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Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

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May 6, 2016
"You were possessed and forced to attack someone else last night." Someone took control of me and I most likely attacked Gwen. Confirms possessor.


Mar 26, 2014
This confirms we have a possessor. Whether cult made the kill onto Gwen or the possessor made ajs do it, no clue.
I feel it's more likely it would have been the latter, seeing as cult would have had their Convert ability off cooldown again
and weren't at their max capacity of 4 members yet.


Mar 26, 2014
This is a request to the Prince.

I'd like to be jailed tonight, I have some sensitive information that I'd rather not divulge in public at this point.
I feel this information may be key to unraveling cult identity.

I implore you, please jail me tonight.


Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Night Text.png

The day began on a sour note seeing Gwen was dead. She'd always been a big part of the towns celebrations and so her death deeply affected the community as a whole, but it also drove their desire finally get this dastardly cult out of their town, or better yet, their kingdom.

Starting out quickly pickles voted for Ricky, but the town had had enough of his antics, and so he was swiftly counter voted. Scared, pickles withdrew his vote, but not before he had realized he made a new friend. Swimmy, the one who had been under the most pressure the previous day agreed with the sentiment that much of the town had against pickles and so voted with him.

In an attempt to diffuse tension yet again Grave quickly came in and changed the topic, but then suddenly had a new idea dawn upon him: He WANTED to be jailed. He quickly voiced his thoughts and hoped for the best, leaving the town to their whims.

Three Votes for picklesthecheeta
No Lynch

The next night will be 48 hours because I have something planned for tomorrow. Make sure to send in your nightly actions
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Night Text.png

The rain clattered against the stone ceilings hard. The winds raged between the houses, like a fierce cat chasing its prey. In between the claps of thunder and the roars of lightning, all that could be heard was the monstrous rain that poured that night. It was the perfect night to do the most vile of acts.

The cult knew this, and so they set to work, crafting the most nefarious of plans. They didn't know exactly how it would go, but they knew if they wanted to act they would need to do it quickly, for there was no telling how long the storm would hold up for. First, they visited their favorite brothel in town: The Princess' Back Room. Inside you could find only the most vile and disgusting of men, as well as a select few tough women who felt it was their turn to have fun. The head of the place was none other than Yeroc424, who also happened to have been the person who originally worked at the place, starting it from nothing.

When the cult members walked in he greeted them saying,
"What can I do you for you fine gentlemen?"
"We're here to see if we can find the owner of this... establishment." Said one of the cult
"Well aren't you fella's in luck! You're lookin' at him! What can I do for ya?" Yeroc responded
Suddenly a cult member from the back stepped up. He wasn't as intimidating as some of the other Cult, but he had a much more sinister vibe to him. With one quick move he unsheathed a knife, stabbed Yeroc through the throat, an returned the blade to its resting place, almost as if it was too easy for him. As Yeroc desperately grasped for something with of which to write his final words on, he felt a sharp piercing pain in his back, and looked down to see a knife in poking through his chest. He had been stabbed both in the neck and the back, but this time his attacked didn't even have the balls to look him in the face.

Yeroc424 THE PRINCESS has been KILLED
His will reads:
"If I were to die, I want them to cut off my girlydick and put it in a box, then give that box to king daddy rman. He always seemed to love me for having it, but he hated the way I acted. So I wish to keep him happy <3"
Maybe it was better that he died here.

Quickly the Cult moved on, for they were not done with the night. Next they approached the town troll's hut under the bridge. As they got near, it was clear he was up late at night, tinkering with his many potions and herbs in his hut. As they walked in he began to turn around to tell them it was past his operating hours, when he was rudely stabbed in the eye, proceeding to instantly kill him.

picklesthecheeta THE PHYSICIAN has been KILLED
His will reads:
"Here I am, a dead ole fool. It looks like now, I am a ghoul.
On my first night, I visited ElectroUnderwear, I decision of little care.
If I've been hung in town I've won; thanks for voting me. Thanks a ton.

The second chance I get is for the one who deeply saved me,
Gweneviere, if it weren't for you, dead I would be.

