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Minr Mafia 14 - The Unknown

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Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
The henchman would need to wait for the mob boss to alignment-check them in order to be sure that they are mafia anyway, so more bonus time for us to search for them.


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013

Before heading to bed, zath looked into the sky, and what he saw was horrific. It was a meteorite heading for the ground, and it would land in approximately 4 days!

You have until Night 15 to end the game or else everybody dies.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
In an effort to stop the impending apocalypse, halex jumps into his Iron Man suit and flies towards the meteorite. However, as he approaches at lightning speed, he remembers it is past his bedtime.

"Oops. I really shouldn't be talking at night." he exclaims as he slams into the meteor with the force of 10 million tons.

(I commit suicide)


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013

The server had taken so much heat from the impending meteor that it crashed! This wasn't much of a problem because anyone could just re-join again, but some people never returned...

rmanimal, the INNOCENT civilian, has been AFK killed!
IanAnth66, the INNOCENT detective, has been AFK killed!
blie4, the INNOCENT civilian, has been AFK killed!

Halex woke up startled, he had a nightmare about flying into the meteor! Shush halex, it's okay. You'll be okay.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Let's get the ball rolling.

4 Days will be enough to track down both of the remaining mafia, but we need to know some stuff first.

Remaining Roles
Mob boss (1) (Old) (Upper class)
Henchman (1) (old) (Lower class) (powerless)
Civilian (4) (random age and wealth - powerless)

Assuming no one has lied about their roles:
Boss Mob Possibilites
halex - [claims doctor]

Henchmen Possibilities:
Henni [powerless]
Jag [powerless]
Sleek [powerless]
Ricky - [claims no power]
Cool - [claims no power]
Bobtheblob [powerless]


[Innocents] nahfackler - Hero
[Innocents] Freakworld - Lying Civilian
[Innocents] IanAnth66 - Detective
[Innocents]rmanimal - Civillian
[Innocents] blie4 - Civillian

[Mafia] ElectroUnderwear - Lying Henchmen

There are 3 power roles that I have not stated who has them to protect their identity. It is up to them to reveal it.
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A Very Blobby Blob, That Happens To Be Called Bob.
Feb 1, 2014
How would i defend myself against an accusation that hasn't been made
Well here we go...
I am not the mob boss, here is what i know.
I asked about my class on the first two nights finding myself in Lower Class.
I then asked about my power which i don't have, seems like henchman so far....
But i asked my age finding it to not be old. I don't actually know my age so if i'm not old that puts me in as an innocent civilian.
From there i asked about random peoples traites hoping to find the mafia but no luck so far.
So i am claiming innocent civilian, hopefully if anyone has investigated me they will know i'm innocent.
Let's get the ball rolling.

We will start with lynching the boss mob, since there are only 2 possibilities. We shall start with blob since halex has actually taken the time to defend himself from such a fate in the thread.

This annoys me because you said he has taken the time to defend himself like you pointing fingers at me for not when YOU ,yourself have no done so. I would like you defend yourself you only voted me because i haven't defended myself and the fact that i could be the mob boss, which i am not for all we know halex could be lying. I
Defend yourself please.
#Vote Noone for now.
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Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
(forgot to say this)

Note: If anyone knows how to improve on my list, please say so.

@Bobtheblob If you claim Civillian, there are already 6 other people who claim so. There can only be 6 civilians, 2 are dead, which means 3 of you are lying.

If anyone can prove that blob (apart from blolb himself, since he may just be making it up (no offense)), I will retract my vote and lynch someone else.


A Very Blobby Blob, That Happens To Be Called Bob.
Feb 1, 2014
I am not lying, somone please defend me.
No need for the "no offence" It's all part of the game ;)


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
@Bobtheblob The fact that you are calling on someone else to defend yourself, someone not specified, means that you have no one to defend you and you are unwilling to defend yourself.

Look at the first post that I made this mafia day.
I can not have faked that. If I did, I would have to be extremely lucky to get it all done.

Btw, let's not spam this thread.


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
I asked if Bob had a power role, and the answer was no, so why waste time killing a powerless player? Halex has been trying to prove that he's actually the doctor, so why not give him what he wants.

#vote halex


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
#Vote cool

(If halex is the doctor, and trying to prove himself to be, no point in lynching him. it is just wasting a day.)
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Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
Just to clear things up I'm not the henchman. The only trait different from the henchman that I have is that I am young, not old. Someone can confirm this or wait until night to confirm.

Ill join the impending bandwagon and say

#vote halex

Ill switch my vote once halex provides possible proof or someone can confirm his role for us.

Since Bob still doesn't know his role, he is currently in the same situation as I was in for the past couple nights. I am willing to vote for Bob because the possibility that he has the exact same traits as I do (as a random civilian, no less) seems slim. (note that the henchman hasn't seemed to realize they are mafia yet, resulting in there being no night attacks). Im watchin ya, Bob.
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