of his role now. So don't panic there.

I currently have no suspicions on anyone however


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
Wow man, well I guess that's a thing now. To be fair I guess like 7 or 8 of you already knew anyways, but whatever. So yeah, I'm neutral. I killed Srentiln and TNTman. They're both pretty skeptical when it comes to mafia, and they're also the people who try to oppose me most. The pastry clue thing was referencing me poisoning them.

I'd prefer to simply stay alive since that's all I have to do, and not really interfere much unless I feel threatened. Distinct's thing IS wrong however; I can actually kill three people. That might sound over-powered, but remember that it's slow-acting. If I had to guess, I'd bet there's a medic role for each team to counteract me. I'm saving it as a bargaining chip. Vote for me, and you eat a Bran Laser to the face. Leave me be and nothing happens. Neither team has any reason to trust me. You guys think I might be mafia, they might think I'm an innocent.

I'm not going to be participating as much as usual this game (proof? Usually I contact pretty much everyone, whereas this game I've talked to pretty much only those I talk to anyways + Grave). I'll try and figure out things like clues and the poll that are ambiguous, but I won't be analyzing every little thing this game.

TL; DR: Leave me be or you'll die. I'm not picking sides, and I am a neutral. I also won't be playing as much.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
102 122 105 111 118 110 119 117 121 103 103 118 110 114 109 107 104 103 109 122 098 122 104 118 115 122 100 103 120 111 107 105 117 121 115 106 105 107 106 111 099 098 103 120 103 103 122 104 122 118 106 114 112 116 108 116 122 100 110 122 097 122 106 103 098 114 114 098 107 110 106 119 109 110 104 117 115 113 114 103 117 118 105 099 103 117 108 112 106 109 107 103 110 110 114 098 107 117 112 103 122 117 098 107 118 108 105 113 114 103 116 105 113 122

Key: Mafia

Well, have fun guys. I figured the fact that I blatantly stated I was neutral would have been a hint that I wasn't going to overly oppose anyone this round unless their reasoning was overtly flawed.

Also, jelly, Why couldn't I have my "you shall not pass"? It would have been hilarious with the idea of a bran muffin, even if it had remained a secret to most people :p


Jan 8, 2014
Ok so here's the thing, I don't know if forgot is lying about his role or not. He may or may not be neutral as he says. I still have a suspicion that he's mafia, and I'm fine with getting poisoned if we can take him out. If he's mafia, I get poisoned and we take out a mafia, we come out on top. If he's neutral, I get poisoned and we lose a neutral that wasn't going to help us take out the mafia anyway.

#Lynch TheForgottenUser


Killer of Very Large Horses
Oct 27, 2013
I agree with math, and beyond that I see that the PM shared with distinct says nothing about whether forgot is mafia or neutral. I see a role with that power being mafia rather then neutral.

As for dist's reason for voting out zath, I have another theory. The reason that forgot/yeroc didnt get killed is because one of them is mafia. With sren (the other big player in my opinion) being taken out by poison, something that forgot admits to doing, I believe that forgot is mafia.

#Lynch TheForgottenUser


The best user.
Oct 27, 2013
Distinct this was the second time somebody you suspected ended up dying and was innocent


#Vote Henni It's still happening

I don't like this Forgot fearkill right now when my awesome scumhunting tactics didn't even come into play yet.


The 28th Doctor.
Oct 27, 2013
I really don't like your reasoning for killing Zath. Im thinking its borderline metaing. The only resson I didnt say anything before is because I wasnt reading the forums that carefully.

Please refrain from using past rounds as reasons to suspect people.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Please refrain from using past rounds as reasons to suspect people.
Now I'm not saying that what I did wasn't basically meta , in fact I would go so far as to say it WAS meta, but,what I will say is that this wasn't one of the "bad" types of meta. What I am referring to is when someone dies in one round, and then decides to kill the person that killed them in the next round.

I'm pretty sure zath didn't go and kill me last round ._.

Anyhow, there are plenty of other types of meta that we readily encourage, like how most of the time the innocents flock to forgot and he starts a a little army. That's metaing in that we all just assume forgot is the best leader at any point and then we try to use him as such.

The only reason I didnt say anything before is because I wasnt reading the forums that carefully.
Alright this is gonna be a bit rude, but that is a terrible excuse dude. If you're hosting a mafia round, you should be paying extra special attention to everything that is going on on the fourms. Granted I didn't do this either, but I also wanted to beat myself up after that miscount in votes on like day 7

Now in reference to the round:
Just because you don't necessarily believe forgot doesn't automatically make him mafia. If anything, we could just try and use his last poison to take out one of the other mafia, therefore furthering our cause. If we know about his poison, and can communicate amongst ourselves about it, making him become extremely powerless.

