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Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

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The Sassy Dragon
Jan 5, 2018
Okay, I will pitch in my few cents on this subject.

Maybe my findings will help you all figure out a better list.

I can confirm Pickles is innocent as well.
Ninja is not cult
Lom is not cult and I can also confirm he is the hunter.

I had a conversation with Yeroc and it seems that he (Yeroc), Pooka, and Hexer might be innocent.

ElectroUnderwear is innocent also.

Grave is confirmed as Innocent as well.

Coming to a conclusion, I would say that Grave might not be cult. I don't know yet. I do, however, agree that if a few people don't show up after day 5, we need to check on them and we shouldn't lynch the quiet people yet.
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Mar 26, 2014
After some investigating and discussion with Creepa, we have come to the following conclusions:

Swimmy is lying his ass off. Pickles claims swim sent him a DM with 'confirmation' that both me and pickles are his scorned targets. (see pic 1 and 2).I confronted swim with this, and he made a mistake - after admitting he was scorned, he mentioned that he was 'going to pick hex as his second target, in case I didn't work out.'

I messaged Distinct, he confirmed to me that the scorned does not get to PICK his targets - two are assigned at the start of the game.
This alone proves that swim is not scorned. We have big suspicions he might be a fool, though the last I heard from swim was that he 'would give me one thing - he's neutral'.

Make of that what you will, I have also attached my chat log with swim to this post. If you don't believe me, feel free to ask and I'd be glad to upload discord screenshots of the entire conversation for your viewing pleasure.

Now, we need to act - or not at all. If we take the risk that swim is indeed the fool, we should NOT lynch him, this will cost us the game.
I'd suggest the jailor executes him, but I recommend we do not do this. A better approach would be to either simply ignore swimmy for the rest of the game, or have someone with night killing abilities take him out, for instance a Hunter.



Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
Lomour, I'm hella susp on you, send your wolves at swimmo tonight, he's pretty much confirmed he's not inno.

sorry for the edit but dist said iw as spamming the thread.

#unvote TheHexer
#vote rickyboy320
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Jan 19, 2015
If he IS neutral though and isn't giving out info about which class he is, we can then eliminate alchemist and mercenary, considering there's no reason to not claim in the position he's at.

The fool is simple enough to avoid, just either kill him at night or wait him out. Quite possibly you could also investigate him for cult alliance, but that's both risky and wastes a charge.

The scorned is extremely doubtful, considering he got basic facts about that role incorrect (and was how he got exposed).

The reaper is easy enough to deal with this early into the game despite its dangerous nature: he has at max one soul by Night 3 in the game assuming he starts out with none and has reaped someone Night 2. A hunter just targets him, and then if he survives the night we lynch him Day 4, unless some larger threat appears (which I doubt, but it's mafia, after all).

The possessor is similar to dealing with the reaper, just has a guaranteed success via lynching day 4.

tl:dr if swimmy is a neutral, the most guaranteed success strategy if he poses a threat is to target with two killers that can randomly chat together at night to decide which should actually lock onto swim (considering he has possible possession powers) and if he survives, lynch him the next day. Of course, he could also be an actual mafia member, but the same strategy holds. None of the mafia can immune themselves to death at night except the Ritualist, but like I said, 'most guaranteed strategy'. There's alot of craziness to be had with this 20 role setup, so be wary.
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Night Text.png

The town began to gather round the courtroom, searching for their first witch to burn. While on the way, there was a small group talking about strategies to minimize potential Cult activities, while maximizing their potential for removing them from the town.

"It'd be best if they could all be removed at once," said one.
"But what are the odds you can uproot such a devious organization in swoop?" voiced another.
"Well if we can only remove them one at a time, it could ages to remove them all..." responded the first.
"We don't even know how to detect them, lets focus on that first." chimed in a third, to which they all agreed.

Another, larger group, was on the way to the same gathering, but instead of talking about possible ways to deal with this growing threat, they were instead having a much more casual conversation about what the others were good at.

"I'm really good with a sword." one of them started "I practice everyday!"
"I've always been fond of plants to be honest, not much compared to a sword though is it?" said another
"I'm not much of a book learnin' or physical kinda guy, but what I'm pretty good with keepin' people's interest, ya know?" chimed a third
"That's good and all, but honestly, where is the use in that? None of those get the answers you need from people." spoke a fourth, ending the conversation.

