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Minr Mafia 14 - The Unknown

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Killer of Very Large Horses
Oct 27, 2013
Halex seems like ome of those docters Id rather avoid than risk having a check up with.

#vote halex


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Rule #3
Play to win, whether this is for yourself or for your team. Don't go self-sacrificing unless you think it will actually benefit your Faction somehow.
Keeping this rule in mind, think about the effects of a self sacrifice (which he has attempted) from the respective sides.

The henchmen is never able to confirm his alignment, since for all he knows, he is a civilian. It will take him further time to actually start scumming people. The Boss Mob could have sped this process up heaps.

By sacrificing the Doctor, we are able to take the risk of lynching all upper/old people, since there is only one old player left (Boss Mob).

All in all, I think the innocents would gain more by a self sacrifice, and is he was mafia, he wouldn't do it.
Using this assumption, HALEX IS INNOCENT. (and we have mentally sacrificed him, so don't actually do it.)

You don't need to vote halex, lets start voting cool/ricky (the only two unconfirmed power/powerless).

I am still #voting cool


Omnipotent Bat Overlord
Jun 20, 2014
How are we not sure that Creepa is not mafia, as well? I would like to know which role you are Creepa, before we continue listening to what u have to say.


Professional Lurker
Nov 6, 2013
The first question I immediately asked was do I have power, to which the answer was no. The second question I asked was if I was old, and the answer was yes. To confirm that I was the henchmen, I then asked if I was lower class, however the answer was no. Therefore, by referencing all the possible combinations, I concluded that I have to be a civilian, as no other role fit. If you do not believe me, just ask what my class is, and you will see that I am telling the truth. In my eyes, the only two people who could possibly be the mob boss are halex and ricky, halex lines up completely with the mob boss and ricky is the only other person who claims to be powerless. However, I am inclined to think halex is the doctor because he offered to sacrafice himself, but there could be some mad reverse psycology going on here. So I will vote ricky, and if we lynch him and we are wrong, then its halex. If neither of them are the mob boss, then feel free to lynch me.

#vote ricky


Nov 5, 2013
It simply doesn't matter if halex is innocent or not. If he is, that's great for us because we have only one power left to look for. If he isn't, that's just amazing for all of us.

#vote halex


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013

After waking up, halex went around telling everyone about his cool dream. Nobody was impressed. They decided to re-enact his dream, and halex shot into the meteor, blasting into many pieces upon collision.

Halex44, the INNOCENT Doctor, has been launched into space!


always in a Gouda mood
Oct 28, 2013

"Alright, today's the day we finally kill the mafia." Zath thought to himself. "I just need that piece of information from creeper."
Creeper never showed up to the daily meeting though. Zath decided to check creeper's room in case he was still asleep. What he found though, was a shocking scene. Creeper was dead on the floor holding a poisoned cookie! This could only have been the work of.. the mafia!

Creeper2685, the INNOCENT Granny, has been mafia killed!


Nov 5, 2013
Ricky has a power.
The only remaining power role is mob boss.
Nothing more to explain. If you want my role, ask for it. I'm no use anymore in any case, so just vote.

#vote ricky

Side note... @rickyboy320 looks like we both lied about being regular innocents haha
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