Also, I REALLY DOUBT that he is mafia for a few reasons.
1.) He voted with me day 1, but before I had told most people about the reasoning behind me killing zath, therefore he would have brought a lot of attentiont to himself, which is something, again, a mafia wouldn't do.
2.) He took out another neutral. If he was mafia I don't think he would have tried to take out a neutral, but I was talking to him and he seemed rather pleased with who he had taken out, since now he could voice his opinions without getting people who break it down and then accuse him of things
3.) Yeroc isn't dead. Forgot knows yeroc is a very strong player, and tbh would probably kill him if he was mafia, but since he ain't yeroc is still alive

Now someone who we should vote off is vid
Vid has not even been on the forums since February 21st, and so he is dead weight to both teams.
#Lynch MathWiz
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
"Anyhow, there are plenty of other types of meta that we readily encourage, like how most of the time the innocents flock to forgot and he starts a a little army. That's metaing in that we all just assume forgot is the best leader at any point and then we try to use him as such."

"I'm not going to be participating as much as usual this game (proof? Usually I contact pretty much everyone, whereas this game I've talked to pretty much only those I talk to anyways + Grave). I'll try and figure out things like clues and the poll that are ambiguous, but I won't be analyzing every little thing this game."

Have you considered that the other players aren't meta-ing? Forgot admit to usually being very active and analytical, and I would guess that players would try to go to him when he has a lot of information. If Forgot wanted to thrust himself in the spotlight every game, then he and other players should expect him to take on a critical role. That's not meta. That's everyone starting with a blank slate and trusting someone who knows a bunch.

"Now I'm not saying that what I did wasn't basically meta , in fact I would go so far as to say it WAS meta, but,what I will say is that this wasn't one of the "bad" types of meta. What I am referring to is when someone dies in one round, and then decides to kill the person that killed them in the next round.

I'm pretty sure zath didn't go and kill me last round ._."

Still eww. You're arguing you can identify players by their prior strategies and assume they use them in each game (another case: Forgot). I'm not going to condemn you for that, it's whatever to me, but don't assume everyone plays the same all the time. If you credit them as being intelligent, consider that they can switch strategy at any time. That's why I've done so well; I try different strategies each game. This game will also be different for me.

Hope that you're ok with purple text, Forgot.

Unrelated to this issue, #vote Forgot (nvm)
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Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
With further discussion with Forgot, I have reason to believe that he is in fact neutral and in that case, it'd be in my best interest to not lynch him. As for Vid, since he's been AFK for an extended period of time, it's no use to have dead weight.

#Lynch Vid


Jan 8, 2014
Here's another thing that makes me suspicious of forgot:

"if you vote me off I have nothing to lose, I'm just going to kill off someone who did it so they don't win
also, just note it'll likely be an innocent who bites it not a mafia member"

This is what he told me in an conversation we had. If he's neutral, why is he so eager to kill innocents?

Also, to bstrey and anyone claiming forgot is neutral. How do you all know he's neutral? You shouldn't be so eager to trust a role pm that he willingly shared with you, there are bound to be some lies on it.

As for dist's reasons:
  1. After thinking about this, it seems to me that this would be the perfect way for a mafia to hide in the spotlight, as many people have been thinking a mafia wouldn't bring this much attention to themselves. Notice how nobody has voted for dist today because they are thinking in this way.
  2. Eliminating those who oppose you is a good strategy no matter what your role is. I don't think this shows that he's not mafia, as he eliminated people that might have accused him, as you said.
  3. There's always the possibility that yeroc is mafia.
I don't think voting vid off is a good idea right now, there are larger threats right now, like forgot. It doesn't sound like he's willing to help us with his last poison, as dist suggests. If I'm right and forgot is mafia, it's a pretty big loss for them. If he's neutral it's not really a loss for anyone except him. Whether vid is mafia or not, he's afk, which means losing him won't be that big of a loss for either side. I'm thinking forgot is the best person to go for at the moment.


Active Player
Jan 4, 2014
I disagree, I think getting rid of AFK players first makes the whole process easier. Better to do it now than later when we will arguably have more important things to concentrate on.


Jan 8, 2014
If we have more important things to concentrate on now, why should we waste our time with someone who is afk? Wouldn't it be best to take care of the bigger threats first?


Honorary green
Nov 3, 2013
@Mathwiz592 Way to be a jerk and purposefully leave out parts of that conversation. If you want to use that as evidence, include the whole thing. I said I thought you were a mafia when we were talking, this makes me think it more. I explained why it was going to be an innocent to bite it and not one of the mafia. They're not going to attack me when they know I'm armed with a Bran Cannon right now. There's plenty of innocents left to sacrifice themselves voting for me.

To your first point: I asked you to tell someone to role-check me. Why would a mafia do that? You're not making sense and purposefully leaving things out that I've already mentioned.

To your last paragraph: You are hell-bent on killing me. You could role-check me instead, but no, you want me gone. It's going to be a loss to the innocents if you are one, since they will be the one to get hit with my role.

I don't understand your argument, it's full of holes and things you purposefully left out. Challenge to everyone who's active: Read his post again under the impression that he's mafia and listen to how it sounds.

I'll #VOTE Vid because it speeds the game up and gives me a better chance of staying alive.
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