After all the town had appeared in court, they discussed the suicide that had happened the previous night, and what impact it could have on the people of the town, then they moved onto the more important task at hand: Stopping this cult from spreading.

"How do I know you all aren't a part of this demonic cult already?!" Yelled pickles.
"Well I can prove that some of us are still true on the inside," Gwen calmly responded.
"Well I don't trust some of you," said pickles, while glaring at Ricky. "Guess we'll have to find out the hard way."
"Holding grudges against people won't do you any good," chimed Grave with a kind, yet serious tone. "It'd be best if we could scrounge up some more information before we start pointing our fingers at people. Who else is with me on that?"

A number of the people in the room raised their hands, and thus they concluded the session.

One vote for Gravebound
One vote for Rickyboy320

No Lynch


Night Three officially begins now! Make sure to send in your night actions through your PM's on the forums!
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Old Green
Nov 2, 2013
Minr Mafia Day Text.png

During the night as the children weep
All but Gwen stay asleep
The good inside stirred her forward
But it lead to her being tortured

She went test one's faith
And stumbled upon a familiar face
Then, appeared the wraith
Who had one goal in mind: Erase.

Gwen ran as fast as she could
but the friendly foe withstood
With nothing left to do, she turned to fight
Only to be stabbed with a fright

She felt the life run from inside her
but she did did not let this deter
She spit in his face
As if to disgrace
The one who had ended her race

Her will, must have been burned in a fire for there was nothing to be found.


Thus begins the next Day Phase. 48 Hours as per usual, same rules as the last one.
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Custom title
Oct 26, 2013
And this night I was a prisoner! This poor lady can't catch a break! I guess the men really do hold all the power in this society :(


Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Pickles, please, stop the trollish behaviour.
It's cool when you claimed Cult Leader the first time, but not the 30th.
Nor is it nice when you accuse everyone of being cult and basically throw out what they say.
The random voting isn't cool either.

Please, this is impending the town from winning, and isn't helpful.

This serves as a warning, and in no way is intended to result in a lynch, but if it comes to such a thing, so be it.
I just simply want this game to me a more enjoyable place.
#vote picklesthecheeta

(Also if that was too harsh, I'm sorry, I didn't intend it to be like such)


It's all good
Apr 10, 2016
#vote picklesthecheeta

I agree with creep. Imo it just isn't fun when someone is running around claiming different people are cult for no reason. Same thing with claiming roles. It might be funny claiming fool the first time, but doing it more than once gets annoying.

Edan456 the 2nd

Bad at building stuff
Apr 30, 2017
Not saying I’m the prince, because I’m not but...
There is a very good chance Yeroc is telling the truth.


Nov 18, 2013
While I realise pickles isn't extremely helpful in the public threads (I have not been either), pickles is one of the only members that has been proven innocent by a proven paladin. (While it is possible that at this point he's been converted, this is unlikely due to the nature of distinct's post, and the cooldown rule of conversion). Lynching him now would be detrimental in every way.

Him voting me seems to be more of a discussion starter than anything else, so let me start:
Some of us have the power to maintain status quo (that is shield players from death, conversion, occupation, and so on, the so called 'supportive roles'). While powerless by themselves, they can exert great power by communicating with trustworthy people, and proving themselves in some way (and keeping those trustworthy people... trustworthy).

Given that distinct's thread did not include the "another acquaintance was made", it is likely the cult leader did one of three things:
1) Convert someone, but was blocked.
2) Attempt to kill two people (one of which may be gwen, the other may have been blocked)
3) Use no skill at all, or one of his other skills (which are harder to track, unless someone suddenly started bleeding? If so, please notify us through the thread or in some other means - we may be able to track some people down with that information)

That means there are currently three cult members, one of which is a past-innocent (but since there was little discussion and action prior I don't think this is a big deal). A big deal would be one of our pillar innocents turning cult. (Such as losing a royal blood to the cult - if the king is not already cult - potentially giving the cult great power if rman falls).


Rarely in a pickle!
Oct 7, 2016
I have information that Ninja was bleeding last night.

Also ricky, I was never proven inno as Gwen was Drunk-Blocked.

But I'm still inno :)

(Both pook and creepa know that I'm inno, and they know my role, I think they just want me to stop random voting)


Swimming around
Feb 28, 2015
#vote picklesthecheeta

agree with pooka and creepa, also for breaching my trust rather quickly, even if it was warranted
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