Turns out, I've paid you back, protection you from death.
I feel as if Lomour is scorned, and you will continue your breaths.

Next my target is a dear friend of mine,
who has been for a great deal of time.
A fellow golf-maker that
is named Ninja_Cat_

Oh woe is me,
for Invoked I be

Again I bring forth the cat,
Anyone who visits him will get hit by a bat."
He was a troll even after death...

And onto the final story or a night so grim. While it is true that the two before had quite unfortunate nights, it could be said that Ninja_Cat_'s night was the worst of them all. Not had they been telling everyone they would die two days, but instead of helping him out, he was ignored. He had attempted to visit pickles' Dr. Hut, but alas he was unable due to the pain that being stabbed caused him. So instead, he resolved himself to simply lying down on his bed, and slowly embracing the void.

His will reads:

Well at least the other two had wills right?


And now we will begin Day Five. This day will last 48 hours as per usual. When 1 more person dies the voting lynching requirement will be moved down to 4. Good luck.
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Board Grandpa
Jul 26, 2016
So Grave, something has been rubbing me the wrong way.


If Creepa was in the cult, then why would we go to either of those people to have them vote? Asking people to vote out of the blue like that would create a lot of suspicion, and neither of them carry enough leverage to get anything done. This has been a vote light game. This is sticking out in my mind as seriously suspicious to me.So, my request is simple. Show us all the screenshots. If you're not a liar, you have nothing to hide here.


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014


(Not exposing drah's role to everyone)


Someone's been telling tales...

#vote Gravebound

(Respond as you will, will not be able to read for a while)


Mar 26, 2014
Alright, let's get this show on the road, shall we?

Firstly, I admit I made a mistake here - you asked rmanimal to vote for Pickles, not for Yeroc. My apologies for that messup.
See file rman1.png

Considering Drah, he's been on our side all along. Please check imagines drah.png and drah 2.png.

Secondly, and more importantly, you need to stop your act, Creepa.

We know Electro has converted you in the very first night, we have a CONFIRMED Observer who saw Electro visit Creepa. Night one.
After this, Creepa started to instigate votes against Yeroc and Gravebound (Drah pictures), and a vote against Pickles who had been a proven Physician at this point (rman1 picture).

Here's the big point of this whole topic - rman has come out as neutral king and has sided with town. He has shared with me his investigative result from the first night. You might be wondering why we know Electro has converted Creepa the first night.

Electro has been checked by rmanimal this very first night, and he came up as CULT. See cult 1.png.

Secondly. Before the last day ended, I asked rmanimal to do another check - TheHexer.

TheHexer came up as CULT, as well. See cult 2.png.

This means we now have three identified cult members - Electro being the Cult Leader, and Creepa and TheHex being different roles (my guess on TheHex is that he's an Invoker, since one of our people got occupied last night.)

You want proof? Here's your proof. Instigating votes against confirmed innocents, combine that with the other points of evidence we have established and you have your proof.

ps: Pooka, TheHex and Creepa have all been online on the forums together on like 5 separate occasions, with only 1 other person being online at that time. Pooka immediately voted for me after creepa. Make of that what you will.



Drah 2.png
drah 2.png

cult 1.png and cult 2.png
cult 2.png

cult 1.PNG


Mar 26, 2014
Making this a separate post to clear it from the spam. I also apologize for the messy post, hard to do on mobile in bed.

#Vote CreepaShadowz


Mar 26, 2014
Apologies for yet another post, here's more evidence proving Creepa and Pooka are working together.

Note the time in between both time stamps - 1 minute.

Note the time in between both time stamps where they voted me up earlier this page - 2 minutes.
pickles and creepa.png


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Apologies for yet another post, here's more evidence proving Creepa and Pooka are working together.

Note the time in between both time stamps - 1 minute.

Note the time in between both time stamps where they voted me up earlier this page - 2 minutes.View attachment 2059
I admit I am working with pooka, so what?

Will respond to the rest later

Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
Also wanna add, if we happen to find a seeker, then I can confirm Hex’s innocence. Not entirely sure which side it telling the truth, so I’m not gonna vote.
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